• 房产信息来自佛罗里达州马丁地方办事

    That property tax information comes from the district offices of Martin County, FL.


  • 知道这些步骤迎合特殊利益集团游说集团利益,他们按老办法办事。我知道他们我们现在讲话在准备战斗。我给他们的信息是:我也一样

    I know these steps will not sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I know they are gearing up for a fight as we speak.


  • 通过这个应用可以更新地理位置信息好友喊话,以及追踪个人达成的“成就”。朋友分享清单

    From within the app, you can update your location, send shouts to your friends, track your 'achievements,' and keep a to-do list that is Shared with your friends.


  • 组织金沙萨的国家办事得到加强,以便应对关于提供此次疫情信息外部要求方面卫生部提供支持

    The WHO Country Office in Kinshasa has been strengthened to provide support to the MoH in responding to external requests for information on this outbreak.


  • 查找关于特定国家组织一个区域信息请访问相应的世卫组织区域办事网站

    If you are looking for information on a specific country or a WHO region, visit the corresponding WHO regional office web site.


  • 广大的层面世卫组织会员国技术规划产生出版物数据库以及各区域办事处那里收集信息用来判明趋势

    On a broader level, WHO draws information from Member States, publications and databases produced by its technical programmes and regional offices to identify trends.


  • 本市办事询问关于地理信息系统(GIS)的数据通常会得到所需的数据。

    Visit local city offices to inquire about geographic information science (GIS) data, and you'll usually leave with more data than you need.


  • 美国丰田发动机销售公司,也分别收到来自同一办事要求有关丰田车型以及公司信息披露政策方面文件传票

    Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A. separately received a subpoena from the same office for related documents on Toyota models, including the company's disclosure policies.


  • 组织南非区域办事正向世卫组织驻南非邻国办事提供最新信息

    WHO African Regional Office is providing updated information to the WHO Country Offices in the neighbouring countries.


  • 确保及时更新秘书处有关国家信息以及来自国家办事区域办事处和总部信息交换畅通。

    Ensuring up-to-date information within the Secretariat on countries and good information flows from country offices, regional offices and headquarters.


  • 主题产品功能占位符,它们组织办事项列表帮助优先级排序使得信息检索变得更加方便。

    Themes act as placeholders for product functionality; they structure the backlog, aid prioritization, and make it easier to access information.


  • 公共信息中心设于世行办事处或附近设于大学其他交通便利之处,但这些地方通常位于各国首都

    PICs are located adjacent to World Bank offices or in universities or other accessible sites, usually in capital cities around the world.


  • 有助于没有过于具体化项列表内容的情况下,也提供一定的信息大家明白为了产品上线需要做点什么

    This tends to provide enough information to understand what it will take to bring the product to life without over-specifying the backlog contents.


  • 毕美娜准备阿联酋迪拜设立办事加快当地市场信息反应能力,以此作基地打入整个中东市场。

    Bi Meina said she plans to set up the United Arab Emirates of Dubai, the Office of the Office to speed up the local market responsiveness, as a base for the entire Middle East into the market.


  • Relenta可以“屏幕任何位置点击就可以处理邮件更新联系人信息增加日历工作,或者创建办事列表”。

    Relenta claims that "it takes just one click from any screen within Relenta to respond to emails, update contact information, add calendar events, or create to-do lists."


  • 通过portletIntegratingWebSpherePortalActivities服务集成,可以查看活动相关最新信息、查看完整的活动以及查看项。

    Integrating WebSphere Portal with the activities service through the portlet allows you to view updated information related to your activities, view completed activities, and view to-do's.


  • 演习测试政策导向协调信息管理风险评估能力以及区域国家办事WHO总部沟通

    The exercise will also test policy direction and coordination, information management and risk assessment capacity and communications between the Regional and Country Offices and Headquarters of WHO.


  • 一方面,医院旦弧测旧爻搅诧些超氓业信息中,办事关心超支的账单

    On the other hand, in the business office of the hospital, the clerks there are worried about overdue bills.


  • 难民专员办事同意委员会建议:保护信息培训金方案进行正式评价

    UNHCR agreed with the Board's recommendation to conduct a formal evaluation of its Protection Information Section traineeship programme.


  • 关于中国大陆江苏省淮安市涟水县时码办事处嵇码邮政编码网页,以及详细地区信息在线地图

    This is a page about postal code of "Shi Ma Ban Shi Chu Ji Ma Cun , Lianshui County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, China", with area information and online map.


  • 用户系统面向性:oltp面向顾客的,用于办事客户、和信息技术专业人员事务查询处理

    Users and system orientation: an OLTP system is customer-oriented and is used for transaction and query processing by clerks, clients, and information technology professionals.


  • 公司办事依托上海科技经济信息交通优势

    Our branch office relies on the advantage of high technology, good economy, fast information and convenient traffic in Shanghai.


  • 一方面,医院商业信息中,办事关心超支账单

    On the other hand, in the business office of the hospital, the clerks there are worried about overdue bills.


  • 目前已经大连沈阳、鞍山等地建立信息网络办事机构

    It has established an information network and offices in Dalian, shenyang and Anshan now.


  • 能将零散的,抽象信息的有条理生动形象易于认识理解大大提高使用者办事效率

    It could change the scattered, abstract information into proper arranging, lively, imaging, and easy to know and understand which will greatly improve the users' business efficiency.


  • 我们根据省级行政区域设立市场管理处时刻汇总处理来自办事业务信息

    We provincial-level administrative region under the established market management and processing times a summary from the Office of the business and information.


  • 记录重要信息——名字出生日期后——办事递给结婚证,脸无表情地说,“退钱,不包换,不保修。”

    After recording the vital informationnames, dates of birth, etc. — the clerk handed me our license and deadpanned, "no refunds, no exchanges, no warranties."


  • DILC上海7个海关办事,并且海关商检有着密切合作掌握最新信息

    DILC has seven offices in Shanghai customs and very close cooperation with customs, which means she can grasp the latest information.


  • DILC上海7个海关办事,并且海关商检有着密切合作掌握最新信息

    DILC has seven offices in Shanghai customs and very close cooperation with customs, which means she can grasp the latest information.


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