• 石头掉落水池引起波澜,会持续好长一段时间信贷危机就是这样一块特别大的石头。

    When a stone falls into a pond, the ripples persist for a while. The credit crunch was a whopping great boulder.


  • 随着北美欧洲由于信贷危机引发资金短缺而手足无措,使供应链陷入一片混乱之时,日本商事模式似乎其称赞之处。

    But as the credit crunch causes firms in America and Europe to flounder for lack of funds, throwing supply-chains into disarray, Japan's trading-company model seems to have some merit.


  • 银行遭受信贷紧缩没有任何明显改善迹象

    The credit squeeze that has plagued Banks did not show any significant improvement.


  • 目的建立清算同时电子交易系统可以显示信贷违约互换产品价格

    The goal was to set up a clearinghouse as well as an electronic trading system that would display prices for credit default swaps.


  • 这家瑞士银行同时宣称预期获得少量季度收益丑闻发生预计那样出现亏损,情况扭转绝大部分归功于金融负债方面信贷收益

    The Swiss bank also said it now expects to make a small quarterly profit rather than the loss it had predicted when the scandal broke, mostly because of credit gains on its financial liabilities.


  • 莫利纳罗还,它公司可以轻松地使用金融工具消除或是对冲贝尔斯登自身信贷价值变化产生影响

    Mr. Molinaro added that his firm could have easily used financial instruments to cancel out, or hedge, the impact of any change in the value of Bear's own credit standing.


  • 二者都避免了同侪沉溺其中信贷扩张消费过度房价泡沫以及贸易赤字。然而,谨慎并未使他们免受其害。

    Each avoided the credit expansion, consumer frenzy, house-price bubbles and trade deficits indulged in by many of their peers.


  • 绝大多数分析人士都把美国目前经济困难归咎于房贷违约丧失抵押住房赎回权案子激增导致的信贷条件紧缩

    Most analysts trace America's current economic woes to tight credit conditions sparked by a wave of home foreclosures and mortgage defaults.


  • 结果以后,他的银行倒闭了,同时还向人们证明事:世界金融体系面临的真正问题并非只是某家投资银行经营不慎或是信贷市场出现暂时性冻结,真正的问题要严重多。

    Within five days Lehman had gone bust and it quickly became clear that the world's financial system had problems far beyond a single badly run investment bank and temporarily frozen credit markets.


  • 花旗集团分析师称“离岸资产到了瑞士最大的银行,瑞士联合银行(ubs)瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse),看管的资金总数的15%左右。

    Analysts at Citigroup reckon that "offshore" assets now account for only 15% or so of the money that is looked after by UBS and Credit Suisse, Switzerland's two biggest Banks.


  • 研究服务机构——银行信贷分析MartinBarnes认为经济产量允许增长得,这种趋势至少持续到2009年年底

    Martin Barnes of the Bank Credit Analyst, a research service, thinks the economy will grow more slowly than its capacity could allow at least until the end of 2009.


  • 正如上世纪90年代新兴市场热潮、继而出现的网络狂热、以及接下来突现的信贷繁荣显示那样泡沫有众多致命影响

    Bubbles – as shown by the emerging markets headrush of the late 1990s, the dotcom frenzy that followed it, and the subsequent popping of the credit boom – have many pernicious effects.


  • 11月底以来美元走强因为迹象显示,信贷动荡增长放缓并非美国独有的问题

    Since late November, the dollar has steadied and strengthened somewhat as signs emerged that credit turmoil and slowing growth weren't only a U.S. problem.


  • 对比他们保证的贷款之承担信贷危险(其他危险有有价证卷投资者承担)以变得更加有效率,担保生意也而且更加安全。

    The loans they guarantee, in contrast, carry only credit risk (the other risks are borne by the investor in the securities).


  • 主要原因银行其它放贷机构受到打击导致可用信贷减少

    The main reason is the shrinking of available credit caused by hits to Banks and other lenders.


  • 美国有15华尔街银行保证说年底时,会将90%以上符合规定信贷利率衍生品交易通过中央结算进行

    In the U.S., 15 Wall Street Banks have pledged to do more than 90% of their eligible credit and interest-rate derivative trades through central clearinghouses by year end.


  • 金融行业已经饱受次级抵押贷款信贷危机过去两个交易日里股市已经连续出现强烈反弹

    Financials have been hammered by the subprime mortgage collapse and credit crisis, but sector stocks had rebounded strongly in the past two sessions.


  • 一事实使人们担忧充斥快速恶化信贷建筑贷款商业银行账面人们担心更加糟糕

    This will fuel fears that the books of commercial Banks, stuffed with fast-deteriorating mortgages, car loans, credit-card debt and loans for construction, are more rotten than feared.


  • 信贷市场运转失灵带来危险不会一夜之间消失

    And the danger posed by dysfunctional credit markets will not disappear overnight.


  • 访问了妇女团体,这些妇女通过小额信贷改善了生活质量考查了一无特权儿童传授专业技能的学校。

    He also visited a group of women who had improved their quality of life through micro-credit, as well as a school teaching vocational skills to underprivileged children.


  • 慈善活动刚刚成为一种时尚信贷危机缩减了他们财富他们给予捐赠

    NO SOONER had philanthropy become fashionable than the credit crunch shrivelled fortunes and the donations they sustain.


  • 而因信贷危机房产迅速贬值引发贷款违约潮则使抵押贷款业务受到重创。

    It has been battered by floods of loan defaults caused by the credit crunch and plummeting home values.


  • 华尔街高科技股票聚集的纳斯达克交易信贷紧缩以来,首次推出五彩纸屑庆祝新公司股票上市。

    Wall Street's hi-tech Nasdaq exchange has wheeled out its confetti machine for the first time since the credit crunch.


  • 八月信贷工业产值以及零售额超过分析师预测位数,目前的通胀率达到1.25%,超过一年期银行存款利率

    In August, loans, industrial output and retail sales topped analysts' median estimates, while the inflation rate was 1.25 percentage points above the benchmark one-year deposit rate.


  • 银行不得不计算多年放宽信贷条件造成损害成本,然后贪婪地大吃错综复杂的金融产品大餐。

    Banks have to work out the cost of the damage done by years of easycredit and gorging on complicated financial products (see article).


  • 明显就是此次危机体现信贷泛滥带来的恶果还在继续预计信贷损失在不断上升商业资产方面尤为显著

    Most obviously it shows that the fallout from the credit binge continues: estimates of credit losses are still rising, notably in commercial property.


  • 一个广泛接受共识是,“规范化”的信贷违约掉期应当通过中央结算系统降低风险转移失败可能带来的系统风险。

    There is broad agreement that “standardisedCDSs should go through a central clearing house, in order to reduce systemic risk when counterparties fail.


  • 一个广泛接受共识是,“规范化”的信贷违约掉期应当通过中央结算系统降低风险转移失败可能带来的系统风险。

    There is broad agreement that “standardisedCDSs should go through a central clearing house, in order to reduce systemic risk when counterparties fail.


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