• 轮椅偏移但是明白为什么给我一个分钟。

    She's not in a wheelchair from the offset, but... you'll see why I call her this, gimme a minute.


  • 现在我们已经达到了条例草案经过偏移过程干燥72小时背上印有他们,干燥72小时,获得面孔

    Now, we've reached the point in the process where the bills have gone through offset, dried for 72 hours, had their backs printed, dried for another 72 hours, and are now getting the faces printed.


  • 根据齐塔人所言,由于地球抖动太阳那里偏移开来,因此整个北半球得到阳光

    This is due per the Zetas to the Earth wobble and a leaning away from the sun so that the entire northern hemisphere gets a bit less sunlight.


  • 研究者推断HRA活动度降低归因于一个微小头-比率或者头-颈碰撞偏移

    The investigators concluded that decreased ROM for the HRA group was attributed to a smaller head-neck ratio or head-neck offset at points of impingement.


  • 作为具物理性道集的波动方程深度偏移涉及庞大的波场外推计算量,计算极其耗时效率较低

    As the most physical of the shot-profile wave equation pre-stack depth migration involving huge extrapolation calculation, the calculation is extremely time-consuming and less efficient.


  • 本文给出了一种偏移地震资料方法

    This paper presents a migration method for common source seismic gathers.


  • 偏移需要计算成像初至时间

    Prestack reverse time migration requires computing the first breaks time of imaging points.


  • 根据变换编辑,对变换编码直流偏移处理提出一种快速算法

    Based on the property of transform coding, a fast transform coding algorithm of DC shift is proposed.


  • 给出了平面波偏移方法偏移距道集数据上应用以及效果评价

    Applications of plane wave migration method and their effectiveness on common shot gathers and common offset gathers are also presented.


  • 每种测量不同测量一般地,实际应用中,一次测量在深度上要偏移段测量参考之间距离

    Each measurement has a different measure point. In normal practice, each measurement is shifted in depth by the distance between the measure point and the reference point.


  • 采用软件细分方法,处理干涉条纹移动量,得到相对于直光束的偏移量。

    Movement of the interference stripes are dealt with by means of software subdivision, after that offsets of the spot to the laser beam is gained.


  • 将活动移动给定基于1的绝对字符偏移位置

    Moves the active point to the given 1-based absolute character offset.


  • 然后对该进行速度分析校正叠加得到偏移地震剖面共散射成像。

    Then the trace gather undergoes velocity analysis, normal moveout correction and stack to bring seismic migrated section ( This is called scattering point imaging).


  • 结果显示复合不变对于局部血管信息比较敏感,对于位于血管控制无法准确计算偏移

    Test results demonstrate the combined invariant moments are too sensitive towards the local dissimilarity to correctly calculate the displacement of the control points on the vessel part.


  • 含量增加而高温偏移

    The transition point shifts to high temperature as potassium content increases.


  • 叠前深度偏移技术接收实现可在共中心—炮检距域实现。

    Pre-stack depth migration technique can be realized either in shotpoint receiver domain or in CMP offs et domain.


  • 使用地表数据VSP数据偏移结果得到改善,偏移成像被准确地收敛反射真实深度

    The migration results are improved by using both the surface data and VSP data: the migration images are accurately converged to the true depth of the reflectors.


  • 射流横流孔呈顺排布置时,峰值塞尔对应射流下游偏移

    Compared to the case of staggered arrangement between jet holes and crossflow holes, the stations corresponding to peak Nusselt Numbers for inline arrangement move downstream.


  • 偏移处理时一般要求偏移基准面水平的,且偏移激发接收地表

    In migration processing, we usually require that migration datum is horizontal and that zero point for migration should be on the ground surface on which shot point and receiving points lie.


  • 算法使用对合并聚合方法减少元的数量;构造内外包络,使用二分寻找最佳偏移

    The algorithm of dichotomy was applied to find the optimum declination value when the construction of inner and outer envelopment was designed.


  • 喷嘴间距一定时,轴线撞击偏移量随气速比喷嘴直径增大而增大

    When the distance of two nozzles was fixed, the offset of impinging stagnation point on the axis increased with the ratio of velocity and the nozzle diameter.


  • 研究了红外光斑尺寸估算方法在此基础提出了偏移测量音的方法

    Estimating methods of IR spot size are studied. Furthermore a new crosstalk measuring method called "spot shifting method" is presented.


  • 如果调整偏移,你可以获得更好效果

    You may get better performance if you crank the deviation back a bit.


  • 可以偏移施加一些接入较低测量值上(从而影响排序)。

    Negative offsets can also be applied to lower measurements (and thus ranking) of some access points.


  • 对于多条细化线构成复杂交叉,按惯性跟踪规则处理,既减少偏移量,又保证了所识别线段的完整性

    In order to insure integrality of lines and decrease offset of crossing points, the rule of inertial tracked is used to deal with complex crossing points.


  • 物理坐标距离原左上方像素为单位的实际偏移

    The physical coordinates of a point are the actual offset in pixels from the top left of the origin.


  • 聚焦对准某像素中心向左适当偏移,即可测量光照像素对右侧相邻像素的串音。

    By centering the focused spot on the interested pixel then shifting the spot to left for a proper distance, the crosstalk of the irradiated pixel to right adjacent pixel is measured.


  • 聚焦对准某像素中心向左适当偏移,即可测量光照像素对右侧相邻像素的串音。

    By centering the focused spot on the interested pixel then shifting the spot to left for a proper distance, the crosstalk of the irradiated pixel to right adjacent pixel is measured.


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