• 还有我们每天都会遇到,公交以及其他形式公共交通设有妇女专座。

    Reservation for woman in buses and trains and other forms of public transport is another example we deal with everyday.


  • ,“购买购物中的商品必须使用注册用户”,“注册用户”只是在“浏览商品目录之前--并不是一个必要条件

    That is, "registering a customer" is required by the "buying items in shopping cart" use case, but it simply precedes the "browsing the catalog" use case -- it's not a requirement.


  • 讨论远程系统读取购物

    This example discusses the use case of reading a shopping cart from a remote system.


  • 读取数据应该用来用户显示购物

    The data read in the use case should be used to display the cart to the user.


  • 购物中,必须假设对于每个对象您都有一张表,这些对象是指:CartCartItemArticleArticleDescription

    In the shopping cart use case example you must assume that you have a table for each of the objects cart, CartItem, Article, and ArticleDescription.


  • 小型趋势唯一现代雅科仕(HyundaiEquus),韩国制造商迄今所制造的最大型豪华的汽

    One exception to the small car trend is the Hyundai Equus, the largest and most luxurious car yet from the Korean carmaker.


  • 各处看到一种jugaar精神称之为胡乱应付,以无人监管的十字路口为轿人力其他交通工具汇聚于此。

    He sees a spirit of jugaar, or muddling through, all over the place, exemplified by cars, cows, rickshaws and other traffic meeting at an unmanned crossroads.


  • 该公司引证已知16人死亡数百受伤声称司机过错或脚垫的问题无法解释许多其他丰田失控可怕。”

    Citing 16 known deaths and hundreds of injuries, it alleged that "neither driver error nor floor MATS can explain away many other frightening instances of runaway Toyotas."


  • 实现finder服务 CartItemHome组件检索购物所有条目

    To implement the use case, the finder service retrieves all items for the cart from the CartItemHome component.


  • 现在假设调用服务客户一个基于Web商店应用程序,它用户显示购物

    The client that calls the service for the use case is now assumed to be a Web-based store application that displays the cart to a user.


  • 这个函数第二入口购物中添加item

    This function is the entry point for the second use case: adding an Item to the shopping cart.


  • 通用Celta小型说,尽管巴西畅销之一但现在的生产平台迟早会被弃用。

    He offered GM's Celta small car, one of the most popular in Brazil, as an example of a car now built on a platform that is destined to eventually disappear.


  • 读取购物包括读取CartCartItems ,就象商品信息包括ArticleArticleDescription对象一样。

    The use case for reading the shopping cart includes reading the Cart, the CartItems, as well as the article information that consists of the Article and ArticleDescription objects.


  • 假设上面读取购物作为Web服务来实现的(home组件封装Web服务中,用户使用Web服务客户端)。

    Assume the above use case of reading a shopping cart is implemented as a web service (the home components are wrapped in web services, while the user is using a web services client).


  • 方法北京地区1997 ~ 2002年958机动自行相撞交通事故伤亡者的损伤进行统计分析。

    Method the injury of the injured and dead in 958 traffic accident cases concerned with bicycle occurred in Beijing area from 1997 to 2002 was analyzed statistically.


  • 以此模型日本研究所提供5碰撞试验进行计算模拟结果基本一致

    With the model the simulation for 5 real car crash tests provided by Japan Automobile Research Institute is conducted and the simulation results basically coincide with the tests.


  • 右侧,对拼装时间计算方法拼装过程排序进行了说明

    With the right side panel of a car as the example, calculation method and sort of assembling process are explained.


  • 截面板弹簧形成理论制造过程介绍了轧制成型技术在农业机械和农用运输变截面板簧制造方面应用

    The application of the variable data rolling is introduced by example of the forming theory and manufacturing process of taper leaf spring of farming machinery and vehicle and truck.


  • 新郎新娘结婚了他们喜结连理一起甚至载重结合在一起更强大

    Example: The bride and groom got hitched and were united in a bond even stronger than a trailer hitched to an overloaded station wagon.


  • 文中人力三轮驱动机构说明了这种离合器用途

    The usage of this kind of clutch is explained with the example of the manpower tricycles driving mechanism.


  • 推导出极限坡度计算公式并对影响因素进行分析

    Taking three-axle vehicle as an example, the calculation formula of parking grade limit of multi-axle vehicle is derived with its influencing factors analyzed.


  • 自动抄平起拨道捣固控制程序介绍多线程机制工业控制领域应用。

    The paper takes the control programme of the tamper as an example, introducing the application of multi threaded mechanism in the field of industrial control.


  • 本文首先地铁设计指出采用逆导晶闸管电流逆变器是普通逆变器实现小型化的一个较好的方案

    Taking the design subway coach as an example, the article points out that it's an ideal schema to use current source inverter with re - verse conducting for common inverter to be minified.


  • 上汽赛宝,对软件可行性进行了验证。

    Finally, taking SABRE from SAIC as an example, feasibility of the software is verified.


  • 一个需要额外的抛光程序为(通常深色),所需抛光程序数量可以显著减少意味著可以节省时间以及力气

    In cases where an extra polishing step is required (often on darker coloured cars), the amount of additional polishing required is significantly reduced, saving time and effort.


  • 方法:102男性48女性心电图运动试验结果与冠状动脉造影结果进行对比分析。

    Methods: Coronary angiography and bicycle exercise test were performed in 102 male patients and 48 female patients.


  • 本文六缸柴油机研究发动机表面振动发动机的表面辐射噪声

    An experimental study on engine surface vibration and radiated noise is carried out in this paper.


  • 本文根据失真保险定价原则我国某保险以同某项机动保险业务为,对其保费进行了实证分析

    We apply the distortion pricing principle to the motor insurance in our country and analysis the insurance Prremium empirically.


  • 新郎新娘结婚了他们喜结连理一起甚至载重结合在一起更强大

    Example: : The bride and groom got hitched and were united in a bond even stronger than a trailer hitched to an overloaded station wagon.


  • 新郎新娘结婚了他们喜结连理一起甚至载重结合在一起更强大

    Example: : The bride and groom got hitched and were united in a bond even stronger than a trailer hitched to an overloaded station wagon.


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