• 不过声明说:“一种特殊的保留形式对话能够处理当前局势。”

    But it said: "There is a specific and reserved form of dialogue that can address the current situation."


  • 实质上出卖只能保留形式的“所有权”,其真正享有担保权益

    But, in essence, what the seller holds is only formal ownership, and what he really holds is the security interest.


  • 对于显示控制模型这两种形式可以互换,模型保留本身语义

    For models that show control flow only, both forms can be used interchangeably and the models will preserve their execution semantics.


  • 践行者们谨慎数字形式保留他们的全部事情多少咖啡每天做多少工作正在什么等等

    Practitioners keep meticulous digital records of things they do: how much coffee they drink, how much work they do each day, what books they are reading, and so on.


  • 最重要细节这个应用程序(由于保留了早期的iPhone形式)包含一个控制器RecipesController通过index方法处理食谱清单

    The only important detail is that the application, as it exists in its pre-iPhone form, contains a controller called RecipesController that handles listing recipes via its index method.


  • 使用“ _ E OF _ ” (EOF表示文件末尾),是因为传统的表示形式但是可以使用任何字符穿,只要你所用的字符串bash保留相冲突就可以了。

    I use "_eof_" (EOF is short for "End Of File") because it is traditional, but you can use anything, as long as it does not conflict with a bash reserved word.


  • octa 保留四字缩写形式延用了16 位时的用法)。

    octa reserves quadword values (the mnemonic is a holdover from 16-bit days).


  • 正在消失岛屿居民可以以某种形式保留他们权利即便他们已经成群结队的移民国家或者另外一个国家合并。这就像是带着嫁妆出嫁一样

    The people of a vanishing atoll might somehow retain their rights even if they migrated en masse to another country, or merged with another state, bringing their entitlements as a sort of dowry.


  • 去世已经塔夫特当政时期故事,但更丰富详细其余资料仍然孤立章节粗略笔记形式保留着。

    At the time of his death he had carried his story through the Taft administration; the rest of the material, far more copious and detailed, remained in the form of isolated chapters and rough notes.


  • 决大多数肖像画都有意的传达出个清楚简单的意向:保留画人物的特征,同时种概括的表现形式靠拢:或是表现美丽,或是表现社会地位,或是表现虔诚

    Most portraits, by design, convey one fairly simple idea: They preserve the particulars of their sitters while bringing them into conformity with a general type, whether of beauty, rank or piety.


  • 他们放松我们交付产物正规形式他们预想的结构并且他们毫无保留批准了我们的基于RUP框架文档

    They were also easing up on requiring formality and a preconceived structure in our deliverables, and they were approving documentation based on the RUP framework without reservations.


  • 指出高盛合伙人很大一部分薪酬是以股票形式获取要求保留所持股权直至退休

    Goldman partners, he points out, receive a sizeable chunk of their pay in stock and are required to maintain their ownership stake until retirement.


  • 获得了巨大成功电子邮件系统测试版形式发布并且将这个标签保留多年

    Gmail, its hugely successful E-mail system, was released to the world in beta (ie, testing) mode and stayed that way for years.


  • 因为瓦熊所拍摄许多原版底片毁坏了所以出现这本黑白相册中的照片都以电子版形式保留

    Many of the original negatives of Vachon's photographs were damaged, so each of the black-and-white images in the book was digitally restored.


  • 让人惊奇很多器官依然某种形式保留着,所以我们可以看见进化过程

    What is most fascinating is that many of these parts of the body still remain in some form so we can see the progress of evolution.


  • 俄亥俄州克里夫兰凯斯西保留医学院心理学家雪利尔·金斯伯格这些问题表现形式趋向多元。

    It's the flavor of those problems that tends to differ, said Sheryl Kingsberg, a psychologist at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio.


  • 对话对话一种特殊交互模式形式,其中涉及各方知道之前交换消息(各方均保留状态信息)。

    Conversations: a conversation is a special form of interaction pattern where the parties involved have awareness of previously exchanged messages (that is, the parties hold state information).


  • 屋顶下面这个教室形式由三个围墙保留花园的位置界定的。

    Below the roof the form of this classroom is defined by the position of three timber enclosures and small retained gardens.


  • 给予创作者一定通知后,主办方将保留各种形式复制使用漫画作品一切权利

    The organizers reserve the right to reproduce and use the original cartoons in any form with due acknowledgement to the artists.


  • 这个服务真是相当的好用:生成的PD F文章双栏、多页面的形式排版,可读性很强;原文所有图片得以保留

    It works really well; articles are laid out in a very readable and attractive multi-page, two-column format; all the article's images are retained.


  • 保留根据实际情况随时调整顶峰助力营销平台提供服务种类形式

    Keep according to actual condition adjust peak power types, forms of micro marketing platform to provide services.


  • 自始至终,IR目标就是正规的形式表示源代码同时还要保留尽可能多的来自前端信息

    The goal throughout has been to represent the source in canonical form while preserving as much information from the front end as possible.


  • 同样保留了该形式的单词knockgnaw,其中k音和g音已经好几个世纪不发音了。

    The same holds for knock and gnaw, in which k- and g- have been mute for centuries.


  • 解决一问题出路在于,参考法律保留原则,最高权力机关法律形式设定高校处分

    The access to it is to definite college's penalty right in the form of law by supreme power.


  • 一旦烤了直到冲泡最好保留形式

    Once a bean has been roasted, is is best kept in a whole bean form until brewing time.


  • 我们通过保留原来形式的踢脚板檐板天花板装饰线条,完好无损地保留现存房屋特征

    We kept the character of the existing house intact, with all skirtings, cornices and ceiling mouldings retained in their original form.


  • 认为内含子早期生命形式中即存在真核生物保留原核生物丢失理论

    Theory that introns were present in early life forms and were retained by eukaryotes, but lost by prokaryotes.


  • 黑暗中等黑暗形式一直保留我们地表中等到光明音调最终我们的核心中存在。

    The darker and medium dark forms of love have remained along our surface, and the medium to light tones ended up in our core.


  • 黑暗中等黑暗形式一直保留我们地表中等到光明音调最终我们的核心中存在。

    The darker and medium dark forms of love have remained along our surface, and the medium to light tones ended up in our core.


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