• 下午打电话是想咨询一下你们报纸刊登套四居室房屋信息

    Good afternoon, I'm calling to inquire about the four bedroom house you advertised in the newspaper.


  • 更多有关MTU的信息以及处理大型交换机能力,请咨询网络管理员

    Consult your network administrator for more information about MTUs and your switch's ability to handle large frames.


  • 有关当前所在区域产品程序服务特性信息向您当地IBM代表咨询

    Consult your local IBM business contact for information on the products, programs, services, and features available in your area.


  • 扶持性治疗包括评价、重信心信息咨询为了帮助患者重新掌控生活,这治疗一个重要环节

    Supportive therapy includes evaluation, reassurance, and informational counseling, and is an important part of therapy in an attempt to help the patient regain control over her life.


  • 如想获得更多的有关时序信息可以咨询帮助文件RUP文档(参考资料)。

    For more information on sequence diagrams, you can consult the help files or RUP documentation (see Resources).


  • 如果您想要得到更多信息,那么您可以咨询使用浮动许可证安装配置许可证服务器

    For more information, consult the section called Install and configure a license server with a floating license.


  • 如果更多关于怎样提高你的网站可见性的信息放在一起,你可以咨询SEO咨询服务

    If you want to gather more information on how you can increase the visibility of your website, you can consult SEO consulting services.


  • 苹果应用商店描述软件可以“为考虑离婚分居用户,以及更多了解离婚过程的用户提供重要咨询信息。”

    In its Apple App Store description, the app claims to offer “the first line of information to anyone considering divorce or separation and who wants to be better informed about the process”.


  • 需要正在发生什么在哪儿发生”透明知识以及咨询技巧”的关注这样信息能够迅速准确有效地收集

    It requires a transparent flow of knowledge of 'what' is going on and 'where', and a focus on 'consulting skills' so that information can be gathered quickly, accurately and effectively.


  • 在建筑内部,向两个方向倾斜双层高演讲大厅楼板下方一个大型公共信息咨询

    Inside, beneath the floor tilting in two directions of the double-height lecture hall, is a large public information desk.


  • 首先咨询关于适合公司环境ITROI的详细信息

    Begin by inquiring about IT ROI specifics that are appropriate for your company and environment.


  • 增长最快部分信息娱乐系统罗兰·贝格咨询公司称今后10年中信息娱乐系统销售量增加10%。

    The most rapid growth is in the area of information and entertainment systems, sales of which will increase by 10% a year over the next decade, according to Roland Berger, a consultancy.


  • 实体需要告知公众信息侵入事件时,需要提供基本信息比如关于风险信息描述免费咨询电话号码

    Entities notifying the public of a breach would be required to provide only the most minimal information, such as a description of the information at risk and a toll-free number for inquiries.


  • 我们咨询中传递一个重要信息病人了解他们控制自己疾病的关键。

    The most significant message in our counseling is patient awareness that they are empowered to be the locus of control of their disease.


  • 必须改善提供检测咨询条件减少进行检测和咨询障碍例如担心污名披露信息后的不良反应

    The conditions under which testing and counselling are provided must also be improved in order to diminish obstacles to uptake, such as fear of stigma and negative reactions to disclosure.


  • 查看最喜欢博客了解他们是否包括如何供稿的内容。如果不到这样信息可以发邮件咨询一下

    Check your favorite blogs and see if they have information about contributing - if you can't find anything, email the blogger and ask.


  • 有关每个环境每种情况跟踪设置指导信息,请咨询WebSphere支持专家参考在线MustGather文档

    Consult your WebSphere support specialist, or the online MustGather documents for guidance on the optimal trace Settings for each environment and each type of situation.


  • 戴尔在去年11月完成了信息技术服务提供商perotSystems收购现在正通过医院提供咨询服务扩展中国的服务。

    Dell, which closed its purchase of information-technology-services provider Perot Systems last November, has been expanding its services in China by offering consulting services to hospitals.


  • 一家医药保健信息咨询公司,艾美仕(IMS Health)计算出2009年新兴药品市场将构成全球销售增长半数

    IMS Health, another consultancy, calculates that the seven biggest emerging pharma markets made up more than half of the global industry's total sales growth in 2009.


  • 一家消费者提供购车信息网站,它表示12月最后几天,消费者网站经销商咨询访问量出现非同寻常大面积井喷

    A Web site that gives car-buying information to consumers, said there was an unusually large spurt of inquiries on its site and at dealers in the final days of December.


  • 自已可以进行检验借助内置的help方法,就可以Python解释器咨询关于int对象信息(参见清单1)。

    Check it out for yourself: Just ask the Python interpreter for information about the int object by using the built-in help method (see Listing 1).


  • 如果正在寻找好的信息酵母感染治疗念珠咨询加入我们的行列。

    If you are looking for good information on candida yeast infection and candida treatment advice join us.


  • 另一种方法旅行社咨询。每有经验代理人都会提供许多信息重要的是他们随时准备帮助你

    Another way is to consult a travel agency. An experienced agent may offer you a lot of information. Above all, they are always ready to help.


  • 一定吃惊自己一次好的星象咨询中得到那么的有用信息

    You will be amazed with how much useful information you will acquire from a good astrological consultation.


  • 信息对于掌控病人损伤以后的愈后结果咨询期望十分重要的。

    This information is important for patient counseling to manage expectations regarding outcomes after injury.


  • 信息对于掌控病人损伤以后的愈后结果咨询期望十分重要的。

    This information is important for patient counseling to manage expectations regarding outcomes after injury.


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进来说说原因吧 确定