• 巧克力或者这样的礼物准许的。

    Gifts like chocolates or flowers are allowed.


  • 他接近工厂的尽头时,他看到的巧克力棒变少了,而且没有一个以前的那么大。

    As he neared the end of the factory, he saw fewer chocolate bars, and none of them were as large as the earlier ones.


  • 到了一步旅行保险单巧克力茶壶一样不管了,我得厉害,只能递上了护照信用卡

    At this stage of the game travel insurance documents seem to be about as much use as a chocolate teapot and, as the pain is severe, I hand over my passport and credit card.


  • 化学物质产生的“天然香味奥利奥尝起来巧克力一样。

    "Natural flavours" are manufactured chemicals to make Oreos taste like great chocolate cookies.


  • 世上还有巧克力一样美味健康让人没有内疚感事物吗?

    Is there really such a thing as delicious, healthy, guilt-free chocolate?


  • 加纳自然保护研究委员会成员JohnMason巧克力可能会鱼子酱一样稀少

    Chocolate could become as rare as caviar, said John Mason of the Ghana-based Nature Conservation Research Council.


  • 有两类被标注基因咖啡巧克力以及可乐这样的含有咖啡因饮料摄取有关,其中的一类名叫CYP1A2,它咖啡因肝脏分解重要和关键。

    This flagged up two genes associated with the high intake of tea, coffee, chocolate and caffeinated soft drinks such as colas.One – CYP1A2is key to the breakdown of caffeine in the liver.


  • 有两类被标注基因咖啡巧克力以及可乐这样的含有咖啡因饮料摄取有关,其中一类名叫CYP1A2,它咖啡因肝脏分解的重要和关键。

    This flagged up two genes associated with the high intake of tea, coffee, chocolate and caffeinated soft drinks such as colas. One - CYP1A2 - is key to the breakdown of caffeine in the liver.


  • 但是所有失望的是,煤核可可豆壳混合物燃烧之后并没有使空气闻起来像巧克力那般甜美

    But to everyone's disappointment, coal and cocoa shells burned together do not fill the air with the sweet smell of chocolate.


  • 看到非常美丽景象:一个雕塑,长长的黑发窗帘一样瀑布般地泻落在她瘦削肩膀上,眼睛巧克力色的萤火虫一样明亮

    I was looking at a rare beauty: statuesque with long, dark hair cascading like a curtain over her angular shoulders, and her eyes lit up like chocolate fireflies.


  • 这些其实真正U制成的,只是让它们看上去巧克力而已

    It is actually a bundle of real USB flashsticks made to look like chocolate.


  • 奶酪轻车熟路巧克力必须热水溶化--挑战在于:不能巧克力电影里的格鲁普一样沉入水中。

    Cheese is easy, I'm no stranger to the grater. But chocolate you have to melt over a pan of hot water--the main challenge being not to dive into it like Augustus Gloop in Willy Wonka's factory.


  • 巧克力普京每个3.3,黑白巧克力制成,并且用水果酱增加肖的色彩。

    The bars, which weigh 3.3lb each, carry a portrait of the Russian president made from dark and white chocolate and using fruit juice for colouring.


  • 这些地方会提供不少种类的外卖食品和小吃水果乳酪巧克力以及三明治的切肉面包通常这类食品的价格都很便宜。

    They sell takeaway dishes, snack foods like fruit, yogurt and chocolate, and cold cuts and bread for sandwiches, usually much cheaper.


  • 试吃心得:“很酥”;“比其他的饼要好吃”;“很柔软起来冰淇淋”;“吃起来真正的巧克力饼”。

    Blind Tasting Notes: "cookie retains crunch"; "Better cookie than the others"; "Soft serve-like ice cream"; "Tastes like a real chocolate cookie".


  • 巧克力商谈起这里位于加勒比海岸边独有条件时,认为这里的可可豆goutdeterroir”也就是“味道”,这一点高档至关重要。

    Chocolatiers talk of the unique factors here on the Caribbean's edge in a way that resembles the gout DE terroir, or taste of the earth, crucial to fine wines.


  • 说到底希望自己闻起来香草巧克力果仁棉花这些大家想要咬一大口东西一样。

    After all, you want to smell like vanilla, chocolate, praline, and cotton candythings someone could take a big bite out of.


  • 入伍想吃什么很多士兵想吃巧克力蛋糕一类的,你也是吗?

    What did you like to eat most after enlisting? Most soldiers want to eat something like chocolate cake, you too?


  • 今天月亮一个元宵一半余下一半给巧克力的,喜欢吗?

    Today the moon like a big lantern, I ate a half, the remaining half for you and chocolate filling, like it?


  • 下午4点左右下午。她热爱巧克力最喜欢的还是果酱便士,这一种饼干一样大小填了果酱的三明治饼干。

    At around 4, she'll eat afternoon tea. She loves chocolate, but her favorite indulgences are jam pennies, little biscuit sandwiches with jam in the middle.


  • 至于营销组合我们巧克力一样的深褐色字母的金箔纸来包装,仿照巧克力,并且定价我们巧克力冰淇淋贵20%。

    As for the marketing mix, we'll package it in gold foil with dark brown lettering to simulate chocolate, and price it 20% higher than our chocolate-covered ice-cream bar.


  • 喜欢的东西,巧克力蛋糕或者冰淇淋。喜欢什么口味选什么口味

    Eat something you like, be it a chocolate cake, or an ice-cream. Just please yourself with the flavour you like.


  • 现代经典式菜单枫树熏肉甜甜圈,以及大胆收藏五香墨西哥巧克力辣椒山核桃重磅炸弹”甜甜圈。

    The menu is filled with modern classics, like the maple and bacon donut, as well as daring new favorites, such as the spiced Mexican chocolate and cayenne pecan "Bombshell" donut.


  • 麦丽素里面是个蜂窝一样麦芽,外面包裹着一层牛奶巧克力

    Maltesers consist of a roughly spherical malt honeycomb center, surrounded by milk chocolate.


  • 对照食谱烘烤饼干巧克力蛋糕杯形蛋糕这种简单手工礼物不错。

    Handmade gifts might be as simple as following a recipe for baked goods such as cookies, brownies or cupcakes.


  • 是否可以我们的吻甜得巧克力

    I asked if I could kiss her. It tasted of chocolate.


  • 巧克力之类的甜食使发胖

    Sweet foods such as chocolate can make you fat.


  • 需要一个会让我感觉喝了巧克力热饮那样浑身放松的女孩,她要有一双闪亮黑色眼睛

    The girl I wanted feels like I had just sipped hot chocolate and relaxed all over. Nut brown with black glittering eyes.


  • ……我还是喜欢比较传统口味比如朗姆酒葡萄干奶油山核桃糖桉桃、草莓巧克力香草口味的,但是现在几种来自亚洲口味,绿茶口味和榴莲口味。

    Welll like the traditional flavors like rum raisin, butter pecan. maple walnut, strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. But now there are some new flavors from Asia like green tea and durian.


  • 喜欢的东西,巧克力蛋糕或者冰淇淋。喜欢什么口味选什么口味。E。

    Eat something you like, be it a chocolate cake, or an ice-cream. Just please yourself with the flavour you like.


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