• 本文辽宁地区460名满族掌中健康线进行调查。

    This paper reported the normal parameter of palmarmiddle crease and healthful line of 460 cases of Man nationality in Liaoning region.


  • 健康之选产品线公众推出之前经过了消费者仔细测评

    The Healthy Choice product line was carefully tested with consumers before being introduced to the general public.


  • 很明显包含了,公共消费经济砍掉一些部门其他其他部门的效率但是保护健康教育警察线服务行业。

    It contains, obviously, public-spending economies, cuts in some departments, efficiency savings in others, but protection of the front-line services in health and education and policing.


  • 通过串行线以太网接口或者同时使用二者来监测特定服务(多个服务)健康状况

    It monitors the health of a particular service (or services) through either a serial line or Ethernet interface or both.


  • 事实上根据心理健康专业人员表示,绝大多数有忧郁倾向一时间的往往不是心理学家,而是第一线的心理医生

    In fact, according to mental-health professionals, the majority of depressed people who seek professional help turn first not to a psychologist but to their primary-care physician.


  • 健康智能床垫生产线目标在于对抗灰尘细菌,特点是表层设计成拉链,可以拿下来洗干净或者晒干

    A mattress line aimed at combating dust mites, mold and germs, the HealthSmart featured a zip-off top that could be washed or dry cleaned.


  • 英国安全与健康执行局文件破坏主要几个石油公司声明份声明宣称去年墨西哥湾深海地平线钻井平台发生夺去11名工人声明的爆炸永远不会发生在他们身上。

    The HSE documents also undermine claims by the major oil companies that last year's Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers was unlikely to ever happen to them.


  • 为了保持健康牙齿牙龈重要无论是刷毛接触牙齿表面牙龈线

    To maintain healthy teeth and gums it is important that bristles contact both the tooth surface and the gumline.


  • 尽管经济危机许多国家及其人民造成难以名状苦难,但是古巴健康研究指出,经济困难时期的黑暗线光明。

    While an economic crisis results in untold misery for countries and their people, a new study of health in Cuba has suggested there could be a silver lining during lean times.


  • 酗酒过度疲劳极度懒惰生活方式必然受到医生指责但是还有最后线希望可以拯救健康,也就是医生们反复提到的:与配偶以及朋友的有效沟通和交流

    1A life of booze, fags and slothfulness may be enough to earn your doctor's disapproval, but there is one last hope: a repeat prescription of mates and good conversation.


  • 空腹有利于我们健康作为地平线纪录片本周解释

    And yet fasting is also beneficial to our health, as a Horizon documentary this week explained.


  • 但是一些分析人士肯德基餐厅线希望引起注意健康消费者产品注意

    But some restaurant analysts say the silver lining for KFC is the attention it got for a new product aimed at health-conscious consumers.


  • 其他方面健康人们进行预防,使心脏病学家们从事一线治疗医生们都感到难以应付

    Trying to manage prevention in otherwise healthy people would overwhelm both cardiologists and primary care physicians.


  • 可以改变我们心情,我们的地平线生活中,更好身体健康不可避免至关重要的因素之一在我们的愉快的生活。

    It can change our mood, our horizon in life, and even better our physical health, which is inevitably one of the most essential factors in our enjoyable life.


  • 线调查轻度抑郁症青少年以后生活心理健康问题危险很大。

    Teenagers who have minor depression are at a higher risk of mental health problems later in life, a study says.


  • 辅导员作为班级管理线工作者培养大学生心理健康有着直接影响

    The counselor as a classroom management, front-line workers to cultivate the mental health of college students have a direct impact.


  • 可以支付健康教育物理治疗X线检查大部份的化验检查。

    It also pays for health education, physical therapy, X-rays and most laboratory tests.


  • 目的了解医用X线工作人员乙型肝炎病毒感染转归情况,保障放射工作人员健康提供依据

    Objective To understand the infectious status of hepatitis B virus in X-ray workers and results of treatment and provide basis for protecting the health of the workers.


  • 方法健康雄性SD54只,线法制作大鼠大脑动脉缺血再灌注模型

    Methods 54 healthy male SD rat models with middle cerebral artery occlusion and reperfusion were made by suture method.


  • 中间线一边写下这些好处,一边列出吸烟缺点例如如何影响健康工作家庭等。

    Draw a line down the center of a piece of paper and write them on one side; on the other side make a list of all the things you dislike, such as how it can interfere with your health, work, family.


  • 为了促进X线技术更好地发挥作用,避免X射线带来危害必须认真搞好防护减少受检者受照剂量,保障公众的健康安全。

    In order to avoid the harm of X-ray to patients, radioprotection must be paid more attention, and radiation dosage should be minimized.


  • 两边铺筑雨花石健康道,精湛陶瓷艺术深厚的文化底蕴美丽园林景观构成世界独特的风景线

    Paving stone on both sides of the health, with exquisite ceramic art, the profound cultural and beautiful landscape of the world constitute a unique landscape.


  • 依靠完全健康的范佩西所领衔的进攻线荷兰依靠战胜丹麦日本喀麦隆以及斯洛伐克连胜而挺进世界杯的四分之一决赛

    With a fully-fit Van Persie leading their attack, the Netherlands have advanced to the Quarter-Finals with four straight wins over Denmark, Japan, Cameroon and Slovakia.


  • 长春市初中体育与健康课程调查中发现教学内容教学评价广大一线体育教师最为困惑两个问题

    We can see from the survey of new curriculum, which was implemented in junior middle school in Changchun, that the two problems which puzzle teachers most are content and comment in teaching.


  • 肿瘤放射线不是敏感健康肾脏损伤依然存在,所以放疗作为线治疗可取的。

    Kidney tumors are not very sensitive to radiation, but healthy kidneys are, so radiation as a frontline treatment is not advisable.


  • 结果所有义齿固位稳定咀嚼功能良好X线显示牙周情况健康

    Results. All the dentures were stable, the patients could chew well, and the periodontal conditions were healthy by X-rays examination.


  • 结果所有义齿固位稳定咀嚼功能良好X线显示牙周情况健康

    Results. All the dentures were stable, the patients could chew well, and the periodontal conditions were healthy by X-rays examination.


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