• USCIS要求应用提供将军具体支持证据申请人获得有条件永久住所依据根据欺骗

    The USCIS requires that the application provide both general and specific supporting evidence that the basis on which the applicant obtained conditional permanent residence was not fraudulent.


  • 并非根据记忆或者直觉而是依据数据做出决定

    He makes his decisions not based on memory or intuition but based on Numbers.


  • 拉美基尼系数根据收入计算;亚洲主要依据支出因为通常得不到可靠的收入数据

    Gini coefficients in Latin America are based on income; those in Asia are mainly based on expenditure, because reliable income data are often not available.


  • 我们一贯依据中国相关法律法规根据需要派遣渔政执法相关海域巡航护渔。

    We dispatch fishery law-enforcement boats to relevant waters for patrol and fishery protection in accordance with China's laws and regulations.


  • 诚实面对自己根据能力意愿拒绝决定,远依据事物渴望做决定要好得多。

    Base your decision on your ability or willingness to say no to (X) rather than your desire to say "yes" to something new.


  • 根据最近南加州大学圣路易斯华盛顿大学新加坡管理学院迈阿密大学研究道歉究竟有没有用要依据道歉到底够不够

    According to a recent paper by researchers at USC, Washington University in St. Louis, Singapore Management University and the University of Miami, it depends on if the apology is good enough.


  • 如果根据两个多个查询一个对象,进行分区依据合理将是最常用的键。

    If an object will be looked up by two or more keys, the most reasonable key that you partition by would be the most commonly used key.


  • 公共卫生界能够根据最佳科学依据发表建议期望公众遵从日子可能将要结束

    The days when public health could issue advice, based on the best scientific evidence, and expect the public to comply may be coming to an end.


  • 根据博士设想,用这种纤维织成的材料能够连续监测身体发出声音,继而健康监测提供依据

    But Dr Fink imagines that fabrics woven from these fibres would be capable of continuously monitoring the sounds of the body for health screening.


  • 那些看跌的人相信这场戏多数照着1990年版本,不是照1998年的版本上演的,这是他们根据消费者债务过量依据得来的。

    Those bears who believe the drama is more likely to resemble 1990 than 1998 base their case on what they think are excessive levels of consumer debt.


  • 根据机器规模数据进行对比,内存大小依据处理器数量来确定。

    Where data is compared across machine sizes the following RAM was assigned depending on the number of processors.


  • 反复研究已经表明人们不会客观评估价格,只是根据价格依据进行评估。

    Study after study has demonstrated that humans don't evaluate prices objectively — we look for context.


  • 而且我们作业从来没有根据设计评分:评分的依据纯粹执行速度

    And assignments were NEVER graded on design; it was purely on speed of execution.


  • 电力供应商依据需求调整供应一样页岩钻探者们也根据市场状况调整生产

    Depending on market conditions, shale drillers can speed up production or wind it down, just as an electricity supplier does to meet changes in demand.


  • 就是所谓协同筛选”技术,该项技术所依据原则:可以依据大多数行为个体行为作出根据的推测。

    It's a technique called collaborative filtering, and it works on the principle that the behavior of a lot of people can be used to make educated guesses about the behavior of a single individual.


  • 我们这样做并不是根据道听途说而是依据真正事实

    We do not go on the cry in this, but the very fact.


  • 别人建议只是依据绝不当成根据

    Others suggest that only basis, can never as basis.


  • 很明显要求重点依据一个机构什么进行监管,而不是什么进行监管(这就是说,监管根据行为而不是其实体身份)。

    Sensibly, it is calling for regulation to concentrate on what an institution does, not what it is called (that is, the basis of regulation should be activities, not entities).


  • 根据说法,有关当前影响一章内容的依据的是1000份学术研究报告,其中大多数已经发表——而上次则是100份。

    By her count, the chapter on current impacts alone rests on a review of over 1,000 academic studies, most of them already published-compared with about 100 last time around.


  • 根据说法,有关当前影响一章内容的依据的是1000份学术研究报告,其中大多数已经发表——而上次则是100份。

    By her count, the chapter on current impacts alone rests on a review of over 1, 000 academic studies, most of them already published-compared with about 100 last time around.


  • 奢求研究能够运用司法实践,为司法实践中新近出现一个一个有关生育棘手案例找出解决纠纷理论根据法律依据

    I wish my research could be used to judicial practice to find out the legal or theories accordance for resolving the difficult cases of reproductive right happened one another.


  • ABC制片公司发表声明:“我们看到实际起诉内容,根据我们对去年谢里丹提起的相似投诉的调查来看,认为这些指控缺乏法律依据的。”

    ABC Studios says in a statement: "While we have yet to see the actual complaint, we investigated similar claims made by Ms. Sheridan last year and found them to be without merit."


  • 根据下面示例自己构建Web应用程序经验总结出了下面这些规则,在使用Ajax可以依据这些规则选择数据格式。

    Based on the examples below and my own experience with building Web applications, I've come up with these guidelines for choosing among the plethora of options available when using Ajax techniques.


  • 根据美国癌症协会报告,科学依据证明有癌症倾向人格,而且结果普遍令人相信的。

    The result, according to the American cancer Society, was a widespread belief that there is a scientific basis for cancer-prone personality types.


  • 具体来说使用按钮图标应当依据文档说明中的含义推荐位置不要根据自己对其外观解释

    Specifically, this means that you should use a button or icon in accordance with its documented meaning and recommended placement, and not according to your interpretation of its appearance.


  • 那时就会根据局限依据你的智慧依据你的生活方式做出反应。

    Then you will act according to your conditioning, according to your intelligence, according to your way of life.


  • 另一个问题说法语地区根据法国民法行事,但是说英语地区依据英国普通法

    Another issue is that the French-speaking regions operate under French civil law, but the English-speaking areas are based on English common law.


  • 根据本地区实际情况食盐应当依据社区居民盐食用量其它来源碘量的变化而加以调整

    The amount of iodine added to salt should be adjusted subsequently according to the local situation, the amount of slat ingested or the amount of iodine reaching the community from other sources.


  • 刘看来这种精神根据活动本身性质以及当地人们需求而定,而非依据人们自身意愿

    This spirit, according to Liu, is to work according to the nature of the activity and the demands of the local people, not according to one's own will.


  • 刘看来这种精神根据活动本身性质以及当地人们需求而定,而非依据人们自身意愿

    This spirit, according to Liu, is to work according to the nature of the activity and the demands of the local people, not according to one's own will.


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