• 然而,了解价格是否扩大信贷产品最终损失还为时尚早。

    It is too soon to know if prices exaggerate the ultimate losses on credit products.


  • 历史上偏紧新兴市场债务借贷利差有所扩大,大多数其他信贷产品相比幅度不大

    The historically tight borrowing spreads on emerging market debt have widened somewhat, but modestly in comparison to most every other credit product.


  • 可以推出自己的对冲基金提供新的信贷产品甚至进入净值个人客户资产管理业务。

    It could launch its own hedge fund, offer new credit products or even enter asset management for high-net-worth clients.


  • 格林斯潘表示尚未清楚大型金融机构是否已经进行了所有资产减记,包括评级较高抵押支持信贷产品

    Mr Greenspan said it was still not clear whether big financial institutions had taken all the writedowns they would need to take on higher rated tranches of mortgage-backed credit products.


  • 例如美林7月22%账面价值(低于当初入账的价格)卖了一个巨大的结构性信贷产品资产组合。

    For example, in July Merrill Lynch sold a big structured-credit portfolio at 22% of its face value-less than what was entered on its balance sheet.


  • 最近几年中国银行其他金融机构又发放了一大波新的贷款和其他信贷产品其中很多都将无法全额收回

    In recent years, Banks and other financial companies in China issued a tidal wave of new loans and other credit products, many of which will not get paid back in full.


  • 过去年中,该市场最快增长发生信用违约互换(CDS)领域,利用此类和约,人们可以这些新奇信贷产品的违约进行投保。

    In the past couple of years the fastest-growing corner of these markets was credit-default swaps, which allowed people to insure against the failure of the new-fangled credit products.


  • 我们相信Piraeus自己的信贷产品资产组合相比合并实体贷款登记簿蕴藏的信用风险更大,抹煞掉这些好处

    We believe that these benefits would be offset by the higher credit risk that would be embedded in the consolidated entity's loan book compared with Piraeus' own credit portfolio.


  • 此后由于投资银行所创造一系列令人眼花缭乱的新型信贷产品,此类资产尤其是按揭抵押债券)再包装业务规模复杂性便一路飙升。

    Thereafter, the scale and complexity of this repackaging (particularly of mortgage-backed assets) hugely increased as investment banks created an alphabet soup of new debt products.


  • 麦肯锡公司预测未来年后,中国信用卡产业所带来利润,到2013年就可能达到130亿元左右,信用卡成为仅次于个人住房贷款的第二大零售信贷产品

    McKinsey Co. predicted that in the next few years, the profits of credit card industry in 2013 would reach 130 billion, and the credit CARDS will become the second-largest retail credit product.


  • 目前,个人消费信贷我国产生不久,有关的管理办法具体操作手段严密也不完善,作为一种特殊个人消费信贷产品国家助学贷款业务中的风险更是难以度量和控制。

    And its management and procedure are still not consummate. State student loan is the special individual consumption credit, and the risk in its operation is more difficult to measure and control.


  • AIG金融机构未能预测出此类产品信贷流动性枯竭如此迅速

    Financial institutions such as AIG hadn't predicted credit and liquidity for the products would dry up so fast.


  • 当然最近信贷泡沫中大型投行看上去像是典型局内人用没有几个人能真正理解复杂结构性产品来糊弄人。

    Certainly, in the latest credit bubble the big investment Banks look like classic insiders, selling pups in the form of complex structured products that few really understood.


  • 但是如果贫穷美国人获得信贷无法购买企业生产很多产品,该怎么办?

    But what if less wealthy Americans couldn't get as much credit to buy as many of the products that firms produce?


  • 主要约束包括农业基础设施产品市场低效信贷不足土地贫瘠劳动力市场不景气等。

    Key constraints include poor physical infrastructure, inefficient product markets, lack of credit, and weak land and labor markets.


  • 金融服务中,信贷措施不同储蓄产品

    In financial services, credit facilities are different from deposit products.


  • 这类通常也被称为“组合式信贷”的产品促进了流动性部分原因就在于它们能够凭空创造出来

    Such products, known as “structured credit”, encourage liquidity, partly because they can be created out of thin air.


  • 雅芳创业初期经销商提供资金产品钟彬娴强调:“因此,我们目前世界上最大小额信贷机构之一。”

    By providing the money and products for reps to get started, "we're one of the largest micro-lenders in the world today," Jung notes.


  • 银行不得不计算多年放宽信贷条件所造成损害成本,然后贪婪地大吃错综复杂的金融产品大餐。

    Banks have to work out the cost of the damage done by years of easycredit and gorging on complicated financial products (see article).


  • 咨询巨头小额信贷信息交流中心2009年调查了166家小额贷款公司,所有公司都提供贷款但是提供储蓄产品的公司占到27%。

    Of 166 MFIs surveyed in 2009 by the Microfinance Information Exchange, a think-tank, all offered credit but only 27% offered savings products.


  • 信贷违约掉期(防范违约保险产品)的溢价已经去年8月份的400个基点(4%)目前的3500基点

    Spreads on credit default swaps (CDS), a form of insurance against default, have risen from around 400 basis points in August 2008 to over 3, 500 today.


  • 中国储蓄率接近国民生产总值60%,中国的中心政策就是生产廉价产品,同时借助信贷这些产品销售美国

    The savings rate is close to 60 per cent of gross domestic product, and Chinese policy has centred on producing cheap products to sell to the US on credit.


  • 目的建立清算同时电子交易系统可以显示信贷违约互换产品价格

    The goal was to set up a clearinghouse as well as an electronic trading system that would display prices for credit default swaps.


  • 然而产品证券信贷市场那时起大幅起色,使得这一具争议交易股东们更加没有吸引力

    However, commodity, equities and credit markets have drastically improved since then, making the already controversial deal even less attractive to shareholders.


  • 其他非正统方案将不良信贷衍生产品系统AIG中分离出来,根本不在考虑的范围内。

    Unorthodox options, such as splitting the systemically threatening credit derivatives from AIG, were not under discussion.


  • AIG免于破产原因在于公司账面上相当分量不良信贷衍生产品这个问题高管们也说不清。

    A bankruptcy was avoided only because of the size of the holding company's book of toxic credit derivatives, which senior executives barely understood.


  • 信贷限额”(就私人分期贷款私人循环贷款)有关产品批核所订信贷限额(我们不时修改)。

    "Credit limit" means, for a personal instalment loan or personal revolving loan, the credit limit set out in the approval for the product (as we may vary from time to time).


  • 这种转变产品一些测量经济表现指数的相对滑落,比如电力消耗,铁路货运量新增银行信贷

    One by-product is a fall in the relevance of indicators such as power consumption, rail-cargo volume and new bank credit in gauging economic performance.


  • 这种转变产品一些测量经济表现指数的相对滑落,比如电力消耗,铁路货运量新增银行信贷

    One by-product is a fall in the relevance of indicators such as power consumption, rail-cargo volume and new bank credit in gauging economic performance.


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