• 当今通俗文学倾向,就是薄荷成为一个很通用说法

    There is a tendency in the popular literature these days to use the word mint in a very general way.


  • 但是现在意识可怜无知却是件礼物对于一个凡间女子来说,26文学倾向无知,荣耀的事情之一。

    But I have since come to realize that my abject ignorance was really a gift: to be a literarily inclined illiterate at age 26 is one of the most glorious fates that can befall mortal girl.


  • 思想倾向文学主张、散文理论散文创作,分别提出了一些与前贤不同观点

    Different opinions of his ideological tendency, literary views, the theory and creation concerning prose are put forward in this paper.


  • 思想倾向文学主张散文理论散文创作,分别提出了一些与前贤不同观点

    Different opinions of his ideological tendency, literary views, prose theory and prose creation are put forward in this paper.


  • 文化氛围视域发生变化文学作品创作倾向也发生改变。

    His literary creation tendency changed with the transformation of his culture atmosphere and vision field.


  • 传统文学艺术风格和谐现代主义艺术主要展现崇高二者英雄情结自恋倾向

    The style of traditional literature and art is beauty and harmony, and modernism art is represented for being lofty mainly, the two both have a kind of "hero" complex and "narcissism" inclination.


  • 除此之外越来越多的倾向注重中国传统文学美德

    Besides, more and more people are inclined to pay attention to traditional Chinese literature and virtues.


  • 然而荒岛文学中,荒岛意象二重性则体现人性二重性:人性具有向的秉赋倾向

    However, in desert island tradition, the duality of the desert island image reflects the duality of human nature: human tends to be both good and evil.


  • 保尔·穆杭为代表都市文学虽然表现手法上有印象主义感觉主义的倾向日本感觉本质上是不同

    Although Paul Muque, the master of the City Literature, exhibits traces of impressionism and sensationalism in his writing style, he differs from the Japanese New sensational School in nature.


  • 中国文学倾向世俗关怀,追求精神自由具有对立审美品格

    Chinese literature is unreligious and prefers to worldly lives, but also purses free spirits. So it has contrary characters.


  • 论文提到中国文学中的道德说教倾向

    He mentioned in his paper the didactic tendency in Chinese literature.


  • 美学思想文学创作有着明显神秘主义倾向

    There were obvious tendency of mysticism in Xu Yus aesthetic thinking and literary creation.


  • 我们探索空间经济学技术那些被项目评估文学中的方法结合起来的方法,“异中求异”的方法和倾向匹配划分方法。

    We will explore new methods that combine spatial econometric techniques and methods used in the program evaluation literature such as difference-in-differences and propensity score matching methods.


  • 观念变更转型期社会文学创作关于自我日常书写倾向遮蔽、消解着作品思想价值取向

    In the transformation society of concept renewal, the writing tendency on literary creation is about ego and daily, which is shading and breaking down the orientation of ideological value in works.


  • 海派文学内容上表现出一种对历史现代性批判,在美学品格上体现为颓废唯美倾向构成了审美现代性的特征。

    The Literature of Shanghai School expresses criticism to the historical modernity in its content, and the tendency of decadent aestheticism in its aesthetic character.


  • 这种倾向当代小说弘扬文学”精神体现

    This trend reflects that the contemporary novels in China enlarge the spirit of human literature.


  • 二程《情性宋代《诗》学变革的重要表现,既反映了宋代《诗》学研究思路之理学倾向,又体现了宋代《诗》学情论诗的文学思想

    Their views reflected Song Dynastys Poetry study tendency in philosophically emphasizing the inner world and ignoring the outer world and its literature thought in ideally commenting on poetry.


  • 运用文学符号学西方传统“文”——认为这种文具逻格斯中心主义倾向解构非常精彩,也引起过巨大的争议。

    His deconstruction to Western traditional culture, he thinks, which has some tendency of logocentrism is very wonderful by his literature semiology.


  • 过分追求生活世界回归容易导致中学语文教学脱离语性质,可能诱发回归中的形式化倾向

    Overrunning after its return to life world can easily lead to Chinese Teaching's separation from the return of this subject, and may induce the formal tendency towards its return to life world.


  • 《达洛卫夫人便是一部具有明显诗化倾向文学作品

    Dalloway, is the literature writing with obvious poetry inclination.


  • 要求不是艺术内蕴,而是艺术的形式因此导致文学作品的物质化、平面化猎奇倾向

    But it require form of art, not the inside of art. Therefore, it causes the inclination of material, complanation and hunt of literary works.


  • 作家主体意识模糊使文学普遍呈现出碎片化倾向现状尤为值得警惕

    Writer for subject consciousness that literature is vague and the tendency of fragments of the situation is especially vigilant.


  • 第三部分重点分析六朝文学尚“倾向产生社会基础理论基础

    The third part analyzes emphatically the social and theoretical grounds of the emerging of the aesthetical trend of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" of the literature of the Six Dynasties.


  • 忽视希伯来文学西方文学全面深刻影响我国外国文学长期存在一个严重倾向性问题。

    The neglect of the comprehensive and profound impacts of ancient Hebrew literature on Western literatures has long been one of the serious defects in the field of foreign literature studies of China.


  • 在当前学术界倾向贺双卿虚构人物情况下,本文认为仍有其不容忽视文学地位。

    She is regarded as one of the important figures in the literature field, though she is also thought, by some scholars, as a fictitious one.


  • 创作客体民间化倾向来看,作为文学创作源泉的社会生活发生了翻天覆地变化,作品的题材主题就相应的产生了巨大的变革。

    Seeing the folk tendency of creative object, the life changed greatly, which is the source of the creation, so the theme and subject matter changed accordingly.


  • 汪曾祺之所以现当代文学中别具一格,原因许多,汪曾祺独特的审美倾向其重要方面。

    Wang Zengqi s unique aesthetic tendency is one of the many reasons why he is distinctive in modern and contemporary literature history.


  • 汪曾祺之所以现当代文学中别具一格,原因许多,汪曾祺独特的审美倾向其重要方面。

    Wang Zengqi s unique aesthetic tendency is one of the many reasons why he is distinctive in modern and contemporary literature history.


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