• 而且这些物品通常都特别的贵相比同类哪些没有没有这些健康宣称的商品。

    These items are typically more expensive than the versions that don't make the same health claims.


  • 例如宣称早餐麦片健康有益的广告可能附带一个免责声明,即“营养均衡早餐一部分时”。

    For example, the claim that breakfast cereal has a health benefit may be accompanied by the disclaimer "when part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast".


  • 讽刺我们虽然长寿如此着迷,我们宣称我们如何关心自己的健康但是大多数还是选择健康生活方式

    The irony is that for as fascinated as we are by extreme old age, and for as concerned as we claim to be about our health, most people choose unhealthy lifestyles.


  • 虽然不能保证优等食品健康保持宣称,但从我个人经验了所得,我自身更多的活力就是来自食用这些营养密集的食物

    While I can't vouch for the fountain of health and youth claim, I have experienced the extra vitality that comes from eating these nutrient-dense foods.


  • 银行宣称利润大幅增长得益于健康净利率降低贷款供应损失

    The sharp gain in profit came amid healthy margins and lower loss provisions on loans, the bank said.


  • 英国健康保护组织宣称只有一个一米范围以内接触感染者超过小时才可能感染。

    In the UK, the Health Protection Agency says that only those who have been within one metre of an infected person for more than an hour are considered to be at risk.


  • 宣称久坐不动会增加健康风险医学报告也是促使他们这么做的一个原因。

    They also are motivated by medical reports saying that sitting for too long leads to increased health risks.


  • 保时捷宝马都宣称上半年利润出现了健康增长,两家公司将增长主要归功于中国德国高档汽车需求

    Porsche and BMW reported healthy rises in first-half profits, which they attributed in large part to the demand in China for German premium cars.


  • 厄瓜多尔南部Vilcambamba地区宣称,当地大批健康地度过一百岁生日老人。

    The Vilcambamba region of southern Ecuador, claims to have large Numbers of people reaching their 100th birthday in good health.


  • 比如丹尼斯宣称新的立法增加他们健康开销,到2020将增至36亿美元,这对于全部预算只有130亿没有的州是很大的数字。

    Mr Daniels, for example, claims that the new legislation will increase his state’s health spending by as much as $3.6 billion by 2020, a lot for a state whose entire budget is only $13 billion a year.


  • 微软公司宣称在线平台HealthVault已经可以记录个人电子健康记录。

    Microsoft announced HealthVault, an online platform where personal electronic health records can be stored.


  • 消费者组织担心最近拟定的草案例如其中竟允许甜甜圈(doughnuts)等食品宣称有益健康

    Consumer organizations are concerned that the most recent draft was very weak - allowing foods such as doughnuts to make claims, for example.


  • 利兹大学位学者宣称本地酒吧温馨气氛能帮助男人们摆脱现代生活压力他们心理健康起着不可或缺的作用。

    A Leeds University researcher said that the local watering hole's welcoming atmosphere helps men to get rid of the stresses of modern life and is vital for their psychological well-being.


  • 英国安全与健康执行局文件破坏主要几个石油公司声明份声明宣称去年墨西哥湾深海地平线钻井平台发生夺去11名工人声明的爆炸永远不会发生在他们身上。

    The HSE documents also undermine claims by the major oil companies that last year's Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers was unlikely to ever happen to them.


  • 不论包装袋正面宣称什么,都可以通过阅读食品标签成分营养信息判断食品你来讲是否健康

    Whatever claims on the front of the package, you can judge whether a food is healthy for you by reading the ingredients and the nutrition information on the food label.


  • 尽管这些研究不能证明因果关系,但是很多健康专家食品公司宣称他们已经证实早餐会防止体重增加。

    Though these studies could not show cause and effect, many health authorities and food companies asserted that they proved that eating breakfast protects against weight gain.


  • 尽管这些研究不能证明其中的因果关系,但很多健康专家食品公司宣称他们已经证实早餐可以防止体重增加。

    Though these studies could not show cause and effect, many health authorities and food companies asserted that they proved that eating breakfast protects against weight gain.


  • 其他时尚饮食一样,“原始人饮食法”也宣称可以促进健康

    Like other fad diets, the Paleo diet is promoted as a way of improving health.


  • 但是越来越大量科学研究这些宣称提出挑战揭露出它健康环境造成严重影响

    But a large and growing body of scientific research challenges these claims, revealing serious health and environmental impacts.


  • 健康食品宣称赞成态度。

    Her attitude toward the claims of health foods is somewhat favorable.


  • 英国营养学家四月份既定的食谱指南发起挑战,宣称保持身体健康关键每日七种蔬果搭配不是以往推荐五种蔬果

    British nutritionists threw down the gauntlet to dietary guidelines in April by declaring seven daily portions of fresh fruit and vegetables, rather than the recommended five, were the key to health.


  • 有一些健康专家甚至宣称每天饭前喝水可以帮助减肥呢。

    Some fitness experts even claim you can lose weight if you drink water before every meal.


  • 朱利亚诺对健身的痴狂得益于父亲尤利安现年35岁,是名狂热的健身爱好者,宣称无论年龄多大,健康锻炼机制有益无害的。

    He got into bodybuilding thanks to his fitness-fanatic father, Iulian, 35, who claims theres nothing wrong with a healthy exercise regime whatever age you are.


  • 科学家宣称猪肉健康

    Claimed by the scientists that eating pork can do harm to your health.


  • 然而捐赠很快引起了健康专家关注他们认为如果接受烟草集团捐赠不符合世博会管理局宣称的旨在提供“绿色无烟”的世博会。

    However, the donation soon aroused concern among health experts who said accepting the group's donation was not in line with the bureau's pledge to offer a "green and smoke-free" Expo.


  • 完全错误观念医生报纸宣称早餐健康重要早上人们需要能量经过了一的睡眠,变得空荡。

    It is totally wrong idea, the doctor says in the newspaper that breakfast is very important for people's health, in the morning, people need energy, after a night's sleeping, the stomach is empty.


  • 只有那些卫生部认证能够宣称它们健康益处

    Only those which have been certified by the Department of health can claim their health benefits.


  • 只有那些卫生部认证能够宣称它们健康益处

    Only those which have been certified by the Department of health can claim their health benefits.


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