• 公司TPG公司都最大杠杆收购的出资方,持有不景气的债务基金。 黑石公司扩展了已经很大重组部门

    Blackstone and TPG, two of the biggest sponsors of leveraged buy-outs, both have distressed-debt funds, and Blackstone has expanded its already big restructuring unit.


  • 确实因为来自私营部分的利益大,退出了由其帮助建立一家小额贷款债务基金,这比承诺的退出整整早了3

    Indeed, it exited the first microfinance debt fund, which it helped create, three years before its ten-year commitment ran out, because there was so much interest from the private sector.


  • 银行方面也即将达到借贷上限,无力受理新业务。这种债务基金用于为已经完工投入商业运营工程偿还银行贷款

    The debt funds would buy loans from the Banks for projects that have completed construction and entered into commercial operation.


  • 世界货币基金组织单方面提出扩大欧盟清还债务基金应对可能出现的对西班牙进行援助提议,受到了各国财长的冷遇。

    A separate proposal from the IMF to expand the size of the euro area's bail-out fund to cope with a possible rescue of Spain, was shot down by the finance ministers. See article.


  • 欧盟官员鼓励私人资金流入爱尔兰葡萄牙希腊并称如果债务得到重组,如果没有别的贷款人,临时救助基金不到还款。

    EU officials also encouraged the flow of private credit to Ireland, Portugal and Greece by saying that the fund would not be repaid before other lenders if debts were restructured.


  • 他们关注一个问题就是监管银行而言,他们目前进行债务交易对冲基金隐蔽机构那里它们所遇到的风险到底有多大

    One of their biggest concerns is how much danger there may be to regulated Banks from the faceless institutions they now do much of their debt trading with: hedge funds.


  • 首先考虑应该应急基金甚至还清债务前就应该考虑。

    Your first priority should be an emergency fund, even before paying off debt.


  • 停止使用信用卡建立了突发事件基金接下来便是你已有的债务

    After you've stopped using credit, and after you've saved an emergency fund, then go after your existing debt.


  • 对冲基金被迫出售最佳资产满足债务需要,更加危机气氛

    Hedge funds are being forced to sell their best assets to meet their debts, adding to the air of crisis.


  • 停止使用信用卡建立了突发事件基金接下来便是你已有债务

    After you've stopped using credit, and after you've saved an emergency fund, then go after your existing debt. Attack it with vigor.


  • 即将到来计划救援基金作三种用途:债务保险欧洲救援基金注入更多资金;向银行施压债务

    The forthcoming plan is three-fold-use the rescue fund as a kind of debt insurance; infuse more money into the European rescue fund; and pressure Banks to write down more debt.


  • 不情愿地购买了主权债务并且承诺一旦欧洲增加的纾困基金到位投入使用欧洲央行将会停止行动。

    He bought sovereign bonds reluctantly and promised the ECB would stop as soon as Europe’s enhanced rescue fund was up and running.


  • 那些对信用衍生品保险其他别出心裁债务工具交易对冲基金及其担保银行不费吹灰之力就能大捞一笔的日子一去不复还了。

    The days of easy pickings for hedge funds and their sponsor Banks which traded credit-derivative insurance and other exotic debt instruments are over.


  • 停止使用信用卡、建立了突发事件基金,接下来便是你已有债务

    After you've stopped using credit, and after you've saved an emergency fund, then go after your existing debt.Attack it with vigor.


  • 基金基金方案这种方案积累资产不足以偿付债务

    Unfunded or partially funded plans: accumulated assets do not cover liabilities.


  • 通过分期还本付息使用偿债基金减少债务

    Amortisation can also refer to the reduction of debt, either through periodic payments of principal and interest, or through use of a sinking fund.


  • 95%日本债务债权人日本民众而不是国外对冲基金

    Ninety-five percent of Japan's debt is owned by its citizens, not foreign hedge funds;


  • 95%日本债务日本持有主要是银行退休基金

    But ninety-five percent of Japan's debt securities are held by Japanese, mostly Banks and retirement funds.


  • 基金经理MPC首席主管PeterHarrison说道美国养老金基金已经研究了他们的债务

    Peter Harrison, chief executive of MPC, a fund manager, says that American pension funds have analysed their liabilities.


  • 对冲基金按照债务催收法提起诉讼,得到一家瑞士法庭支持,不过上诉法庭以一个无关痛痒的细节为由驳回。

    A Swiss court sided with the hedge funds, which had sued under a debt-collection law, but was overruled by an appeals court on a technicality.


  • 国际货币基金组织提醒美国主权债务降级全球产生深远的影响

    The IMF is also warning a downgrading in US sovereign debt will have a far-reaching global impact.


  • 2030公共债务减少国际货币基金委员会提倡60%以下美国不得不持续年的时间内,每年都要忍受这种财政阵痛了。

    To cut public debt below 60% by 2030, as the IMF advocates, America would have to endure that kind of fiscal pain every year for ten years.


  • 还有些基金清偿债务或是挂牌出售。

    Others will liquidate or put themselves up for sale.


  • 如果货币市场基金披露拥有很多数目的雷曼债务的话--这些债务由于破产突然间变得一文不值 那就导致了资金撤离 .

    There was a run on money market funds after one big money-market fund revealed that it owned a lot of suddenly worthless Lehman debt.


  • 他们建议成立一个保险基金各国债务预算赤字情况确定保险费,所得资金那些无法在债券市场上筹资欧元区成员国

    They propose an insurance system with premiums based on each country’s debt and budget deficit. The money raised would be used for loans to euro members shut out of bond markets.


  • 想要避免延迟方法之一就是货币基金组织欧盟保证不对债务超过界限国家实施财政援助,促使他们进行重组

    One way to avoid delay is for the IMF or the EU to promise not to bail out countries whose debts go beyond a specific threshold, forcing them to seek a restructuring.


  • 一些人担心偿还欧盟和国际货币基金组织债务成本,在加上供养贪得无厌的银行最终使爱尔兰陷入债务重组的危机。

    Some fear that the cost of servicing the debts to the EU and IMF, and of feeding the insatiable maw of the Banks, will eventually force Ireland into a debt restructuring.


  • 国际货币基金组织抵制,导致阿根廷偿还剩余债务付出了大的代价。

    His boycott of the Fund made it expensive for Argentina to roll over its remaining debt.


  • 国际货币基金组织抵制,导致阿根廷偿还剩余债务付出了大的代价。

    His boycott of the Fund made it expensive for Argentina to roll over its remaining debt.


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