• 此外,包含支援型别,可在健康事件管理期间提供协助。

    It also contains supporting types that help during the management of health events.


  • 这个样例场景要求处理家庭健康事件病人发送通知出现一个问题时,向病人的医生发送一个通知。

    This sample scenario requires that you send notifications to the patient whenever a home health event is processed, and to the patient's doctor whenever there is a problem.


  • SCAAR注册研究的294,000例手术资料,均来自记录每个瑞典所有健康事件瑞典个人档案

    The SCAAR registry, which included data on 294,000 procedures, was derived from the Swedish Personal registry, which records all health events occurring in each Swedish individual.


  • 土壤重金属污染引发农产品安全和人体健康事件时有发生,成为影响人类健康社会稳定重要因素

    Agricultural safety and health events caused by the heavy metal pollution often occur, it has become the most important factor of human health and the social stability.


  • 哈佛大学耳鼻喉教授斯蒂文·D·劳赫指出,四点需要予以关注耳部卫生噪音伤害与年龄有关听力损失以及突发性的耳部健康事件

    According to Dr. Steven D. Rauch, a professor of otolaryngology at Harvard, there are four major areas for concern: ear hygiene, noise injuries, age-related hearing loss and ear health emergencies.


  • 权力掌握以及国家事件影响已经按照健康一样速度不断倒退

    His hold on power and influence on events in his country have regressed at the same pace as his health.


  • 过去12月期间,世卫组织粮农组织平均每个高达200起食品安全事件展开调查,旨在确定公众健康造成的影响

    During the last 12 months, an average of up to 200 food safety incidents per month have been investigated by WHO and FAO to determine their public health impact.


  • 紧急情况——冲突自然灾害导致——可能危害大量健康生存不寻常事件

    Emergencies - whether caused by conflict or natural disasters - are extraordinary events that can jeopardize the health and survival of large populations.


  • 但是现在阻止这些级联事件发生,以免最终患上疾病,你需要做的只是改变饮食方式这样未来健康有了保障

    But there is something that you can do now to stop the cascading events that occur in the body and lead to disease. You can change your diet and begin safeguarding your health for the future.


  • 野生动物健康专家表示蝙蝠鲸鱼再到蜜蜂青蛙每年都会由于包括恶劣天气疾病暴发中毒等原因发生重大死亡事件

    From bats to whales to bees to frogs, wildlife health experts say, major mortality events happen every year for reasons that include bad weather, disease outbreaks and poisonings.


  • 虽然现在就根据有限数量健康青少年研究结果下结论为时尚早,但是,我们希望这种鼓励事件进行积极阐释方法的有效性以后能得到证明

    Although these results are early, and among a limited number of healthy teenagers, we hope this approach to encourage positive interpretations of events will prove to be a powerful tool.


  • 俘虏期间骨如柴如今不见踪影对夫妇看起来健康神情轻松,完全受绑架事件影响

    The painfully gaunt faces we saw during their captivity have gone, and the couple look healthy and relaxed, bearing no visible trace of what they went through.


  • 将要紧急事件的处理工作买单,还要应对因为此次事故蒙受健康财产损失的家庭所提出的赔偿诉讼势必因此破产

    It would certainly be bankrupt from paying for the emergency work and fighting lawsuits from those seeking compensation for health or financial difficulties caused by this crisis.


  • 各种条件得到满足件或是超出值,就会一个业务事件(病人健康警报)采取动作

    If various conditions were met or thresholds exceeded, an action for a business event was identified (patient health alert).


  • 储蓄可以帮助家庭疲于应付事件状态中摆脱出来,大步跨越能够健康更幸福未来制定计划

    Savings helps families to take the giant leap from reacting to events to planning for a healthier, happier future.


  • 美国稻米消费超过,自今还没报道一起由于食用稻米而出现健康状况的事件”。

    U.S. rice has been consumed for over a hundred years with no reported human health problems.


  • 灾难性天气事件影响食物供应多变气候、传染病暴发的新模式以及与生态系统变化相关的新型疾病,全球相关连造成健康风险

    Catastrophic weather events, variable climates that affect food and water supplies, ecosystem changes are all associated with global warming and pose health risks.


  • 但是还有一些其他事件精神健康学的专家感到好奇。

    But there were others that intrigued mental health experts.


  • 加强卫生系统应对气候变化造成健康威胁包括极端天气事件海平面上升有关紧急情况

    strengthening health systems to cope with the health threat posed by climate change, including emergencies related to extreme weather events and sea-level rise.


  • 英国资格及考试监督办公室目前正在考虑将香烟盒上的健康警告问题SAT高考、普通中等教育以及中学高级水平考试成绩事件一起公布,以此来提醒大家分数并不是完全准确的。

    Ofqual is considering issuing cigarette packet-style health warnings alongside results in SATs, GCSEs and A-levels to serve as a reminder that grades cannot be totally accurate.


  • 威斯康星州麦迪逊美国地质勘查局国家野生动物健康中心发言人Paul Slota毕比事件另一个独特方面在于它与噪音也有关。

    Another unique aspect of the Beebe incident was that noise played a role, said Paul Slota, a spokesperson for the USGS National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisc.


  • 比如家庭医疗场景中使用WebSphereBusinessEvents关联评估病人健康监视事件估计病人的健康状况。

    For example, in the home health care scenario, WebSphere Business events was used to correlate and evaluate patient health monitor events to assess patient health.


  • 起离婚事件提到了魔兽世界心理学健康专家发出警告,要玩家注意将自己封闭在虚拟世界危险性

    World of Warcraft has been cited in several divorces, while psychologists and health experts have warned players about the dangers of isolating themselves in a virtual universe.


  • 1986年乌克兰发生切尔诺贝利反应堆事件世界健康组织的发现生活在其附近甲状腺孩子数量急剧增长

    Following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident in the Ukraine in 1986, the World Health Organization recorded a dramatic increase in thyroid cancer among children in the vicinity.


  • 可口可乐公司坚持认为BPA消费者健康没有风险并且督促联邦公共卫生法规制定者对此事件带头作用。

    Coca-Cola maintains that BPA does not pose a risk to consumers and urged federal public health regulators to take the lead on the matter.


  • 加强医院应对紧急情况的能力、妇女健康问题的视角、全球健康风险以及在预防疟疾方面取得进展,均成为2009年的新闻事件

    Making hospitals safe in emergencies, a new look at women’s health, global health risks, and progress towards tackling malaria also made news in 2009.


  • 近年来,发生无数的由于工厂排污倾倒垃圾造成的对于河道的污染事件其中一些还对当地居民造成了健康损害

    In recent years there have been numerous examples of industrial spills or dumping that have damaged waterways and in some cases harmed residents.


  • 此外运动运输鸟类战斗事件一个重大风险方面公众健康

    Moreover, the movement and transportation of birds in association with fighting events represents a significant risk with regard to public health.


  • 此外运动运输鸟类战斗事件一个重大风险方面公众健康

    Moreover, the movement and transportation of birds in association with fighting events represents a significant risk with regard to public health.


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