• 医院所有新生都套着写名字

    All babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists.


  • 玻璃杯倒满一点也不抖。

    He filled the glass with a steady hand.


  • 是否知道曾有个妇人就曾尝试店买一个真正香奈包包

    Did you know a woman actually managed to find an authentic Chanel bag in a thrift store?


  • 径直跟前,放在桌上一只放在莉肩上封信,然后停下来对说:“莉,你做得很棒!”

    She came directly over to Lill, putting one hand on the desk and the other on the girl's shoulder. She read the letter and paused.


  • 华服珠宝名贵物品作为背景建筑甚至突显主题,由远及近,无一不精雕细琢

    The detailed attention to sumptuous clothing and jewels, the precious objects near to hand, the architecture that serves as background, even the dogs advertise the subject’s importance.


  • AC米兰锋线球员托的最近一次受伤让球队总经理加利亚尼一点高兴不起来了,加利亚尼还纳闷究竟什么原因让这位巴西攻击最近几个赛季伤病面前变得如此“脆弱”。

    AC Milan CEO Adriano Galliani is far from happy with attacker Alexandre Pato's latest injury and wonders how it's possible that the Brazil international has become so injury prone in recent seasons.


  • 韩国花样滑冰明星金妍被曝扶上奥运冠军宝座的加拿大教练布莱恩·奥瑟分道扬镳

    The ROK figure skating champion Kim Yu-na has parted ways with her Canadian coach Brian Orser.


  • 这样每年德国医院体育俱乐部就有了9万人(少数幸运去森林看护)。

    Some 90,000 a year man hospitals, sports clubs and kindergartens across Germany (a lucky few monitor eagles in the forest).


  • 这样每年德国医院体育俱乐部就有了约9万人(少数幸运去森林看护)。

    Some 90, 000 a year man hospitals, sports clubs and kindergartens across Germany (a lucky few monitor eagles in the forest).


  • 如果走过来,贴着努力获取拍,我会口头斥责并且离开

    If the dog comes to me and tries to push his head under my hand in an effort to get petted I verbally scold him and send him away.


  • 一大早家家户户小孩都赶趟似的,一个个出来了打,有的雪球,有的滑雪一群群猴子地上打滚

    Early in the morning, the families of the children be in time for, one by one all ran out, grasping the snow one hand, some push snowball, skis, rolled on the floor like flocks of little monkey.


  • 仅仅割破了一点一只抽筋已经好了。

    My hand is only cut a little and the cramp is gone from the other.


  • 如果确实鼻子接触你就标记这个动作,并且碰到放入食物奖励

    If the dog actually puts his nose on the hand you mark the nose touch and place the food treat on the hand that the nose just touched.


  • 这人一点眼力见都没有。看见都拿着东西吗?赶紧下门

    You're totally senseless . Can't you see my hands are full? Why don't you help me open the door?


  • 我们希望能提前预判出会用哪只给出奖励。

    We also don't want the dog anticipating a right or left handed delivery.


  • 大大的宝宝全家可以、擦、擦身体用,一点都不心疼

    A large tube, the baby and the family when you can wipe the face, wipe hands, wipe the body with a little bit of love.


  • 不怕不怕雨,威猛气势有如钢铁长城

    Grass was hand in hand they are not afraid of the wind are not afraid of rain, that the mighty momentum like a wall of steel wall.


  • 心狠歹徒一贯特点我们一定要尽快破案,减少受害者数量

    Extreme cruelty and lack of mercy have always been these gangsters' characteristics. We must crack the case as soon as possible so as to reduce the number of sufferers.


  • 也许我自己过错没有好好训练

    Perhaps it was my fault in not training that one properly.


  • 小孩子生气时会要偷别人心爱东西,把弄坏,比如把妈妈珠宝饰扔进马桶里冲把兄弟姐妹特别的玩意给烧了。

    An angry child might steal someone else's treasured possession and destroy it - flush a piece of Mom's jewelry down the toilet, or incinerate a sibling's special project.


  • 目的观察新生病室及新生重症监护病房(NICU)医务人员卫生执行情况,为有目的培训管理提供可靠依据

    OBJECTIVE to observe the hand hygiene compliance among medical staff in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and to provide a reliable basis for the purpose of the proper training and management.


  • 他们一边一边口袋里把面包面包屑,然后不时地弯腰把它们撒在路上

    As they went along, Hansel broke his piece into crumbs in his pocket, and bending from time to time; kept on dropping them upon the path.


  • 方法对新生水疗室空气紫外线强度物体表面工作人员使用中消毒液进行采样检测细菌菌落计数。

    METHODS the air, UV intensity, the object surface, staff's hands, and the using of disinfectant were detected.


  • 新生通常握成一个拳头他们牢固掌握反射能力

    Your newborn's hands will typically be held in closed fists and he'll have a tight grasp reflex.


  • :“的确是需要一点运气因为领军集团发挥出来驾驶水平旗鼓相当。”

    He said: "You do of course need a bit of luck, because the four drivers fighting at the top are all producing a similar standard of driving."


  • :“的确是需要一点运气因为领军集团发挥出来驾驶水平旗鼓相当。”

    He said: "You do of course need a bit of luck, because the four drivers fighting at the top are all producing a similar standard of driving."


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