• 喜欢狼吞虎咽自己感觉,增可能性那些细嚼慢咽适量吃的人要高出

    People who gobble down their food and eat until they feel full are three times more likely to get fat compared with people who eat slowly and modestly.


  • 下图一个简单的示意图,这个图里面,红色曲线对应的人和蓝色曲线对应的相比,红线人的运气蓝线人的一半,但努力程度是其三这个图中,红线是高于蓝线的,表明了,有的人可能运气不是很好,但是通过非常刻苦的努力尝试,可能最后比那种经常撞大运的人更加成功

    The graph above shows that it is possible for someone with less luck to become successful faster than someone with more luck since the red curve is always above the blue curve.


  • 首先如果计算单元中的某些节点时间(比如密钥寿命)内一停机,它们就丧失通信能力

    First, if some nodes in your cell are left down for extended periods of time (likely twice the key lifetime), the nodes can lose the ability to communicate.


  • 奥迪表现非常优异,目前支撑大众集团其他业务:利润其他业务的两

    Audi has done so well that it is now propping up the rest of the group: its margins are double those at VW.


  • 上个世纪大部分时间里,美国全球最大能源消费国,2000年美国能源消费量还是中国

    For most of the last century, the us has been the world's largest energy user, consuming twice as much energy as China in 2000.


  • 长期以来,确实偏头痛患者抑郁症发病率高背后推论——46%,大约总人口的发病率

    Indeed, that has long been the reasoning behind the high depression rate among people with migraines - 46%, about four times higher than the rate in the overall population.


  • 占用原来时间运行说还有一件事情没有讲,是我要强调的最后一件事。

    Whereas in the linear case, I make it ten times bigger, it takes ten times longer to run. OK.


  • 日本首相提出警告日本必须采取行动减少是GDP公众负债的同时鼓励增长

    The prime minister, Naoto Kan, has warned that Japan must act now to reduce its public debt - twice the size of its GDP - while encouraging growth.


  • 强壮蚂蚁能够举起体重100的东西。

    The strongest ant can lift up to 100 times its own body weight.


  • 中国西部水泥的市盈率保持5左右

    West China Cement has been trading on a prospective earnings multiple of about 5.


  • 越来越多女性走上工作岗位,她们创业增长速度男性,有大约三分之一的职业女性收入超过了她们配偶,一以来把男性作为主要服务对象的金融服务领域正在关注着这一现象。

    More women than ever are in the workforce, they are starting business at twice the rate of men, and about a third of working women earn more than their spouses.


  • 不像运行起来稳定引擎或者极其流畅V - 12引擎,卑微的四缸引擎会种比自身机轴转速频率产生一下的振动

    Unlike the better balanced straight-six or even the ultra-smooth V-12 engine, the humble four-cylinder generates an up and down vibration with a frequency of twice the crankshaft's rotational speed.


  • 送水一个120万人口城市迅速膨胀2平常人数的规模,带来了存在的、发生灾难的潜在可能。

    The water festival, which sees a city of around 1.2m swell to more than double its normal size, has ever been a disaster waiting to happen.


  • 因此上世纪90年代中期开始,欧洲银行业下调潜在资产损失估算值如今依然声称它们的资产安全性美国银行

    As a result, since the mid-1990s European Banks have continually lowered their estimates of likely losses on their assets and now say their assets are twice as safe as those held by U.S. Banks.


  • 长期以来因为过度饮酒而招致健康受损英国数量上升:1991年有4144人死于酒精2005年这个数字翻了一,达到8368人。

    There has been a long-term rise in the number of Britons drinking enough to damage their health: 4,144 deaths were caused by alcohol in 1991; by 2005 that had more than doubled to 8,386.


  • 其实,自危机开始,美联储这么资产负债表已经比危机前的水平翻了1

    The Fed has been already doing all the things in this new program. Its balance sheet has doubled from the pre-crisis level of about $900 billion.


  • 总体风能总量2006年2007年增加了一今年差不多增加一达到100亿瓦10gw,并且到2020年之前都会加速增长

    Its total wind capacity more than doubled from 2006 to 2007, will almost double again (to 10 Gigawatts) this year, and will accelerate by 2020.


  • 给6-8岁的儿童自由玩耍的时间,19811997年,一减少了25%,家庭作业却增加了两多。

    Among 6-to-8-year-olds, free playtime dropped 25% from 1981 to '97, and homework more than doubled.


  • 但是,中国的人口不大可能美国的

    But it is unlikely to have four times as many people.


  • 幼仔不会立刻离开巢穴而是该区至少孵化大小才离开。

    Hatchlings didn't leave the nest site immediately, but stayed in the area until they were at least double their hatching size.


  • 那些以及吃饭不快正比,那些饱以及吃饭太快的长胖机率会高三

    Those who said they ate until full and ate quickly were three times more likely to be fat than people in the "not eating until full and not eating quickly" group, the researchers found.


  • 只要修士照顾,被影响人的康复速度正常人

    An affected ally recovers at twice the normal rate as long as he or she remains in the Godsworn's care.


  • 1939年获得第一西瓜以来,育种是西瓜育种的一个热点

    Since the first tetraploid watermelon was obtained in 1939, polyploidy breeding has always been the focus of watermelon breeding.


  • 1939年获得第一个四西瓜以来,育种是西瓜育种的一个热点

    Since the first tetraploid was obtained in 1939, polyploidy breeding has always been the focus of watermelon breeding.


  • 1939年获得第一个四西瓜以来,育种是西瓜育种的一个热点

    Since the first tetraploid was obtained in 1939, polyploidy breeding has always been the focus of watermelon breeding.


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