• 虽然各州可以通过关于网上分享儿童信息法律但斯坦伯格认为父母通常适合家庭做出这些决定

    While states could pass laws related to sharing information about children online, Steinberg feels parents themselves are generally best suited to make these decisions for their families.


  • 一位就职于索利·哈尔超常儿童信息中心顾问奥斯卡智商至少160,他他们至今所发现最聪明孩子之一

    Assessors at the Gifted children's Information Centre in Solihull said Oscar, with an IQ of at least 160, is one of the brightest children they have every come across.


  • 年龄验证需要具有一个儿童信息数据库如果了,这个数据库就也同时黑客任何能够进入敞开了大门

    Age verification requires that you have a database of kids, and if you do, that database is available to hackers and anyone who can get into it.


  • 患有这些疾病儿童会感到过滤不重要的信息很难,他们专注环境中的一切不仅仅是某活动

    Children experiencing these disorders find it difficult to screen out unimportant information, and focus on everything in the environment rather than attending to a single activity.


  • 一个组织收集信息显示巴基斯坦年级有一半儿童基础数学也不会他们语言阅读故事

    Information gathered by an organization shows half of all Pakistani children in the 5th grade do not understand basic mathematics and cannot read a story in their language.


  • 观点得到了多种因素支持这些因素可以导致婴幼儿转化信息的方式年龄较大儿童成年人回忆的方式出现不一致。

    This view is supported by a variety of factors that can create mismatches between very young children's encoding and older children's and adults' retrieval efforts.


  • 时候,儿童在做别的事情的时候,脑子里一点信息也记不住。

    Sometimes, children can't keep a single bit of information in their mind while they are doing something else.


  • 该法要求公司搜集任何年龄低于13岁儿童个人信息征得其父母的许可。

    It requires companies to obtain parental consent before collecting any personal information about a child under the age of 13.


  • 但是这项虐待儿童研究,没有提供这些家庭保险就业信息

    However insurance and family employment information were notreported for the abused children in the study.


  • 欧洲免疫宣传免疫接种每一个儿童对于预防疾病保护生命至关重要这一核心信息

    European immunization Week promotes the core message that immunization of every child is vital, to prevent diseases and protect life.


  • 告诉儿科医生在与超重儿童家人交谈传达希望信息

    He tells pediatricians to relay a "message of hope" when they talk to families with overweight children.


  • 是的许多基本药物没有儿童剂型的配方,或者药物的有效性安全性方面没有足够信息

    Yes, however, many essential medicines do not exist in child-size dosage forms or there may not be enough information about the medicines' efficacy and safety.


  • 例如,所有关于儿童信息本人提供的。

    For instance, the information about what the toddlers ate was self-reported.


  • 卫报根据信息自由获得数据显示去年英国500名儿童拐骗非法出境外

    Almost 500 children were abducted from the UK and taken abroad illegally last year, according to figures released to the Guardian under the Freedom of Information Act.


  • 在关于儿童到底需要多少信息或者他们处理信息速度方面我们提供了全新视角

    This gives new insights into how much information they need, or how quickly children might process this information.


  • 社会动员小分队村庄定居点通过扬声器向家长/照护者宣传计划免疫信息确保儿童获得免疫接种。

    Social mobilization teams disseminate immunization messages through loudspeakers to parents/care-givers in villages and settlements to ensure children are vaccinated.


  • 公共信息办公室职员茱迪·哈蒙德这个冒牌贝克汉姆提到要带贫困儿童小贝加入洛杉矶银河队进行足球训练

    County Public Information Officer Judy Hammond said the bogus Beckham also suggested bringing underprivileged kids to a practice session of the Los Angeles Galaxy, Beckham's new team.


  • Frito - Lay绝不蓄意收集年龄十三以下儿童任何个人信息

    Frito-Lay does not knowingly collect any personal information from children under 13 years of age.


  • 尼日利亚减少儿童营养不良收入增长母亲获得卫生保健服务信息规定联合效应》,马克·d·阿吉,宾夕法尼亚州立大学。

    Reducing child malnutrition in Nigeria: Combined effects of income growth and provision of information about mothers' access to health care services.


  • 有关腹泻的其它信息联合国儿童基金会“生命知识”世卫组织儿童青少年健康网页上读取。

    Additional information on diarrhoea can be found on UNICEF's Facts for Life website and on the WHO Child and Adolescent Health web site.


  • 即将日本召开八国集团首脑会议传递信息:孕产妇、新生儿儿童死亡率运转良好卫生系统试金石

    The message to the upcoming G8 summit in Japan is that maternal newborn and child mortality are the litmus test of a functioning health system.


  • 我们必须年青妇女提供控制生殖健康所需信息支持帮助顺利渡过妊娠期给她和她的新生儿以良好照护,直至儿童

    We must give a young woman the information and support she needs to control her reproductive health, help her through a pregnancy, and care for her and her newborn well into childhood.


  • 由于大多数确诊病例调查对象儿童特别重要关于高危行为的信息传达到儿童

    As the majority of confirmed cases and persons under investigation are children, it is particularly important that messages about high-risk behaviours reach children.


  • 我们获取了2002—2006年间基利所有住院儿童临床信息将该信息人口统计学监测数据联系

    In 2002-2006, clinical information was obtained from all children admitted to Kilifi District Hospital and linked to demographic surveillance data.


  • 关于女犯人和儿童信息无法获知。

    Information on the number of women and juvenile prisoners was not available.


  • 塞内加尔为例这里一个社区项目正在计划手机短信这项信息技术监测儿童体重健康状况

    Take Senegal, where a community program is planning to monitor child nutrition using ICT-text messages on children’s weight and health.


  • 这个包括议会回复里的信息显示去年自从2002年以来12岁以下儿童入院人数分别为181名1426名。

    The information, contained in a parliamentary answer, showed that last year there were 181 admissions for children under 12 and a total of 1, 426 since 2002.


  • 这个包括议会回复里的信息显示去年自从2002年以来12岁以下儿童入院人数分别为181名1426名。

    The information, contained in a parliamentary answer, showed that last year there were 181 admissions for children under 12 and a total of 1, 426 since 2002.


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