• 电码信号通过卫星天线接收

    The coded signal is received by satellite dishes.


  • 信号通过天线额外功率能够传输长的距离

    An antenna and extra power allow the signal to be transmitted over long distances.


  • 信号通过时增加信号传输力量的电子设备

    An electronic device that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals.


  • 金属信号通过休息信封检测产品拒绝。

    When the metal signal breaks through the detection envelope, the product is rejected.


  • 背部,材质玻璃塑料(像是玻璃)保证手机信号通过

    The back is entirely flat, made of either glass (more likely) or ceramic or shiny plastic in order for the cell signal to poke through.


  • 光电信号通过PLC控制电磁离合制动实现主机同步

    Light and electric signal brakes by PLC control power and magnetic clutch to keep pace with the main engine.


  • 控制方式指令信号通过同时检测电源电流负载电压得到

    The reference signal in this control approach is obtained by detecting both source current and load voltage.


  • 细胞外信号通过蛋白与蛋白蛋白与配体的作用细胞表面传送细胞核

    The transmission of an extracellular signal from the surface of the cell to the nucleus by a relay of protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions.


  • 皮肤的肌电图扫描感受器检测这些肌肉运动然后信号通过假肢转换运动。

    These muscle movements are detected by electromyography (EMG) sensors on the skin, and the signals are translated into movements by the prosthetic.


  • 远程计算机产生视频信号通过该交叉开关传输工作站

    Video signals produced by the remote computer are transmitted through the crosspoint switch to the workstation.


  • 来自这些传感器信号通过电子连接到一个微处理器计算机上

    The signals from these sensors are connected via electronics to a microprocessor or computer.


  • 电子信号通过刺激此类纤维振动发声(必须竖起耳朵仔细因为声音并不是很大)。

    Electrical signals will make the fibres vibrate to produce a sound (although rather quietly, so you must listen to them closely).


  • 唯一能够出去信号通过一个安全加密电话生成的加密通讯信号信号通过卫星传输

    The only signal which can get out is the encrypted communications, which are made through a secure and encrypted phone line, which sends conversations through a satellite, he says.


  • 然后这些信号通过媒介发送接收机,并在这里解码恢复接收信息能够理解形式

    The signals are then sent over a medium to a receiver, where they are decoded back into a form that the person receiving the message can understand.


  • 信号滤波许多环境下信号滤波非常有用的,例如信号通过开关时会加入寄生噪声

    Signal filter: signal filters can be useful in a number of circumstances, such as when spurious noise is inadvertently added to the signal as it travels through the switch.


  • 其他国家大多的做法不同,电视信号通过地面卫星传送直接个人手机发送数据方法效率高

    The signals are delivered via terrestrial and satellite broadcasts, a far more efficient approach than sending individual data streams to each viewer's handset, as is mostly done in other countries.


  • 这个重力正是物质质量产生由此产生的信号通过模拟系统后,称物品的质量显示出来。

    And the gravity is the quality of material produced, the resulting electrical signal through the simulation system, will be called the quality of items displayed.


  • 电子耦合器(联接器)能够使某些信号通过阻止另一些信号通过阻止直流电通过交流耦合器

    Electrical couplings promote the passage of certain signals but prevent the passage of others, such as an alternating current coupling that excludes direct current.


  • 通过软件用户可以设置各种波形参数,进而控制硬件模块产生相应波形信号通过串口下载硬件系统

    Can set up various kinds of wave form parameter through this software user, control hardware module produce corresponding waveform signal download through one UART to the hardware system.


  • 其中大部分用来维持突触,让大脑即使在无事可保持警觉。突触神经细胞间的连结,脉冲信号通过它们在细胞间传导。

    Most of this energy goes towards maintaining synapses, the junctions across which impulses jump from nerve cell to nerve cell, keeping the brain alert even when it is not doing anything.


  • 其中大部分用来维持突触,让大脑即使在无事可保持警觉。 突触神经细胞间的连结,脉冲信号通过它们在细胞间传导。

    Most of this energy goes towards maintaining synapses, the junctions across which impulses jump from nerve cell to nerve cell, keeping the brain alert even when it is not doing anything.


  • SELinux保护的容器中,SELinux阻止信号通过容器边界因此kill- 9- 1实际上安全的。

    In the SELinux-protected containers, SELinux stops the signals from passing the container boundary, so kill -9 -1 is actually safe.


  • 另一采用电压控制方式通过电压高低进行电机转速控制,电机的反馈信号通过驱动器反馈数控系统进行位置控制。

    Another kind of the voltage control mode, through the high and low voltage on motor speed control, motor feedback signal through the drive to the numerical control system feedback position control.


  • 我们主要通过信号手势哑剧动作来交流

    We communicated mainly by signs, gesticulation, and mime.


  • 演示了音频信号如何通过电缆传输而不失真

    He demonstrated how audio signals could be transmitted along cables without distortion.


  • 根据研究员桑尼·松皮的说法,也许已经学会检测来自人类威胁信号,并且通过努力讲和回应

    Dogs may have learned to detect threat signs from humans and respond by trying to make peace, according to researcher Sanni Somppi.


  • 光感受器通过发出化学信号对光作出反应的细胞

    Photoreceptors are cells that respond to light by sending out a chemical signal.


  • 通过测量信号卫星天线之间传播所需时间汽车位置可以锁定在100误差之内

    By measuring the time required for a signal to travel between the satellites and the antenna, the car's location can be pinned down within 100 meters.


  • 利用这些信息扁桃体情景进行了评估,认为只狗要冲过来,所以通过全身发出神经信号触发反应

    Using this information, the amygdala appraised a situationI think this charging dog wants to bite me—and triggers a response by radiating nerve signals throughout the body.


  • 利用这些信息扁桃体情景进行了评估,认为只狗要冲过来,所以通过全身发出神经信号触发反应

    Using this information, the amygdala appraised a situationI think this charging dog wants to bite me—and triggers a response by radiating nerve signals throughout the body.


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