• 成功钻井钻井工程严格的要求

    Successful operation of sidetracking well is very strict with production engineering and drilling engineering.


  • 技术用于轨迹复测钻井定向钻井开窗定向

    This technology can do repetition measurement of well bore track, determine drilling direction and window cutting direction of sidetrack well and so on.


  • 应用定向斜井钻井技术水动力学方法等进行调整挖潜

    Many techniques are applied to adjustment and tapping potential including directed drilling, sidetrack drilling technique and hydrodynamic methods.


  • 解决了普通分层注汽井钻井隔热分层注汽的难题

    It solved the difficult problems of thermal insulation or separate steam injection in general steam injection well, separate steam injection well, and side track well.


  • 漂浮顶替固井工艺、无箍套管工艺技术首次应用大港油田侧钻上。

    Floating displacement cementing technology and flush joint casing technology are the first application in sidetracking well of Dagang Oilfield.


  • 介绍钻井孔施工工艺探讨了扩孔技术减少侧钻井油层损害机理

    The paper introduces the reaming technology of lateral drilling, discusses the mechanism of reducing reservoir damage by using reaming technique.


  • 由于钻井水平井特殊身结构限制常规小件打捞打捞成功率

    Because the limit of special casing program of sidetracking well and horizontal well, the fishing success ratio of conventional little junk fisher is low.


  • 钻井技术作为油田挖潜增产重要技术手段,辽河油田大面积推广应用。

    As one of the key technologies for developing the old oilfield, sidetracking has been widely used in Liaohe oilfield.


  • 钻井具有开窗、尾管尺寸目的渗透率压力低、产量低等特点

    These Wells possess such characteristics as high window cutting point, small size of tailpipes, low permeability of target strata, low pressure and low production.


  • 渗流角度讲,钻井水平井渗流一种近似因此不能沿用裸眼复合油藏模型

    From the point of view of seepage flow, sidetracked well is similar to horizontal well, thus, the open hole well composite reservoir test model can not be adopted.


  • 渗流态讲,钻井水平井渗流的一近似因此不能沿用裸眼复合油藏模型

    From the point of view of seepage flow, sidetracked well is similar to horizontal well, thus, the open-hole well composite reservoir test model can not be adopted.


  • 随着加密钻井数量不断增加越来越多,其设计和施工难度也越来越大。

    With the increase of infill and sidetrack Wells, more and more sidetrack Wells require more bypassing obstacles and become more difficult to be planned and drilled.


  • 近年来油田采用一些大斜度定向井、老井开窗钻井钻井技术,测井面临如何作业的问题

    Some new logging problems have appeared because horizontal, extended reach and sidetrack wells have been widely drilled in recent years.


  • 针对不同尺寸套管完井,在侧钻井分层开采过程中的配套封堵卡封配套改层工艺

    According to the casing strings of different sizes, converting zone technology including chemical plugging and packer setting is matched during the process of selective zone production.


  • 江苏油田成功完成40口套管内钻井,所完成钻井全部,最小靶心距不到1米。

    Jiangsu Oilfield has already finished more than 40 side tracking Wells successfully. All the side tracking Wells finished are within the range of target district.


  • 研究开窗钻井固井质量提高油气开发效果延长油井使用寿命降低成本具有重要意义

    The research cutting window sidetrack drilling cementing quality has important significance for improving oil development result, extending the production life of oil well and reducing the cost.


  • 针对定向井钻井轨道常见类型给出了不同的优化数学模型,分析了计算过程,并给出了应用实例

    According to the normal well path types of the directional and sidetrack Wells, the calculating process is analyzed and the application cases are given.


  • 地质要求利用钻井降低钻井成本,使钻井不断增多,三维大斜度侧钻井油田开发越来越重要

    Required by geology or reducing drilling cost by using wells drilled, 3D sidetracking wells are getting more and more, 3D sidetracking wells are increasingly important in oilfield development.


  • 在开窗侧钻井使用国产SJC2C水泥胶结综合测井仪替代进口DDL系列CBL 测井仪已取得了较好应用效果

    Satisfactory results have been reached by substituting imported CBL logging tool of DDL series with home made cement bond logging tool SJC 2C.


  • 随着我国钻井小井钻井需求不断增加,连续油管作业技术我国水平井钻井、修井井作业中将发挥巨大作用

    With the increasing demand of the lateral drilling and slim hole drilling, the coiled tubing (CT) operating technique will play a great role in horizontal well drilling, well workover and completion.


  • 江苏油田真148钻井实践证明,利用方法不但能提高定向准确性而且降低成本

    Applications at Zhen 148 Well in Jiangsu Oilfield illustrated that the method not only improves orienting accuracy but also cuts down sidetracking cost.


  • 针对水平井钻井的特点,应用模糊数学理论层次分析方法建立钻水平井钻井综合评价模型

    The mathematical model for evaluating sidetrack horizontal well drilling is developed by using the fuzzy mathematical theory and analytical hierarchic process.


  • 水平井轨迹起始段工艺技术,钻水平井钻井工艺关键技术。

    The technology of hole trajectory primary sect ion is the key of drilling in re entry horizontal Wells.


  • 应用小井眼开窗技术降低钻井综合成本提高原油产量重要途径之一

    Slim hole sidetracking and window milling technology is one of the effective ways to cut down the comprehensive drilling cost and improve oil production rate.


  • 基础上,针对种具体的钻井工艺完成了海洋修井机用于开窗钻作业配套方案研究海洋小井眼开窗钻作业提供了一种新的途径

    On the base of that, the matching construction of the ocean workover rig for side tracking was discussed. This provided a new way for the slim hole drilling.


  • 通过钻井过程泵压张力变化机械钻分析,指出了半径水平井钻井技术存在的主要问题

    Based on the analysis of pump pressure, tension variation, and drilling speed, the existing problems of ultra-short radius side tracking horizontal well were presented.


  • 套管开窗钻小井眼水平井钻井技术特殊性复杂性传统常规录井带来了严峻挑战

    The particularity and complexity of sidetracking horizontal wells through the opened casing hole has brought severe challenges to conventional mud logging.


  • 钻井施工精确控制水平轨迹应用了悬空技术

    During drilling operation, the track in horizontal interval is controlled and the hang sidetrack drilling technology is successfully used.


  • 钻井施工精确控制水平轨迹应用了悬空技术

    During drilling operation, the track in horizontal interval is controlled and the hang sidetrack drilling technology is successfully used.


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