• 一国货币市场干预重要的指标外汇储备水平

    The main indicator of a country's intervention in currency markets is its level of foreign reserves.


  • 此次购买之前,其黄金形式的货币储备水平到了只有3.2%。

    Before this recent buy, reserve levels had tumbled to just 3.2% in gold.


  • 银行迫于压力募集更多资本金储备水平提得更高方面相当顺从

    Banks are pretty much resigned to being forced to raise more capital and to keep higher levels of reserves.


  • 然而这些数字说明储备水平复合效果起因多个仓库维护

    The figures, however, "illustrate the compounding effect of reserve levels resulting from the maintenance of multiple depots."


  • 降低外汇储备水平中国似乎只有两个选择都会加速人民币升值或者进一步放松资本控制

    China seems to have only two options if it seriously wants to reduce the level of foreign reserves. It can either accelerate the renminbi's appreciation or relax capital controls more.


  • 尽管如此,中国为首的一些新兴国家应该严肃地看待本国外汇储备水平以及相关成本

    That said, some emerging markets, beginning with China, should take a more serious look at their reserve levels and the associated costs.


  • 萨拉·卡普,“国家粮食储备水平可以满足52的需求,因此,到年底之前,我们都有稳定的供应。”

    "The stock level for the National Food Authority is around 52 days," said Salacup.


  • 干预一种选择可能无效的,尽管储备水平增加,资产负债表有所改善(欧元去年的70%以上降到了55%)。

    Intervention is an option but, despite the increased reserve levels and balance sheet position (around 55% in euros, from over 70% last year), it could well be a futile one.


  • 回顾2008年的资金储备水平…这意味着全国3.1万户家庭不得不做出“是挨冻还是挨饿”的艰难选择。

    "Returning to 2008 funding levels... would mean forcing 3.1 million families nationwide to return to deciding between heating and eating," Markey said.


  • 每个孩子不同,每个孩子学习储备水平不同,有的具有独特天赋才能,有的具有特殊的学习需求

    Every child is different in terms of readiness for learning, special gifts and talents, and special learning needs. Children also have different learning styles or preferences.


  • 食品储备水平谷物价格不断上涨以及一些水稻生产国明年可能被迫进口水稻等因素表明,2010年的食品价格有可能上涨

    Low food stocks, rising cereal prices, and the possibility some rice-producing countries will have to import rice next year suggest food prices may rise in 2010.


  • 新兴市场国家债务管理者表示将进一步重视债务组合风险,同时也认识到了适当现金储备水平重要性这些是从危机中汲取的主要经验教训。

    Debt managers from emerging markets cite renewed focus on portfolio risks and importance of appropriate levels of cash reserves as key lessons from the crisis.


  • 越来越清楚这种储备增量水平不可持续的。

    It is increasingly clear that this level of reserve accumulation is not sustainable.


  • 天然气生产者已经通过水平钻孔技术水力破碎技术结合页岩结构中开采天然气,从而增加天然气供应可恢复储备

    Producers have boosted supplies and recoverable reserves in the United States by combining horizontal drilling with hydraulic fracturing, also called fracking, to produce gas from shale formations.


  • 如果开采资源速度超过补充水平储备就会散个干净。

    If you extract resources at a rate beyond the level of replenishment, your stock will collapse.


  • 虽然危机之后大量积累外汇储备似乎是个合理保障方式(尽管有些代价高昂),但如今水平看来过高了。

    While a substantial accumulation of reserves seemed a justified (if expensive) form of insurance in the aftermath of the crisis, today's levels look excessive.


  • 美国联邦储备委员会的利率目标保持00.25%之间,第一通货膨胀低于权限保持一致水平

    The Federal Reserve kept the interest-rates target at zero to 0.25%, but said for the first time that inflation was below the level "consistent with its mandate".


  • 消费者商户信心水平两年来最高澳洲储备银行最新公告预计未来经济将保持增长

    Levels of consumer and business confidence are pushing two-year highs, and the RBA's latest statement predicts economic growth for the next two years.


  • 美国联邦住房管理局为太多可疑抵押贷款提供了担保储备资金低于法律要求水平

    The Federal Housing Agency has insured so many dubious mortgages that it's already fallen below its legally-mandated reserves.


  • 美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)决定延长逐步退出抵押贷款支持证券购买此举旨在使较低利率水平能一直延续到明年

    The Federal Reserve, in a move aimed at keeping interest rates low for home buyers through early next year, decided to extend and gradually phase out its purchase of mortgage-backed securities.


  • 当前失业率通胀率(低于美联储的期望水平)“完全不能让人满意”,10月1日纽约联邦储备银行总裁威廉德利(William Dudley)如是说。

    Current unemployment and inflation, which is below the Fed's preferred levels, are "wholly unsatisfactory", William Dudley, the President of the New York Fed said on October 1st.


  • 美元周二承压走低,因为此前美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)减息接近水平,打击了美元投资者的人气。

    The U.S. dollar took a beating, as the Federal Reserve's move to slash interest rates to nearly zero unnerved currency investors.


  • 国家外汇储备达到历史最高水平年末为1,399亿美元,年初增加349亿美元。

    China’s foreign exchange reserve reached US$139.9 billion at the end of last year, a record high and an increase of US$34.9 billion over the figure at the beginning of the year.


  • 储备银行将九月7.25%的利息减至4.25%,创2008的历史新低,回复2002年的水平,而有助于减轻购房负担。

    The Reserve Bank has cut rates from 7.25 per cent in September to 4.25 per cent.


  • 杏仁中的蛋白质纤维稳定血糖水平减缓消化速度从而调节人体能量水平使人能保持稳定的能量储备

    The protein and fiber in almonds stabilizes blood sugar and slows digestion, which helps regulate energy, so you have steady reserves over time.


  • 印度银行不良贷款水平相当低,这些贷款的储备相对较少。

    Indian Banks have lowish levels of non-performing loans but have built up relatively small reserves against them.


  • 美国联邦储备委员会继续实施将近2创纪录水平利率政策,保持利率0%至0.25%之间。

    The Federal Reserve will continue to hold interest rates at record low levels of 0% to 0.25%, where they have been for nearly two years.


  • 堪萨斯城联邦储备银行警告玉米价格最终回归更加正常”的水平农地价格可能下跌20%。

    If corn (maize) prices return to more "normal" levels as a result, the Kansas Fed warns that farm prices could fall by 20%.


  • 堪萨斯城联邦储备银行警告玉米价格最终回归更加正常”的水平农地价格可能下跌20%。

    If corn (maize) prices return to more "normal" levels as a result, the Kansas Fed warns that farm prices could fall by 20%.


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