• 使味觉疲劳,使人产生依赖感,越上瘾

    Make person sense of taste fatigue, make the person produces engendered the more you have, the more addictive.


  • 人类依赖感神秘感感、神圣感信仰活动密切关系。

    The senses of dependence, mystery, affection and hatred, as well as holiness of human beings are closely connected with belief activities.


  • 如果朋友发现他们可以带来安全感依赖感

    If you ever try to make friends with this kind of people, you will find that they will provide you with a sense of security and dependency.


  • 警告说:“可能正在培养丈夫依赖感到最后可能他会以为这些都是理所当然的。”

    "You could be fostering a sense of dependency that your husband may end up taking for granted," he warns.


  • 结果是,研究人员意外发现即使知道在受骗,也会安慰剂产生依赖感

    It turns out, to the researchers' surprise, that you can succumb to placebo even when you know you're being fooled.


  • 伤害爱人可能一种解决办法通常也是最后一直办法,可以平衡这种过多或过少依赖感

    Hurting the beloved may be one resort, usually the last one, which the lover takes to bring this dependency to its appropriate proportion.


  • 使用者原本可以依赖恒定不变菜单掌握屏幕上的方位,菜单改变彻底冲走这种依赖感

    Users depend on the permanency of menus to help keep them oriented on the screen. Changing the menus bleeds away this reliability.


  • 平静的时候真的是个天使——然后产生了一种依赖感,天我这才发现,一种从未情感依赖。

    She is an angel when she calm, then, I make feeling of dependency to her. Gold, I just found it, which you have never seen.


  • 然而随着人们电脑依赖感逐渐增强确实这样危险有些可能会电脑一样程序化地思考行事

    Unfortunately, with the increasing reliance on the computer, there is indeed a danger that some people may think and act the same way as the computer which is programmed.


  • 网络成瘾由于不良过度使用互联网络产生依赖感,导致个体学习工作交往健康方面可能发生损害现象

    "Internet addiction" is as bad or excessive use of the Internet produced dependence, in which individual study, work, contacts, and other aspects of health damage could occur phenomenon.


  • 利比亚沙特阿拉伯,也门埃及阿拉伯地区其它国家华盛顿顶级游说者律师依赖感越来越强,甚至支付他们上千万游说费用。

    In Libya, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt and other countries in the region, leaders have relied increasingly on Washington’s top lobbyists and lawyers, paying them tens of millions of dollars.


  • 一项重大研究警告称10岁孩子开始依赖社交媒体来获得自我价值

    Children as young as ten are becoming dependent on social media for their sense of self-worth, a major study warned.


  • 他们坚信民主的是责任感不断发展资本主义经济依赖工人生产力

    They believed strongly that democracy depended on responsibility and that a growing capitalist economy depended on the productivity of worker.


  • 担忧情绪催生女人身体心理上依赖加重她们的受害者心态,客观上激发了她们的无奈

    The fear factor makes women physically and psychologically dependent, exacerbates a sense of victimhood and encourages helplessness.


  • 首先如果依赖新奇感保持生活的趣味最终可能踩上一部永不停止的跑步机,永远在追寻一个刺激

    For a start, if you rely on novelty to keep life interesting, you risk ending up on a perpetual treadmill, always seeking the next thrill.


  • 可能公民权利观点社会归属感依赖特殊生活标准获得

    This is perhaps a new idea of citizenship: social belonging depends on access to a particular standard of living.


  • 几年以后他们需要依赖一套制度奖励那些世界各地的人得更健康、富有、更有成就感创造产品服务的人。

    And a few years from now, they too will count on a system that rewards those who create products and services that help citizens around the world lead healthier, wealthier and more productive lives.


  • 由于短时满足感依赖越来越,老人时间仔细考虑如海采取行动作出一个明智决定

    By being less reliant on immediate gratification, an older person can take time to more carefully consider actions, making wiser decisions.


  • 注意力依赖于新奇感---需要娱乐精神、细致入微的以及建立新的联系

    Attention craves novelty—it needs to be entertained and loves to leap from branch to branch, making new connections.


  • 他们国内合法性正越来越依赖于新的民族自豪感

    Increasingly, their domestic legitimacy relies on a renewed sense of national pride.


  • 最后真正梦露诺玛贝克一个孤独迷雾中迷失自己,缺乏安全感的药物依赖者。

    And finally, the real Monroe: Norma Jeane Baker, the insecure pill-popper who was lost in a fog of loneliness.


  • 自己应该成为自身满足感快乐源头;我应该明白自己已经做得好了,不需依赖别人看法

    I should be the source of my own sense of satisfaction, of happiness; I should know that I've done a job well and not depend on someone else's opinion.


  • 几十年来美国经济主要依赖于国民的消费者花费意愿,这种意愿主要借钱财产价格方面泡沫虚假舒适感来支撑。

    America has relied for decades on its consumers' willingness to spend, borne up by borrowing and the false comfort of bubbles in asset prices.


  • 这些形容词表达的情绪包括烦躁迷惑焦虑易怒不安全感紧张坐立不安疯狂上瘾恐慌嫉妒生气寂寞过分依赖抑郁心神不宁偏执等

    These included emotions such as fretful, confused, anxious, irritable, insecure, nervous, restless, crazy, addicted, panicked, jealous, angry, lonely, dependent, depressed, jittery and paranoid.


  • 研究表明,刺激GDP增长因素包含民众幸福感增强的因素,例如休假等单纯市场产出依赖性则降低了。

    It suggests that GDP could be improved by including factors that contribute towards individual well-being, such as holidays, and relying less on pure measures of market output. See article.


  • “让身体倾向谈话”:与协作者更距离地接触,这会增强你和他们参与感,并让你离电脑更远,从而使你不再依赖

    Lean forward towards the person talking ": closer proximity to your collaborator increases your engagement with them, and distancing yourself from your computer decreases your attachment to it."


  • 这种稳定感主要依赖于一些希望二十世纪九十年代危机不会重来

    The sense of stability is based largely on hopes that the crises of the 1990s will not return.


  • 此外当今这个人类如此依赖机器时代赋予全世界人们新的自豪感

    Moreover, in the modern age when human beings depends so much on machines, he had given men throughout the world new pride.


  • 促使依靠自己吸取教训从表面依赖安全感

    That forced you back on yourself, and reinforced the lesson not to depend externally on security.


  • 促使依靠自己吸取教训从表面依赖安全感

    That forced you back on yourself, and reinforced the lesson not to depend externally on security.


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