• 元朝文学主要成就元曲

    The main literary achievement in the Yuan Dynasty was Yuan drama.


  • 曲体结构宋代缠达元曲的结构也有相似之处。

    It resembles Chanda of Song Dynasty and operas of Yuan Dynasty in structure.


  • 元朝文学主要成就元曲元曲由散曲和杂剧组成。

    Thee main literary achievement in the Yuan Dynasty was Yuan drama.


  • 笔者陈述20世纪元曲研究时,称得失者

    Author when statement the 20th century's Yuan verse research, calls are few, states losing to be many.


  • 相邻改变趋势能够判别测地线的大致走向

    From the changing trend of the curvature of adjacent elements, the general trend of geodesic lines can be determined.


  • 论述裁剪自由曲面生成有限网格几个关键技术

    In this paper, some key techniques about FEM surface mesh generation from multiple trimmed free surfaces are presented.


  • 最后结语部分,则对《元曲》三音词特点进行了阐述

    The final concluding section describes the characteristics of "Yuan Drama select" three-syllable word.


  • 元曲研究20世纪中国戏曲研究中,占有最为重要位置

    Among the study of Chinese opera in the 20th century, Yuan opera studies occupy the most important position.


  • 基础上,得到线回归预测模型,拟合为100%。

    The mathematical model of multivariate curve regression analysis was obtained and the corrective ratio was 100%.


  • 元曲》中,方位短语加介词可直接充当句子的状语、补语

    In 《The Selection of Yuanqu》, the positional phrases with no prepositions before them were used as adverbials and complements.


  • 戏曲研究成为20世纪文学艺术研究的“显学”,元曲研究贡献

    The drama studied into the 20th century literary arts research "the famous doctrine", the Yuan verse research contribution were especially many.


  • 元曲元代特有的文学艺术形式小令元曲短小内容形式体现。

    Being a unique literature style, Yuan qu contains within it a short form which is called Xiaoling, whereas the related studies on the translation of Yuan qu or the translated versions are rarely.


  • 应用激光多普勒仪测量元曲壁非对称扩张通道内的湍流附面层分离流动

    The separating flow in a turbulent boundary layer was surveyed in a 2-d curved-wall diffuser by employing 2-d laser Doppler velometer.


  • 文章还对线含义、曲线对标样的要求以及方法稳定性和局限性进行了讨论。

    In addition, the meaning of binary curve, standard samples for making the curve, the suitability and limitation of the method are discussed.


  • 历史上名人辈出,元曲大家马致远故里,马致远列为省级重点文物保护单位

    The history of celebrity men, is a yuan drama everyone ma Zhiyuan's hometown, ma Zhiyuan's tomb has been listed as provincial-level key cultural relics protection units.


  • 元曲作家采用写法颠覆传统审美意象体系然而意象不足也就意味着诗意不足。

    However, their aesthetic creativeness become abated. Lots of writers in the Yuan Dynasty employ the direct narrative to overturn the traditional system of aesthetic images.


  • 《录鬼簿》用以指称元曲名词虽然很多,但内涵清晰,对元曲曲体有着明确的界定

    Although many different names were used to refer to works in the book, the content of these works clearly defined the genre.


  • 根据现场试验所获得数据,通过多线拟合处理,给出岩石爆破破碎分布规律

    With the aid of the testing data, the authors give the distribution laws on the fragmental degree for two kinds of rocks using the curve regression in this paper.


  • 第三章中论述了渐进因子分析(EFA)线分辨(MCR)用于酶催化反应机理的研究。

    In the third chapter, the application of evolving factor analysis (EFA) and multivariate curve resolution (MCR) in the enzyme reaction mechanism is discussed.


  • 元曲不仅追寻美好爱情理想婚姻美梦实现,意义更为深远地追寻一种美好道德理想社会

    The Yuan dramatists pursue not only the fond dream of fine love and ideal marriage, but also a glorious ethics and ideal society in a profound sense.


  • 元曲不少词语方言中有所存留,方言材料,对确切把握《元曲选》中词义很大帮助

    Many words in Yuan Poems Collection have been remained in Danjiang dialect, so interpretation of the words by dialect will help us better understand Yuan Poems Collection.


  • 通过对宋词唐诗元曲审美趣味比较分析,可以看出宋词具有婉约柔媚、言尽情阐幽发微等审美特质

    This text takes cloud water image in Tang poems and Song poems as an example, in terms of analysing containing that realizes intension in aesthetic speciality and deep meditation among them.


  • 第三章主要修辞层面着手,探讨元曲词义构成所用修辞手法以及元曲选》中三音词修辞效果

    Chapter three studies from the rhetorical aspect, investigating the rhetoric in the word formation and the rhetorical effect of "Yuan Drama Selection" three-syllable word.


  • 唐诗、宋词之后而代起元曲,不仅文学戏剧方面开创代新风,取得辉煌成就,在音乐的表现上,也达到了相当的高度。

    After the poetry of the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, Yuan opera creates a new kind of style in literature and opera, and obtains a glorious achievement.


  • 假如相邻相差很大阐明这个方位曲面歪曲严重,假如裁剪此处切断重新开始那么裁剪鸿沟在此处就会很大弧形

    If the adjacent cell curvature difference, clarify in this range, the surface distortion is very serious, if cut and sew in here is cut off again, then divide membrane block has a great arc here will.


  • 假如相邻相差很大阐明这个方位曲面歪曲严重,假如裁剪此处切断重新开始那么裁剪鸿沟在此处就会很大弧形

    If the adjacent cell curvature difference, clarify in this range, the surface distortion is very serious, if cut and sew in here is cut off again, then divide membrane block has a great arc here will.


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