• 俄罗斯韩国工程技术人员组成一个小组正在进行全面技术分析

    He explains that a joint Russian and Korean team of engineers are conducting a thorough technical analysis.


  • 预期方会谈将本月下月恢复,届时日本俄罗斯韩国参加

    Mr Hill expects the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear projects (also involving Japan, Russia and South Korea) to resume this month or maybe in December.


  • 一个合作项目包括美国、欧盟大多数国家、日本中国印度俄罗斯韩国

    It is a joint project between America, most of the European Union, Japan, China, India, Russia and South Korea.


  • 十大出色CEO中,美国位,印度俄罗斯韩国分别入围中国CEO们无一上榜

    Among the top ten best CEOs, the United States had 7, India, Russia and South Korea have one person in the top ten respectively, and no Chinese CEO is on the list.


  • 主要介绍了几种自由电子激光器进行太赫兹成像原理方法给出了俄罗斯韩国研究人员最近一两年的实验结果

    Several methods and theory of THz imaging as well as late results of the researchers in Russia and Korea are introduced.


  • FIBA理事会政策联合国安全理事会的政策很大不同就是俄罗斯韩国拒绝参加世界锦标赛原因

    The politics of the FIBA central board are very different from the politics of the United Nations Security Council, which is why Russia was excluded from the world championship as well as South Korea.


  • 在表明接受日本援救队伍数小时之后外交部周五份声明中来自俄罗斯韩国新加坡的专家组允许进入。

    Hours after saying it will accept a Japanese rescue team, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement early Friday that specialist crews from Russia, South Korea, and Singapore would be welcome as well.


  • 由于担心全球经济再次陷入衰退上周四韩国俄罗斯巴西股市纷纷出现大幅下跌,抛售风潮一直持续周五

    Stock indices from South Korea to Russia to Brazil plummeted on Thursday and continued their sell off on Friday amid fears that a global recession may be underway.


  • 首尔除了会见韩国外交官以外也将俄罗斯官员会面

    He is to meet Russian officials in Seoul in addition to South Korean diplomats.


  • 安秉万韩国俄罗斯科学家正在调查这个问题

    Ahn said South Korean and Russian scientists were looking into the problem.


  • 阶段讨论尔先生做总结发言,他为大家提供国际经验教训特别是介绍共同基金俄罗斯印度韩国出现严重问题的典型案例

    The session concluded with another presentation by Mark St Giles on lessons from international experience, especially classic failure stories of mutual funds in Russia, India, and Korea.


  • 这场危机1997年始于泰国然后波及印尼韩国现已波及俄罗斯

    The crisis had begun in Thailand in 1997, then infected Indonesia and South Korea, and now it had spread to Russia.


  • 鉴于全球汽车业低迷通用汽车旗下曾经生机勃勃的韩国大宇汽车销售公司(Daewoo Motor SalesCorp .)以及俄罗斯拉美业务陷入了困境。

    GM's once-thriving Daewoo Motor Sales Corp. operation in South Korea and its businesses in Russia and Latin America have fallen on hard times because of a global downturn in the auto industry.


  • 美国韩国认为这项提议不是什么新鲜事。这两个国家以及俄罗斯中国日本参加几轮方会谈。

    The United States and South Korea, which both participated in earlier rounds of six-party negotiations, along with Russia, China and Japan, dismissed that proposal as nothing new.


  • 即使是来自日本韩国俄罗斯瑞士联赛少数球员国家队也被要求其他人步调一致。

    Even the handful of players drawn from leagues in Japan, South Korea, Russia and Switzerland are expected to fall into line when representing their country.


  • 来自戈壁塔克拉玛干沙漠沙尘常常春季出现美国西部导致韩国日本俄罗斯城市的灾难性空气质量

    Dust from the Gobi and Taklimakan deserts is often present over the western United States in the spring and can lead to disastrous air quality in Korean, Japanese and Russian cities.


  • 俄罗斯韩国日本阐述自己立场同时,也分别作了大量工作

    While elaborating on their respective positions, Russia, the ROK and Japan did a lot to promote peace.


  • 这个战略东盟韩国印度俄罗斯列为优先合作对象,而把南方共同市场海湾合作理事会列为正在进行争取的两个区域性壁垒

    The strategy names ASEAN, South Korea, India and Russia as priorities, as well as two regional blocks, Mercosur and the Gulf Co-operation Council, that it is already courting.


  • 可以找到各种本地化版本OpenOffice,包括非洲亚洲欧洲北美,当然还包括许多国家,比如韩国印度俄罗斯

    You can find localized versions of OpenOffice in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America, from countries and environments as diverse as Korea, India, and Russia.


  • 他们调查国家包括巴西中国希腊日本俄罗斯瑞士土耳其美国阿根廷丹麦英国印度葡萄牙南非韩国

    The countries studied included Brazil, China, Greece, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, the us, Argentina, Denmark, the UK, India, Portugal, South Africa, and South Korea.


  • 乌兹·别克主要的种群,占总人口的80%,另外的种群包括俄罗斯5.5%,塔吉克人15%,韩国4.7%,哈萨克人3%,卡拉卡尔帕克人2.5%,塔塔尔人1.5%。

    Uzbek is the predominant ethnic group. Other ethnic groups include Russian 5.5%, Tajik 15%, Korean 4.7%, Kazakh 3%, Karakalpak 2.5%, and Tatar 1.5%.


  • 乌兹·别克主要的种群,占总人口的80%,另外的种群包括俄罗斯5.5%,塔吉克人15%,韩国4.7%,哈萨克人3%,卡拉卡尔帕克人2.5%,塔塔尔人1.5%。

    Uzbek is the predominant ethnic group. Other ethnic groups include Russian 5.5%, Tajik 15%, Korean 4.7%, Kazakh 3%, Karakalpak 2.5%, and Tatar 1.5%.


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