• 注意模块允许图片及其文件名导入

    Please note that this module only allows for the import of images and their filenames.


  • 菜单允许站点访问者访问内容链接列表这个示例中,这些页面适用于工作家庭朋友假期图片

    Menus are list of links that allow site visitors to access content pages, in our example the pages for work, family, friends and vacation pictures.


  • MIME电子邮件协议一个扩展,它允许其他类型数据互联网传送,就视频、音频以及图片应用程序

    MIME is an extension of the E-mail protocol, to allow other types of data to be exchanged over the Internet, such as video, images, and applications.


  • 类似地嵌入必应主页精彩图片信息热点允许只需热点(a)上面就可即时探索有趣的信息

    Similarly, the Informational Hotspots embedded in the amazing images on Bing's Home page allow you to instantly discover interesting facts simply by hovering over the hotspot (Figure a).


  • 混合文化盛典,还是对未经允许便盗用改造他人图片所展现出来无限可能性的迷醉?

    Is it a celebration of remix culture, revelling in the endless possibilities opened up by appropriating and reusing images without permission?


  • 微格式允许用户信息中混合各种类型扩展内容日历信息、个人联系信息或者图片元数据

    Microformats allow users to mix in information about all sorts of extended concerns, such as calendar information, personal contact information, or picture metadata.


  • 有可能已经允许了对您作品的商业使用公司要进一步确定图片中的个人私有物业的使用权。

    Or perhaps you have allowed commercial use, but the company wants to make sure it can obtain releases for any people or private property that appears in the photo.


  • 二进制自定义属性支持允许使用-语义,动态地人工任务附加任意二进制值,例如音频录音扫描图片

    Binary custom properties support allows for the attaching of arbitrary binary values; for example, an audio recording or scanned image, to a human task on the fly, using key-value pair semantics.


  • 技术允许计算机浏览展示鼠标移动响应复杂图片允许用户移动方式四处看看原本只能在电子游戏实现的。

    But the technique allows a computer browser to display complex graphics that react to mouse movements, allowing a user to move or look around in three dimensions the way one can in some videogames.


  • 为了复杂信息架构进行合适视觉表达允许用户不同角度来图片进行排序显示简单表格可浏览3d空间

    For a visual representation of the complex information architecture, it allows the user to sort and present the content in different ways, from a simple grid to a navigable 3d space.


  • 编写图片浏览器功能仅仅是浏览一个包含照片文件的目录,允许用户图片进行分类

    I once wrote a picture browser that did nothing but browse a single directory full of files from a camera and let me file the pictures into categories.


  • 允许表示这个图片编码二进制的(主要消息文本编码方式相对)。

    This also allows you to denote that the encoding of the images is binary (as opposed to the textual encoding of the main message).


  • 随之而来的一部分css标记将允许设计师制作阴影文字以及边框图片

    There are also some new CSS options that let designers create text with shadows and draw border images.


  • 我们允许DWR中上传/下载文件做一些图片管理而且增加了JSONPBayeux协议支持

    We're allowing file upload/download and some image management over DWR and adding support for JSONP and the Bayeux protocol.


  • 一应用允许任何图片马上可以Android手机收到相关信息

    This app allows you to take a picture of whatever you are looking at and instantly receive info about it on your Android phone.


  • Hilton卷入了一图片通讯社X17法律大战。后者指控未经允许使用版权保护照片

    Hilton is involved in a legal battle with photo agency X17, which has accused him of using its copyrighted photos without permission.


  • 比如说新浪微博允许用户发表视频图片评论他人更新很容易就可以转发朋友的信息时添加评论这都t witter不同。

    For example, unlike Twitter, Sina Weibo allows users to post videos and photos, comment on other people's updates, and easily add comments when re-posting a friend's message.


  • 这项服务允许添加HTML标签URLs图片音频其他一些好东西

    The service allows you to add HTML tags, URLs, images, audio and a whole slew of other goodies.


  • WordPress一样Posterous也允许用户通过邮件快捷地发布文本图片视频内容

    Just like WordPress, Posterous allows users to quickly post text, images, and videos by email.


  • PeerBox允许搜索下载音乐视频图片等等。

    PeerBox allows you to search and download music, videos and pictures; among other things.


  • 现在允许Beppa获取Jane图片了,可以继续执行它的打印操作了。

    This allows Beppa to know it can now continue to fetch Jane’s photos.


  • 这个功能允许我们用户追随者(followers)订阅者(subscribers)通知图片上传信息

    The functionality allowed our users to inform their followers and subscribers about newly uploaded photos in a innovative way.


  • 虽然有些模版允许完整控制操作,不过大多数应用提供简单的文字图片Windows排版

    While there are templates that allow full control, most applications will simply provide text and images that Windows will layout.


  • 令人欣慰的是免费在线图标转换服务ConvertIcon,这项服务允许上传图片然后返回一个。ico文件给你,这样就可以解决微软IE浏览器兼容性问题了。

    Happilly, there's ConvertIcon a free online service that allow you to upload an image and get a.ico file, for maintaining compatibility with Microsoft's browser.


  • 其中,基本 资源库(ResourceStore),允许应用程序保存那些URL关联的特定用户文件PDF图片

    The most basic of the two is the ResourceStore which allows applications to store ad-hoc user data files associated with a url like a PDF or image.


  • Autostitch一个Windows桌面程序允许自动合并全景图片

    Autostitch is a Windows desktop application that allows you to stitch panoramas automatically.


  • 所有封面图片privateeye杂志、private - eye . co . uk允许转载

    All covers reproduced by kind permission of private eye magazine, private-eye.co.uk.


  • Dropbox允许用户电子存储箱”里存放图片个人文档音乐数码文件,用户几乎可以通过任何互联网设备访问分享这些文件。

    Dropbox lets users store digital filesphotos, personal documents, musicin an electronic locker that the owner can access or share on nearly any Net-connected device.


  • Dropbox允许用户电子存储箱”里存放图片个人文档音乐数码文件,用户几乎可以通过任何互联网设备访问分享这些文件。

    Dropbox lets users store digital filesphotos, personal documents, musicin an electronic locker that the owner can access or share on nearly any Net-connected device.


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