• 不论什么单位个人不得粉碎或者私自转变基本耕种田保护保护标志

    No unit or individual may damage or change without authorization protection signs for capital farmland protection zones.


  • 摘要格鲁吉亚为避免本国葡萄酒被仿冒中国申请获得了原产地地理保护标志

    ABSTRACT: Georgia is promoting and protecting the name and quality of its national alcoholic beverages from misuse and imitation in China.


  • 想这个社区的其他服务人员。我们有收集垃圾的人,他们负责保持社区卫生;我们有道路工人,他们竖起、修理交通标志牌,维修道路,不仅保护着我们自己,也保护着我们的汽车!

    Think about all the other service workers we have in this community. We have people who collect waste and rubbish and keep our community sanitary. We have road workers who put up and repair traffic signs and fix holes in the streets to protect not just us, but our cars!


  • 对于超级英雄来说,他们罪恶战斗标志而且同时也是为了保护他的私人生活家庭匿名手段。

    For superheroes, it serves as their symbol in fighting evil and sometimes provides them with the anonymity they need to protect their private lives and families.


  • 树形标志一个普遍认可象征代表了很多东西其中包括生命智慧力量保护丰富等

    The use of the tree logo is a universally recognizable symbol which represents many things, some of which are life, wisdom, strength, protection and abundance.


  • 顺着日本海岸线,到处可见海啸警告标志高耸海堤标记明显的逃生路线为人们巨大到临时提供一定保护

    And all along the Japanese coast, tsunami warning signs, towering seawalls and well-marked escape routes offer some protection from walls of water.


  • 目前这个属性只用HTTPOnly标志保护LTPAcookie

    At present, this property only protects the LTPA cookie with the HTTP only flag.


  • 这个地方没有地进行保护警告标志仅仅放在地上一条2米长的条纹

    The place was not fenced properly: the role of warning protection was played by the two-meter piece of a striped tape lying on the ground.


  • 在袋子内部贴上层带泡泡塑料保护层用以保护心爱iPad,然后再袋子外层正中心贴上苹果标志太酷了!

    This case USES the same basic construction techniques but is lined with bubble wrap for a bit more iPad protection. An Apple logo sticker in the center adds a bit of style, too.tuaw.


  • Mabry先生指出,这些举动的共同原因渴望——保护一个更自信美国标志

    One impulse common to such efforts, Mr. Mabry suggests, is a desire to preserve the symbols of a more confident America.


  • 美国承认地理标志可作为商标并不包括欧盟希望加以保护所有食品饮料名称

    The United States recognizes geographical indicators that have been trademarked, but not the full gamut of food and beverage names the EU wants to protect.


  • 老虎当今自然保护标志动物之一,特别的花纹虎皮令人生畏名声它脱颖而出。

    The tiger is one of the most emblematic symbols of conservation today, and its distinctively patterned coat and fearsome reputation make this species instantly recognizable.


  • 主体使用标志目标站点请求保护资源

    Subject makes a request to the target site for the secured resource using the token.


  • 必须制定完善环境标志制度环境保护法律以便保障绿色市场营销战略实施

    The environmental mark system and environmental protection law must be enacted and consummated in order to guarantee the implementation of the green marketing strategy.


  • 商标保护可以阻止造假者正当竞争者近似显著性标志销售劣质不同产品服务的行为。

    Trademark protection also hinders the efforts of unfair competitors, such as counterfeiters, to use similar distinctive signs to market inferior or different products or services.


  • 呼吸保护装置面罩罩式面罩口罩一起使用压缩空气导管呼吸装置要求试验标志

    Respiratory protective devices - Compressed air line breathing apparatus for use with a full face mask, half mask or a mouthpiece assembly - Requirements, testing, marking.


  • 因为这种功能会可能造成数据大量丢失,因此应该清晰警报标志保护用户

    Because Abandon Changes involves significant data loss, the user should be protected with clear warning signs.


  • 英格兰曾经一度濒临灭绝再度出现,标志着动物保护一个伟大胜利

    The reintroduction of red kites, once on the verge of extinction in England, has proved a remarkable success. Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images


  • 结构伦敦增加一个新的标志地标,从而不会影响到保护威斯敏斯特远景

    The structure would add a new iconic landmark to London and would not impact the protected vista of the Palace of Westminster.


  • 如何保护地理标志滥用,如何有效地禁止假冒侵权行为等问题成为国际社会各国立法机关所共同关注问题。

    Therefore, the problem that how to prevent geographical indication from being abused and ban the counterfeiting effectively has attract the attention of the specialists all over the world.


  • 这辆加上生而自由基金”标志,并成为呼吁动物保护协会慈善活动的礼品。

    The vehicle is marked with paw prints and the logo of the Born Free Foundation and is offered as a prize to launch an appeal for the animal welfare charity.


  • 该法制定是为了保护澳大利亚标志进展以及其他相关目的

    This is an Act to make provision for the protection of the Advance Australia logo, and for related purposes.


  • 目的寻求甲状腺手术神经喉返神经提供定位保护应用解剖标志

    Objective To introduce anatomic landmark for location and protection of superior laryngeal nerve and recurrent laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery.


  • 保护个人隐私社会文明进步标志

    Protecting the individual privacy is a flag of the social civilization and progress.


  • 奥林匹克标志知识产权保护我国能否举办届成功奥林匹克运动会具有重大的现实意义

    Olympic symbols on our ability to protect intellectual property rights held a successful Olympic Games is of great practical significance.


  • 运用案例分析研究方法,分析了奥林匹克标志司法保护实践。

    This article analyzed the judicial protection of Olympic insignia used the case study method.


  • 运用案例分析研究方法,分析了奥林匹克标志司法保护实践。

    This article analyzed the judicial protection of Olympic insignia used the case study method.


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