• 学习借鉴其经验构建我国完善国家信息政策法规体系

    They suggest learning from foreign countries to build a complete national system of information policies and laws.


  • 论文通过国外3g运营企业分析研究借鉴经验教训

    This thesis adopts the analysis and research running enterprises to foreign countries 3g, use its experience and lesson for reference.


  • 一种更好思维方式寻找成功事例然后借鉴成功经验而不是去找失败的例子。

    A much better way to think is to find success stories and base your own business around those successes instead of failures.


  • 韩国电信通信子公司KTH提供宽带应用运营服务成功经验我国电信企业具有借鉴意义。

    Korea telecom provides broadband application service through its subsidiary company KTH, and its successful experience can be used as a reference for local telecom enterprises.


  • 成功经验对于初中阶段小学阶段信息技术教学也同样强的借鉴意义和指导意义

    Its successful experience, to IT teaching at stage of junior middle school and primary school, there are a stronger reference meaning and directive significance too.


  • 日本震后社会心理嬗变特征趋势需要加以关注社会心理重建经验做法值得中国借鉴

    The evolution of social psychology characteristic and the trend after Japanese earthquake need attention, and it's social mental reconstruction experience and practice also worth China reference.


  • 本文详细介绍某砖厂烟囱爆玻拆除利用着地动能毁坏砖窑成功经验今后类似工程具有借鉴意义。

    This paper introduces the successful experience, which provides instruction for the similar projects, in demolishing the brick-kiln by means of the energy ofthe chimney collapsing.


  • 镇江食品有限公司是典型食品生产企业信息系统的设计实施经验可为类型企业提供借鉴

    As a reference site of production of food, the experience of system design and implementation on Zhenjiang food Co. Ltd can be used in same type of assembly manufacturing enterprises.


  • 国外股票期权制度实践涉及股票来源授予主体、授予客体、行价格、行权方式等,成熟经验制度值得我国借鉴

    The practice of other countries are involved with stock sources, grant subject, grant object, exercise price, exercise way. We should learn experience from foreign mature system.


  • 高职教育确定地位前后借鉴国外经验突破了普通高教学科体系,建立了职业岗位的能力体系。

    Instead of general high education subject system, we established a professional capacity system partly learned from foreign countries.


  • 本文比较分析一些国家城市土地收益制度基础上,借鉴成功经验提出进一步完善我国城市土地收益制度的设想

    By comparing urban land profit system of some countries and borrowing ideas from them, this paper tentatively proposes plans to improve the profit system of urban land of our country.


  • 日本近代法制西化日本法制史上有着重要意义,经验教训都值得我国借鉴吸取

    The westernization of Japanese legal system in modern times played a significant part in the history of Japanese legal system. We should use the experience for reference and draw lessons from it.


  • 中国必须借鉴经济发达国家经验自然垄断性行业引入竞争机制,促进市场结构企业组织结构的优化。

    China has to learn from developed countries. Improve the market structure and enterprise organizations by introducing competition into natural monopoly industries.


  • 借鉴西方经验构建中国的青少年前科消除制度不仅可以促使青少年重新社会化,而且可以预防重新犯罪

    Considering the experience of the West, the establishment of the system of cancelling criminal record can not only set the teenagers being re-socialized, but also precaution their re-offense.


  • 设计理念、设计手法以及成功经验对于建设城市绿色空间提高城市建设质量值得借鉴

    In the construction of other community green space and improving the urban construction quality, its design concept, design skills and successful experience is also worth using for reference.


  • 伊拉斯谟计划”欧共体最为成功教育合作项目之一,成功经验值得世界国家地区借鉴

    Erasmus programme is one of the most successful educational cooperation programme in European Community and it deserves other countries and regions learning.


  • 借鉴先行做法探寻成功经验产生问题的教训是为了更有效地推行基础教育均衡化。

    Refers to what has been done, explores the successful experience or troublesome lessons, to advance the process of the balanced education.


  • 目前许多发达国家采用“顾客满意度指数”评价本国质量水平状况成功经验对我国具有重要的借鉴价值。

    Now, some developed countries adopt Customer Satisfaction Index to evaluate its quality level. Their successful experience supplies references to us.


  • 房地产开发企业如果能够借鉴同行经验及时找出自身成本控制中存在的问题采取切实可行对策必将成为在竞争中取得优势重要法宝

    If the real estate enterprises can learn from peer experience and find their own problems and take feasible measures timely, it will become its key competitive advantage.


  • 经验同类机组运行设计提供借鉴参考。

    The gained experience can provide with example and reference for units' operation and design of the same kind.


  • 务实派认为当中可能很多经验学习借鉴

    Pragmatism suggests that there might be a lesson in there somewhere.


  • 阿根廷补充货币实践时间、覆盖范围广的国家,运作经验值得我国借鉴

    Argentina has used the complementary currency in the practical way for a long time and in wide scope of fields, so China need to learn from the operations.


  • 充分认识这场运动意义总结经验教训,中国当前的铁路建设事业,有着一定借鉴意义。

    There're bound to be examplary approaches for China's existing railway constructive career, if we can fully realize the meaning of the movement and summarize its experiments and lessons.


  • 进行研究有助于加深德育理解,有助于比较基础上借鉴吸收有益经验

    Its research, will help to deepen our understanding of the moral, in comparison to learn on the basis of which the useful experience.


  • 本文麦当劳公司成功人才培养模式课程体系教学内容方法等方面进行了分析在此基础上总结了可供我国职业教育借鉴经验

    The article analyzes the mode of developing talents, course system, teaching contents and methods of McDonald 's Corporation. And we can draw on the experience in our vocational education.


  • 美国德国日本,对国外的并购立法进行了介绍总结立法和实践经验,为我国的并购立法提供借鉴

    Taking America, Germany, Japan for example, it introduces the foreign regulations, and summarizes their experience to make reference for our legal system.


  • 经验可供有关决策设计部门类似矿山借鉴

    The experience could be a reference to the related policy making departments, design departments and mines.


  • 第三部分主要介绍西方发达国家成熟公务员培训情况特点,以利于我国借鉴成功经验

    The third part introduces the condition and features of the civil servants training in the western advanced countries, in order to draw lessons from them.


  • 湖南涉外经济学院体育科研取得了一定成绩,其经验值得借鉴

    Institute of Hunan International Economics University make some achievements worth learning from.


  • 湖南涉外经济学院体育科研取得了一定成绩,其经验值得借鉴

    Institute of Hunan International Economics University make some achievements worth learning from.


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