• 支持斗牛者还辩称斗牛一项必须保存艺术形式

    Supporters says the corrida is an art form that it is vital to preserve.


  • 他们艺术成果保存野生动物山羊人类以及日常生活场景绘画这些场景可能可以追溯到公元前5000年。

    Their artistic endeavors have been preserved in paintings of wild animals, cattle, goats, humans, and scenes of daily life that extend back perhaps to 5,000 B.C..


  • 麦基团队现在已经确定他们找到沉船他们没有意识艘船里一个保存完好艺术宝库

    McKee and his team now knew for certain that they had found the wreck, but were as yet unaware that it also housed a treasure trove of beautifully preserved artefacts.


  • 一个全能的照片应用,包含镜框效果丰富分辨率剪贴艺术、高分辨率保存标签画笔蒙板模式

    An all round photo app with frames, effects, rich hi-res clip-art, high resolution save, stickers, rotation, brushes and mask modes.


  • 由于大山子艺术日益商业化自己画室搬走了,在这里保存了一间办公室酒吧

    The increasing commercialization of the Dashanzi area has led him to move his studio elsewhere, while keeping an officeand his cafehere.


  • 里昂保存最好的文艺复兴时期地区米埃兄弟故乡,这里集中时尚设计师尊崇丝质传统有罗马遗迹动态艺术场面

    The largest preserved Renaissance area in Europe, home to the Lumiere brothers, a centre for fashion designers who follow a long tradition of silk-making, Roman ruins and a dynamic arts scene.


  • 虽然目前这件服装只是保存盒子里布片雕塑,但团队希望有一超越艺术的范畴。

    Though right now the dress exists as a fabric sculpture in a box, the team hopes that it will one day be more than art.


  • 保存完好绘画来自2008年秋天的这次记录澳大利亚岩石艺术探险

    This well-preserved painting is among thousands that were discovered on a 2008 expedition to document rock art in Australia.


  • 那个时代服饰时尚可能已经消失了但是耐久材料建起来的艺术装饰风格的酒店公寓私人住宅电影院银行还是保存了下来。

    The clothing and fashions of that era may have vanished, but art-deco hotels, apartment blocks, private residences, cinemas and Banks - made of more durable materials - have survived.


  • 当然,对艺术来说,保存永久艺术形式一个问题,比如说,史前艺术以前山洞石灰墙上创造作品,但现在不会有人这么做了。

    Of course permanency has been a problem for artists since the first prehistory artist scratched into a chalk wall in a French cave.


  • 使用Shazam辨识乐曲,并能保存他们购买他们。另外,你可以获得更多关于艺术的信息,能连接他们MySpace页面

    With Shazam you can identify music tracks, store them, and buy them; plus you can learn more about the artist and connect to their MySpace page.


  • 万幸保存收据(艺术品来源重要的),现今Spink公司的档案佳士得所有,佳士得又不允许其他拍卖行使用文件

    Luckily he had kept his receipts (provenance is important), for today Spink's archive belongs to Christie's, which denies other auction houses access to its papers.


  • 它与Pandora不同之处在于,可以选择艺术歌曲放到播放列表中,甚至可以保存起来,就算离线也可以欣赏音乐Pandora只提供美国地区的在音乐流媒体服务

    Unlike Pandora, the US-only music streaming service, you can actually choose an artist and track, and organize music into playlists, even saving them for offline listening.


  • 其他形式艺术雕刻绘画其他文物保存教堂博物馆大家欣赏

    Other forms of art, such as carvings, paintings and other artifacts are preserved in churches and museums for everyone to appreciate.


  • 新疆克孜尔石窟甘肃麦积山石窟,敦煌莫高窟保存大量时期壁画艺术造诣极高

    Kizil Grottoes, such as Xinjiang, Gansu Maijishan Grottoes, Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes are saved a lot of the period murals, high artistic attainments.


  • 摄影能让时间停留艺术,把无法肉眼驻留时刻保存下来,把即兴发生的事件和人类灵魂中的丰沛激情做最真实的记录。

    It is the art of stopping time, to preserve a moment that the naked eye cannot hold, to capture truth, spontaneous truth, the depths of excitement in human spirit.


  • 希望不久将来这种能够出名然后市场需求增加我们可以黄茶艺术保存下来

    Hopefully in the future this tea will become better known and the market will increase so that we can help to keep this art alive.


  • 延伸单个天窗位于走廊中间,表明时光流逝损伤室内保存珍贵艺术

    A single continuous skylight centered down the middle of the gallery marks the passage of time without harming the cherished art held within.


  • 第二跟随海德格尔艺术追问的思路作品世界大地创作保存等作专题化的讨论。

    In the second chapter, we will follow Heidegger's thinking of art, including thing, work, equipment, world, earth, creation, preservation, poetry.


  • 首先1941年考察甘肃青海之后,倡议建立敦煌艺术学院加强敦煌艺术保存研究

    First, in 1941, after inspecting Gansu, Qinghai, he advised to create Dunhuang art Institute to strengthen the preservation and study of Dunhuang art.


  • 文字——保存我们思想后代造福艺术缺少人类的任何进步都没有可能的,但它的发明只不过在短暂的四千之前

    Writing—the art of preserving our ideas for the benefit of future generations, without which no progress is possible was invented only four thousand years ago.


  • 艺术文学保存记载最为完善一种资源,它们使我们过去实际发生过的事情直接联系起来。

    The arts and literature are one of the most well-preserved and documented resources that can give us a direct link into what actually happened in the past.


  • 处石窟保存一定数量元代壁画这些壁画风格独特,具有显明艺术特征极高的研究价值

    The two grottoes preserved a certain number of the Yuan Dynasty wall-painting, which had unique style, obvious artcharacteristics and research value.


  • 记谱法第二个优点我们保存艺术作品

    And secondly there's another advantage of notation. It allows us to preserve the work of art.


  • 石头保存不仅仅是历史往事书法艺术,石头还曾经被中国古人用来当作画布

    Stoness not only preserve history and calligraphic works, they are also used as canvases.


  • 石头保存不仅仅是历史往事书法艺术,石头还曾经被中国古人用来当作画布

    Stoness not only preserve history and calligraphic works, they are also used as canvases.


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