• 世纪早期帝国已经失去了大约三分之二领土拥有了600年剩余土地正在遭受阿拉伯保加利亚人的袭击

    By the early eighth century, the empire had lost roughly two-thirds of the territory it had possessed in the year 600, and its remaining area was being raided by Arabs and Bulgarians.


  • 属于关于保加利亚保加利亚,或有特点的。

    Of or relating to or characteristic of Bulgaria or its people .


  • 贝巴鲁尼一起换下之前打开僵局,弗格森爵士确认保加利亚膝盖有伤

    Berbatov broke the deadlock before being substituted along with Rooney, and Sir Alex confirmed that the Bulgarian had suffered a recurrence of his troublesome knee injury.


  • 在这里尽情游历观赏吧这个独特地方的魅力蛊惑,为保加利亚热情所融化

    Experience a day here and watch as you fall under the spell of this unusual place and the hospitality of the Bulgarian people.


  • 然而若是这笔资金继续处于冻结状态,或是欧盟今后冻结更多的款项保加利亚人的忍耐持续多久

    But will Bulgarian tolerance last if funds remain frozen much longer or if other bits of EU funding have to be frozen in the future?


  • 德国平均薪资保加利亚因此,我们的消费税率也只应该德国人的五分之一。”季米特洛夫表示

    "The average salary in Germany is five times bigger than Bulgaria's, therefore the excise duty rates should be five times lower than Germany's," Dimitrov said.


  • 波里索夫指出一个悖论冻结资金援助保加利亚欧盟的信任度不降反升。

    Mr Borisov also notes the "paradox" that Bulgarians' trust in European institutions "actually increased when the money was frozen".


  • 比赛早早取得了进球,随后了点球,距球门3的距离门柱,还误传贝尔巴托夫一脚好球(由于不想贪功),保加利亚浪费

    He scored early in the match, but then missed a penalty, hit the post from three yards out and fluffed an easy pass to Dimitar Berbatov that would have resulted in a tap-in for the Bulgarian.


  • 政界反应强烈,法国今年遣返罗马尼亚保加利亚的吉普赛达8000之多,清理了数百处非法聚居地

    Politicians' response has been robust. France has deported 8,000 people to Romania and Bulgaria this year alone and cleared hundreds of illegal camps.


  • 这位八十多岁的保加利亚父亲不无骄傲地说起女儿同时也是在说他辆1972年生产的莫斯科牌408型汽车

    This proud father, a Bulgarian in his 80s, isn't talking about his daughter, but something equally as dear: his squat 1972 Moskvitch-408 car, with a sky-blue shell and a ruby-red vinyl interior.


  • 斯蒂夫保加利亚道路骑车是否安全他用另外一个问题回答的问题,“知道保加利亚人怎么称呼骑车吗?”

    When I asked Steve about the safety of cycling on the country's roads, he answered my question with another question: "Do you know what the Bulgarian for cyclist is?"


  • 此学习的来自全世界的年轻感到自豪,这次的班级包括有来自冷战时期我们的对手俄罗斯保加利亚毕业生

    I was also proud of the young people who came to our service academies from all over the world. This class included graduates from our Cold War adversaries Russia and Bulgaria.


  • 保加利亚国家空间研究所科学家破译外星发送他们复杂符号工作正在进行中。

    Work on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them is underway, scientists from the country's Space Research Institute said.


  • 难以置信法国球员陷入崩溃保加利亚人肆意庆祝霍利尔则抓了只替罪羊。

    The French players collapsed in disbelief, Bulgarians rejoiced and Houllier sought a scapegoat.


  • 欧盟的所用成员国中,只是东部匈牙利保加利亚人持有同样的阴沉观点

    Within the European Union, only easterners from Hungary and Bulgaria are similarly morose.


  • 欧共体一位官员提出这样的疑问。因为存在矛盾:沙特阿拉伯保加利亚富有倍。

    There are incongruities: Saudis are about twice as rich per person as Bulgarians.


  • 保加利亚,Lesnovo:保加利亚乡下的假面仪式上,一个保加利亚戴着Kukeri面具表演舞蹈

    14 / 14 Lesnovo, Bulgaria: A Bulgarian wears a mask for Kukeri, a masked ritual in rural Bulgaria, while performing a ritual dance


  • 只有欧盟穷国移民无法禁止仍然德国带来可观的移入口;2008年从保加利亚移入8103,从罗马尼亚移入的则有10447

    Only poor EU countries, from which the flow of immigration cannot be stopped, still provided significant numbers of new arrivals to Germany in 2008: 8, 103 from Bulgaria and 10, 447 from Romania.


  • 保加利亚人打进精彩的第一球,其实他早就有机会打破僵局

    The Bulgarian scored a spectacular opener and had earlier looked most likely to break the deadlock.


  • 现在世界最好球员,”保加利亚

    "At the moment he is the best in the world," said the Bulgarian.


  • 希腊土耳其保加利亚,对点头十分摸不着头脑因为有的地方点头的意思是说

    And things can get very confusing if you nod your head at people in Greece, Turkey or Bulgaria, as to some this actually means no.


  • 主帅德尚没有信服能力保加利亚人认为这个寻求转变

    The Bulgarian was thought to be looking for a switch this month after failing to convince boss Didier Deschamps of his ability.


  • 保加利亚罗马尼亚将填补波兰不再感兴趣职位

    Bulgarians and Romanians may fill jobs no longer of interest to Poles.


  • 真是奇妙一天特别来说是这样的。因为完成了帽子戏法,这也帮助球队赢得了德比战,”保加利亚曼联电视说

    "It's a magical day, special for me of course because I scored a hat-trick and we won against our rivals Liverpool," the Bulgarian beamed on MUTV.


  • 弗格森爵士承认赛季状态感到高兴,周末保加利亚人就可以出战朴茨茅斯

    Sir Alex Ferguson admits he has been pleased with the form of Reds striker Dimitar Berbatov this season as he looks set to recall the Bulgarian for United's trip to Portsmouth on Saturday.


  • 目前表现最好女性来自保加利亚伊琳娜·博科娃来自阿根廷苏珊娜·马尔科拉,两名列排行榜第三

    The highest-performing women have been Irina Bokova of Bulgaria and Susana Malcorra of Argentina, who have both reached third place in the rankings.


  • 目前表现最好女性来自保加利亚伊琳娜·博科娃来自阿根廷苏珊娜·马尔科拉,两名列排行榜第三

    The highest-performing women have been Irina Bokova of Bulgaria and Susana Malcorra of Argentina, who have both reached third place in the rankings.


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