• 使用衍生进程消息传递就可以来自服务器请求进行排队,以便存储更新和检索信息

    Using a spawned process and messaging you could queue the requests from the server to store, update and retrieve information.


  • 很多付费电话亭互联网排队试图联系朋友或者亲戚了解更多信息

    There were also queues for payphones and the Internet as people attempted to contact friends and relatives and find out more information.


  • 希斯罗机场迷惑旅客围着他们行李绕圈子很多人在客户信息服务台前排队试图重新安排航班

    At Heathrow, confused passengers milled around with their luggage, many queuing at customer information desks in a bid to rearrange flights.


  • 大部分工人白天上班,每天晚上工人排队工资时,每个工人身上标签信息必须数据库里信息相匹配

    Since most of the workers employed on the project are day-laborers, the information on each worker's tag will be matched to the information in the database each evening as they line up to be paid.


  • jacl脚本输出当前路由信息(target . xml文件),标明请求是否正在通过AutonomicRequestFlowManager (ARFM)排队

    Script outputs the current routing information (target.xml file) and an indication of whether or not requests are being queued by the Autonomic request Flow Manager (ARFM).


  • 关于解决这些排队问题的更多信息请参见参考资料。

    See the Resources for information on solving these queuing problems.


  • 现在,排队系统帮助,车站停放出租车得以整齐地排队等候,没有信息告诉干什么到哪里去。

    The lines of taxis waiting there are in good order these days and the queuing system quite efficient.However there seems to be no information post to give you any idea of what to do or where to go.


  • 现在想象一下可以iPhone上获取以上详细信息CityTours推荐个景点时,可以提早订票无需排队等候

    Now imagine that detail available on your iPhone so that when City Tours recommends the attraction, you can book tickets in advance so you don't have to wait in line.


  • NET性能计数器关于排队请求平均等待时间统计信息

    NET performance counters for stats regarding queued requests and average wait times?


  • 一方面减少了人们到订票窗口排队等候麻烦但这个系统产生很多问题比如系统崩溃信息泄露

    While it saves you the trouble of long queues in front of ticket offices, the system has come across multiple problems, like crashes or info leaks.


  • 高级排队引擎外部地址信息传递路由引擎,并由路由引擎选择目标最为匹配连接器

    The advanced queuing engine passes the external address information to the routing engine and the routing engine selects the connector that most closely matches the destination.


  • 交换机中通过虚拟队列长度设置EFCI传递网络的排队信息

    The transfer of queue length information is implemented by setting EFCI according to the virtual queue length of the switch.


  • 交换机中通过队列长度设置EFCI传递网络的排队信息

    The transfer of queue length information is implemented by setting EFCI according to the queue length of the switch.


  • 预测信号交叉口排队长度可以交通信号控制管理提供非常重要信息

    Prediction of traffic queues at signalized intersection provides important information for traffic signal control and management.


  • 提出了车辆信息队列处理算法保证车道上排队车辆计算机内车辆信息队列的一一对应

    A vehicle queue process algorithm is presented, which ensures that the vehicle queue in roadway is consistent with the in-formation queue in computer.


  • 建立了一个模糊控制器决定排队系统信息分配策略使得顾客通信系统中的平均逗留时间最小

    A fuzzy controller is designed to decide the optimal tactic of distributing the information flow of the queue system, which makes the time of the clients delay least in the communication system.


  • 只能电话卡排队着,直到有一会通过糟糕的信号外婆得到信息尽可能地对孩子说声:“你。”

    You'd get a phone card and wait in line and then get a few minutes on a scratchy connection to get all the news from Grandma and as many "I love you's" to the child as possible.


  • 在此基础上,结合电力信息网络对网络带宽要求,提出了基于排队论和服务质量的网络带宽估算方法,并以IP电话为例,给出了详细的计算过程。

    The prevailing electricity information network is a service network based on IP technology while incapable of satisfying the end-to-end quality of service(QoS)requirements of different applications.


  • 当接到天气好的信息我们尽快申请排队争取能够尽快起飞。

    We'll apply for take-off clearance as soon as the weather is getting better.


  • 该文给出种修正的帐轮询调度算法算法适合用于排队队列比较少且排队报文长度信息明确的情况;

    This article puts forward a new scheduling algorithm named MDRR. This algorithm may be used when the packet length is not easy to get.


  • 一方面,加权公平排队(WFQ)允许可变基础上分配带宽因而不是所有信息必须相同带宽分配。

    Weighted fair queuing (WFQ), on the other hand, allows allocation of bandwidth on a variable basis, so not all flows have to have the same bandwidth allocation.


  • 最后服务排队系统说明信息驱动具体执行过程

    A case of single service system is detailed at the end to illustrate the executive process of the message driven method.


  • 最后服务排队系统说明信息驱动具体执行过程

    A case of single service system is detailed at the end to illustrate the executive process of the message driven method.


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