• 采用测试问卷调查相结合方法,对中国日本大学生体力体力健康认知态度等现状,进行对比分析

    By tests and questionaire, the authors make a comparative analysis on the cognitive attitude to the physical strength and physical health among the college students in China and Japan.


  • 研究人员推测手艺活动促进大脑神经通路发展有助于保持认知健康

    The researchers speculate that craft activities promote the development of nerve pathways in the brain that help to maintain cognitive health.


  • 如果午餐时间路过一家,就健康而言,也知道披萨可能不是最好食物,但你的情绪感觉也许你的这种认知更加强烈。

    If you are walking past a pizza restaurant at lunchtime, your emotions and feelings probably will be stronger than your knowledge that pizza may not be the best food for your health.


  • 但是如果家中决定哪里吃饭认知成分可能会占上风因此您会决定去一个可以到更健康饭菜地方

    If you are at home trying to decide where to go for dinner, however, the knowledge component may prevail, and you decide to go where you can eat a healthier meal.


  • 研究人员目前正在分析研究对象健康状况生活方式了解哪些因素可能会影响与年龄相关认知变化

    The researchers are currently analyzing the study participants' health and lifestyle to see which factors might influence age-related cognitive changes.


  • 身体健康能够100的人最终会患上老年痴呆症疾病,这些疾病会影响大脑认知功能

    People physically fit enough to survive over 100 years ultimately give into diseases such as Alzheimer's which affects the mind and cognitive function.


  • 身体健康能够活100的人最终会患上老年痴呆症疾病,这些疾病会影响智力认知功能

    People physically fit enough to survive over 100 years ultimately give in to diseases such as Alzheimer's which affects the mind and cognitive function.


  • 虽然人们体重自我认知影响自尊心心理健康健康行为但是普通人对体重的自我认知劳动力市场结果之间没有关联。 

    We found no relationship between the average person's self-perception of weight and labor market outcomes, although self-perceived weight can influence self-esteem, mental health and health behaviors.


  • 对于啤酒健康好处类似认知

    Similar perceived health benefits have also been attributed to beer.


  • 在准备健康宣传活动保健专业的客户互动应该认真地考虑不同的个人认知水平

    It may be that individual cognition levels should be considered more carefully when preparing health promotion campaigns and in the health professional-client interaction.


  • 未来人类研究支持一发现为苹果汁制造商认知领域脑部健康市场提供新的商机。

    Should future human studies support the findings, then a new market may be opened for apple juice manufacturers within the field of cognitive and brain health markets.


  • 认知重新评价”,健康思想习惯取代扭曲的思想习惯的过程

    Cognitive reappraisal is the process of replacing your distorted thought habits with healthy ones.


  • 我们需要应用认知心理学设计原则严密的健康反馈循环

    We need to apply cognitive psychology, the principles of design, and tighter feedback loops to our own health.


  • 世界认知程度如何全球健康问题历史婴儿死亡率排放量

    How well do you know the world: global health issues, history, infant mortality rates and carbon emissions?


  • 维尼沃夫医生说,调查者发现,屋内车内严格禁烟令与二手影响儿童健康这一认知密不可分。

    The belief that second-hand smoke harms children’s health was not independently associated with strict smoking bans in homes and cars, the researchers found.


  • 看看如何帮助您女儿树立保持健康的自我身体认知

    Find out what you can do to help girls develop and maintain a healthy body image.


  • 改善入学青少年健康状况就会提高他们入学率,促使他们坚持上学,也能增加他们的认知成就使他们有更大的生产力

    Improving the health of school-going adolescents increases their enrolment and retention in school, their cognitive achievements, and leads to greater productivity.


  • 用于相患者的社会心理干预通常认知行为疗法心理健康教育,家庭治疗以及一种更新技术——人际社会节律治疗。

    Psychosocial interventions commonly used for bipolar disorder are cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoeducation, family therapy, and a newer technique, interpersonal and social rhythm therapy.


  • 美国药物睡眠研究所和国际健康所都认可认知治疗。

    The American Academy of Sleep Medicine Practice Parameters and National Institutes of Health Consensus also recommend CBTi.


  • 它们重振理想人生中的重要事物一个积极健康认知

    They’ll give you a renewed commitment to your dreams, and a cheerful, healthy perception of the things that matter the most to you.


  • 它们重振理想人生中的重要事物一个积极健康认知

    They'll give you a renewed commitment to your dreams, and a cheerful, healthy perception of the things that matter the most to you.


  • 这份发表美国公共健康杂志》上研究此类关于居住贫穷社区是否较低认知功能存在关联的研究中规模最大一次

    The study, published online by the American Journal of Public Health, is the largest of its type to examine whether living in a poor neighborhood is associated with lower cognitive function.


  • 同样研究的Ω-3脂肪酸,则作为柜台出售营养品补充心血管健康而且改善情绪认知功能有作用。

    Research has linked omega-3 oil, available as an over-the-counter nutritional supplement, to cardiovascular health, and it also appears to improve mood and cognitive function.


  • 显示出较高水平功能性健康较低跌倒风险更好认知功能发生中等程度严重的运动功能受限社会交往能力受限的风险减少

    Exhibit higher levels of functional health, a lower risk of falling, and better cognitive function; have reduced risk of moderate and severe functional limitations and role limitations.


  • 他们研究居住法国南部65以上1433名健康老年人,并让他们在1999- 2001年研究开始年、年后分别进行认知测试

    They studied 1,433 healthy people aged over 65 living in the south of France, who underwent cognitive tests at the start of the study in 1999-2001 and again two, four and seven years later.


  • 他们研究居住法国南部65岁以上1433名健康老年人,并让他们在1999- 2001年研究开始年、年后分别进行认知测试

    They studied 1, 433 healthy people aged over 65 living in the south of France, who underwent cognitive tests at the start of the study in 1999-2001 and again two, four and seven years later.


  • 科学认知发布一项报告列举批评一些推销没有任何科学依据号称能促进健康时尚产品名人

    SAS has released a report naming and shaming celebrities who have been guilty of promoting health fads with no basis in science. Let's take a look at some of 2010's main culprits.


  • 很多女孩来说青春期保持健康的自我身体认知并不容易。

    Maintaining a healthy body image during adolescence is often difficult for girls. Factors that may harm a girl's body image include.


  • 除了女儿交谈外,还可以采取一些其它策略倡导健康的自我身体认知

    In addition to talking to your daughter, consider other strategies to promote a healthy body image.


  • 他们补充说:“这次研究结果有助于开发新的保护治疗策略保持晚年健康认知能力。”

    The results of this study, they add, "may help to develop new prevention and treatment strategies for maintaining cognitive health into old age."


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