• 假如知道”,应该不是异类

    If you say "do not know", then you should not be heterogeneous.


  • 假如错了的话,可能对方感到受辱

    If you happen to be mistaken, you have managed to let out a big insult.


  • 什么誓言假如那些话,却并不那样时候

    What are words If you really don't mean them when you say them?


  • 假如别人好话知道,他们觉得没意思感兴趣

    If you say something nice about somebody, you figure, 'Well, that is boring, I am not interested.'


  • 假如别人好话知道,他们就觉得没意思感兴趣

    If you say something nice about somebody, you figure, 'Well, that is boring, I am not interested.


  • 我会高兴钱——假如证明是个好孩子

    I would have been happy to give you three times the amount if your story had proved that the boy was good.


  • 假如那些记忆都是错觉是因为认为真的拿破仑

    If you want to say, no, no, no, those memories are illusions, it must be because you don't think he's really Napoleon.


  • 假如过别人的闲话同样事情也就有可能发生身上,到时候可不要太惊讶。

    If you share malicious gossip, don't besurprised if the same happens to you.


  • 接受那个前提先定的,假如,“不不不上帝没有那个,他也没有把它放在。”

    You accept that premise and you're all set. But suppose you say, "no, no, no, no." God didn't write that. God didn't put that there.


  • 需要任何人愿意承认自己视力不好或者不会游泳,或者枪法很糟糕假如你说缺乏幽默感一种致命公然侮辱

    Any man will admit, if need be, that his sight is not good, or that he cannot swim, or shoots badly with a rifle, but to touch upon his sense of humour is to give him a mortal 9 affront.


  • 惠特克知道大自然忠告不要为此感到恼怒,要从中得到安慰;假如无法得到安慰,假如你一定要破坏一小时平静就去想想墙上斑点吧。

    Whitaker knows, and let that, so Nature counsels, comfort you, instead of enraging you; and if you can't be comforted, if you must shatter this hour of peace, think of the mark on the wall.


  • 但是我们也许不该那么毕竟假如射杀了尸体讲台上

    But we probably shouldn't say that. After all, if you shoot me, there's my corpse lying on the stage.


  • 假如眼睛静听一会听到太空有个声音低语:“这祈祷寻求一个在痛苦中寻求我。”

    But should you close your eyes and listen awhile you would hear a voice whispering in the ether, "One seeks me in prayer, and the other in pain."


  • 假如,我们就自由按我的做了么?

    If you do what I tell you to do, we will be free. Are you doing it?


  • 假如这样金锅需要但是如果便携式洗矿槽,淘洗同样数量矿砂只要就够了。

    Three to four days if you stuck with a pan, he reckoned, but with a portable sluice box you could process the same amount of gravel and material in a single day.


  • 布鲁金斯学会克利夫·盖迪,“假如西伯利亚阿拉斯加以及加拿大北部的一些地方相比那里一样有自然资源,但是没有过多的人口。”

    "If you compare Siberia with Alaska and parts of Northern Canada, where there are also natural resources, you can see it's vastly overpopulated," says Clifford Gaddy of the Brookings Institution.


  • 假如立马开始行动(比如今天),没有赋予这个方案应有严肃性。

    When you start right away (like today), you are not giving the plan the seriousness it deserves.


  • 假如自己配上个腕请选择一个相对于超腰带稍宽大些的风格,”阿班尼斯建议

    "If you're going to accent your look with a waist belt, choose wider styles as opposed to super skinny belts," Albanese advises.


  • 下一次看到这种情况假如什么大声坚定:“请其他人一个讲话机会!”

    Next time, see what happens if you say, loud and firm, "Let's give someone else a chance to talk!" I'll try it if you will.


  • 假如不敢当着老板的面混蛋担心自己会被解雇的话,没有自由。

    If you can't call your boss a jerk now and then without fear of getting fired, you're no longer free.


  • 或者假如互联网上调研时发现文章认为某位联系人可能感兴趣,那么不妨篇文章发给他。

    Or, if you're doing Internet research and you come across an article that might interest one of your contacts, send it.


  • 因为上帝假如坏事伤害别人、对人不好,那么别人不好。

    Because God says that if you do something bad, if you harm someone, if you are sour, then people will return sourness to you.


  • 其他人称分析经典的无知揭穿,”以及,“雷德福先生假如没有做完的家庭作业的时候做出断言那么除了愚昧无知以外再也证明不了什么的。”

    Others called my analysis "classic uninformed debunking," and stated, "Mr." Radford, if you're going to make assertions without doing your homework, then you show nothing but your ignorance.


  • 假如不屑这个故事里一点真相都没有’,他们否认这个故事的真实性并不等于我们绝对是的。

    If you even bother to say 'that story has no whit of truth to it' they write that you denied that that story is true, which is not the same thing as saying what we wrote was absolutely wrong.


  • 假如美国那么情况需要时可别忘了""。

    So don’t forget to say "please" whenever the situation requires it if you are in the United States.


  • 逆向选择问题,对于借款方,希望借到而言,假如贷款方,比方,如果...,还是换个法吧

    The adverse selection problem, when it comes to borrowers--people who are trying to borrow money -is that if you become a lender -let's say, if you -not talking about becoming a lender.


  • 假如各处必须感觉到得救了

    If you go about to say, I must feel that I am saved.


  • 假如各处必须感觉到得救了

    If you go about to say, I must feel that I am saved.


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