• 价值单元(VU)许可

    Processor Value Unit (PVU) licensing.


  • 这个版本运行DB2Enterprise底层服务器虚拟化会话最大 DB2 和 IBM 的处理器价值单元定价没有任何限制。

    There is also no maximum PVU rating for the underlying server or virtualization session where the DB2 Enterprise software is running.


  • 因而团队开始质疑单元测试价值如果它们代码质量那么重要,那又为什么会让人这么头痛呢?

    Consequently, you and your team have begun to question the value of unit tests: if they are so important to code quality, why are they such a pain?


  • 每个组织必须按照定义指定建立治理要素这些要素能够使组织的业务单元履行角色并且更广泛企业提供价值

    Every organization must establish the governance elements as specified in the definition that enable its business units to fulfill their role in and provide value to the broader enterprise.


  • 微增量概念有助于个体团队成员他们工作划分单元从而团队提供出一些可测量价值

    The concept of a micro-increment helps the individual team member to partition their work into small units so that each delivers something of measurable value to the team.


  • 然而它们可以单元测试人员利用局部的方法执行测试提供有意义价值

    However, they can provide significant value when the unit tester executes the test using a stubbed-out, black box approach.


  • 单元测试重大价值在于它们使开发人员能够尽可能层面上保证对象可靠性

    The value of unit tests (which is considerable) is that they enable developers to guarantee object reliability at the lowest possible level.


  • 用户目标层次目标,与业务价值一个单元类似

    The goal of a user goal-level use case is analogous to a unit of business value.


  • 然而一旦承租人搬出,单元房屋就会回归过去年内上涨10%的市场价值

    However, once a tenant moves out, the unit goes back to market rate and that has gone up 10%in the last two years.


  • 如果最好工人最好的环境中用10单元成本创造出了价值75单元绩效那么这个工人绩效7.5。

    If the best worker in the best environment turns in a performance worth 75 units at a cost of 10 units, then that worker's performance is 7.5.


  • 多数开发人员只是进行一下形式上的单元测试甚至要求单元测试;然而我们发现通过正式的单元测试过程确保一致的精确质量是具有巨大价值的。

    Most developers did some form of unit testing even without being asked; however, we found tremendous value in formalizing the unit test process to ensure consistent rigor and quality.


  • 项目之间可以通过统一的、概念上可升级的方式价值内部业务单元业务伙伴之间。

    Among projects, it can be between business units and business partners within a value chain in a uniform and conceptually scalable manner.


  • 不过我们开发人员非常自信如果他们时间熟悉这些工具进行改进,这些测试框架对我们的单元测试是非常有价值的。

    Nevertheless, our developers were confident that if they had the time to become familiar with and tailor these utilities, they.d find testing frameworks to be invaluable for our unit tests.


  • 然而即使是那些保留自有研发单元公司日益意识价值想法从任何地方萌芽

    Yet even companies that maintain their own powerhouse research-and-development units are increasingly aware that valuable ideas can sprout anywhere.


  • 可以内部业务单元之间或者在业务伙伴之间价值之间不规则的实现模式来重用服务

    You can reuse the services across internal business units or across the value chains among business partners in a fractal realization pattern.


  • 对于识别创建单元功能系统集成以及用户验收测试来说,相应的支持工件价值无法估量驱动

    Use cases and the supporting artifacts are invaluable drivers for identifying and creating Unit, Function, System Integration, and User Acceptance tests.


  • 尽管居住单元类型变小了,但是住宅很可能会成为几乎没有社会价值临时过夜庇护所。

    As unit types get smaller however, microhousing has the danger of becoming a provisional housing type with little social value.


  • 赌博商业投机其它刺激尤其是做买卖引发质量大量减少原因,因为每个个体关注自己所在单元更高价值

    Gambling, business rush, and excitement, particularly on the exchanges, are causes of much mass reduction, all the more so because the individuals concerned represent units of higher value.


  • 针对这一反应单元进行模拟研究具有一定理论价值具有重要实际意义

    Dynamic simulation to above mentioned reaction unit, have a certain theory value, and also have important actual significance.


  • 我们任何时候要求100%单元测试,所以说,单元测试作为一个统计不是非常价值的。

    We require UnitTests to be at 100% all the times, so that's not very interesting as a statistic.


  • 模拟试验野外实载试验表明橡胶及其结构单元复合技术具有较高的实用价值

    Both simulated test and field test showed that both the compound and the compounding technology of it with structure unit had good practical value.


  • 导师制度价值供给确保高校作为组织单元,向社会投入满足有效需求产出

    The value supply of the workshop mentorship is to ensure the output by colleges and universities as organization units of society. The outputs should meet effective demands.


  • 建筑物作为城市区域主体单元其轮廓矢量信息城市研究中有着重要的应用价值

    Building is principle part of city zone. Vector information of building profile holds vital application value in city research.


  • 它们是有生命造型单元,有着形式意蕴双重审美价值

    They are live units, which carry dual aesthetic value of form and meaning.


  • 使用这些反映教学哲学策略计划设计课文单元教学,完成特殊的价值目标

    Using those strategies that reflect your philosophy of teaching, you will plan instructional lessons and units that accomplish specific and worthwhile objectives.


  • 他的其他价值活动应该相近那些产品生产商业单元

    The other activities in its value chain would be similar to those for a product manufacturing business unit.


  • 实验结果表明,利用温度补偿模型有效地抑制陀螺仪零提高惯性测量单元测量精度具有好的实用价值

    The experimental results show that the temperature compensation model can effectively inhibit gyro bias, improve inertial measurement unit's measuring accuracy, and have a good practical value.


  • 柔性协调控制系统单元机组控制提供了一种新的尝试途径,具有一定参考价值

    The flexible coordinated control system provides a new attempt and approach for control of units, and it is of value to reference.


  • 柔性协调控制系统单元机组控制提供了一种新的尝试途径,具有一定参考价值

    The flexible coordinated control system provides a new attempt and approach for control of units, and it is of value to reference.


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