• 一个人那里旅行个月这种决定需要点勇气啊。

    You are so brave for deciding to spend the next two months traveling around by yourself.


  • 检方多久时间这种决定调查持续多久,不同案件各不相同

    How long the prosecutors take to make such decisions and how long their investigations last varies between different cases.


  • 我们之前例题非常简单直接的,因此我们还需要形式电荷这种决定

    The examples we've done so far have been pretty straightforward, so we haven't needed to use formal charge to make this kind of decision.


  • tmpfs自己并不知道这些页面交换分区还是RAM中这种决定vm子系统工作

    TMPFS itself doesn't know whether these pages are on swap or in RAM; it's the VM subsystem's job to make those kinds of decisions.


  • 回头看看,抵御这种这次情况很特殊,仅仅这次应该可以的吧”的逻辑证明一生中作出重要决定之一。

    But looking back on it, resisting the temptation whose logic was "in this extenuating circumstance, just this once, it's ok" has proven to be one of the most important decisions of my life.


  • 也许这种人你真正享受一个角度研究每一项财务决定朋友家人找你顾问。简而言之你不需要一个讨厌的理财规划师。

    You may be the type that actually enjoys researching all the angles of every financial decision. Your friends and family all look to you for advice.


  • 大脑受损病士一位43,另一位23岁,她们行动与其他12个正常人相比缺少这种谨慎决定本能

    The patients with brain damage, two women aged 43 and 23, showed that they lacked this cautionary instinct when their behaviour was compared with that of 12 healthy individuals.


  • 也是好事——孩子需要这种保护帮助因为他们尚年幼,能够照顾自己,也不能够自己审慎地决定

    And it's a good thing, too - kids need this kind of protection and assistance because they aren't mature enough to take care of themselves and make careful decisions on their own.


  • 这种情况通常是男朋友或者老公在不告知她们的情况下决定,事后才告诉他们的时候发生。

    This happens mostly when boyfriends and husbands make decisions without their knowledge and tells them over dinner.


  • 当然这些决策的正确与否需要时间的检验,而且看起来这种决定的方式有些风险

    Time will tell how accurate these decisions are, but for now I'm willing to take some risk with them.


  • 这种形式计划得以发挥作用关键因素客户业务决定程序员小组技术决定

    The critical factor that lets this style of planning work is to let the customer make business decisions and allow the programmer team to make technical ones.


  • 这位参议员本周决定退休因为这种”不顾一切只为党”的心态妨碍国会能对”人民的事情决定

    Mr Bayh announced this week that he had decided to retire becausebrain-dead partisanshipwas preventing “the people’s business” from getting done.


  • 如果这种情况发生脸谱强调,他们现在还没有决定不要这么—向这片未知领域进军,那一种冒险

    If this happens—and Facebook stresses that it has not yet decided whether to go ahead—it would be a venture into uncharted territory.


  • 这种情况下决定怎么

    Under such circumstances, what will you do?


  • 最后决定尽力什么即使家人已经接受了这种失败

    Finally I decided that I would try to achieve something even if my family had already accepted the failure.


  • 不过科学家发现女性欣赏男性身上这种稳定性,因为有助于长远决定应对变化多端环境

    However, scientists said females like predictability in their males as it allows them to make good long-term decisions and deal with changing circumstances.


  • 只是要这种所谓弃儿能够权衡轻重,继续学业我们接受他们决定,让他们赴他们认为我自己未来意向义的事情。

    As long as the so-called outcasts can keep up in their academic work in a decent way, we actually accept their decision to do whatever they think might be good for the future.


  • 这种情况比喻成爱情超市购物。芬克尔心理研究显示,当人们面临太多选择时往往会随便决定决定通常很糟糕

    He compared it to shopping at 'supermarkets of love' and said psychological research shows people presented with too many choices tend to make lazy and often poor decisions.


  • 默克公司纽约一个新闻发布会上考虑是否该药标签上潜在心脏病风险提出更多警告继续销售这种药物,后来公司决定这么

    In a news conference in new York, Merck said it had considered whether to continue to market the drug with enhanced warnings on the label about the potential cardiac risks, but had decided not to.


  • 装装样子然后看看发生了什么——可能发现那些大胆行为奇妙的事情发生了;你可能会决定这种大胆的行为蔓延日常生活中

    Go through the motions and see what happens - you might discover that amazing things happen when you're bold, and you might be convinced to carry this bold behavior into your everyday life.


  • 这种设想活动一个决策过程中发生主要有意识行为……我们基本上利用经验直觉设想来下意识地决定

    This imagining activity is the main conscious work that happens during a decision... We mostly make decisions subconsciously using experience, intuition and imagination.


  • 这种说服可以帮助我们必须决定时候应用过去智慧经验

    Such persuasion can help us apply the wisdom of the past to the decisions we now must make.


  • 凡事自己决定看到这些决定最终证明明智决定这种感觉

    Everything to make their own decisions and see the decision ultimately proved to be a wise decision, this feeling is very good.


  • 财务精明决定远远以驾驶汽车幻想窗上最新的服饰自我为中心的感觉要好,你能够到这种自我崇拜感觉。

    The sense of self respect you get when you make smart financial decisions is worth far more than the ego-centric feeling of driving the fancy car and wearing the latest styles.


  • 财务精明决定远远以驾驶汽车幻想窗上最新的服饰自我为中心的感觉要好,你能够到这种自我崇拜感觉。

    The sense of self respect you get when you make smart financial decisions is worth far more than the ego-centric feeling of driving the fancy car and wearing the latest styles.


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