• 每日生活基本需要例如饮食个人卫生梳妆如厕行动

    Basic daily living requirements, such as eating, hygiene, dressing, toileting, and moving.


  • 此项研究显示出时间性衰老生物性衰老的区别其中生物性衰老取决于人体基因组成生活方式,例如饮食组成和是否吸烟

    The research highlights the difference between chronological age and biological age, the latter of which is determined by our genetic makeup and lifestyle factors, such as diet and smoking.


  • 一些信息例如饮食摄入量、升高体重记录下来,饮食质量国际标准指数(DQI - I)用于概括所有孩子的饮食质量。

    Information regarding dietary intake, height, and weight were recorded and the diet quality Index-International (DQI-I) was used to summarize overall diet quality.


  • 例如研究发现了饮食变化可以减缓炎症使体内环境不适于癌细胞繁殖的证据

    Studies have explored evidence that dietary changes can slow inflammation, for example, or make the body inhospitable to cancer cells.


  • 但是饮食变化——例如不健康的食物——很快明显反映皮肤上,而改变的发质需要长的时间。

    But whereas a change in your diet to, for example, eating unhealthy foods will soon be noticeable in your skin, changes to your hair will take a lot longer.


  • 例如疾病控制中心发现试图减肥超重成年人中,只有不到四分之一的人表示他们锻炼饮食结合起来。

    The Centers for Disease Control, for example, found that fewer than one-fourth of overweight adults who were trying to shed pounds said they were combining exercise with their diet.


  • 成功依赖生活方式长期转变例如健康饮食多加锻炼等等。

    Successful weight loss depends on permanent lifestyle changes, such as eating healthy foods and exercising more.


  • 癌症心脏病的发生多个原因的,例如基因吸烟肥胖饮食所以不是简单地服用复合维生素就可以预防

    Both cancer and heart disease are conditions with multiple causes such as genetics, smoking, obesity and diet, so it is unlikely that simply taking a multi-vitamin supplement would prevent them.


  • 例如日本传统的主要吃米的饮食使日本人多个世纪一直普遍健康,身材苗条

    In Japan, for example, the traditional rice-based diet kept the population generally healthy and thin for many centuries.


  • 城市往往促进不健康生活方式例如依赖富含脂肪缺少必要营养素加工食品廉价方便饮食

    Cities also tend to promote unhealthy lifestyles, like cheap and convenient diets that depend on processed foods rich in fats and sugar, yet low in essential nutrients.


  • 甚至那些普遍认为健康饮食例如素食纯素食饮食都有可能平衡的。

    Even what are commonly considered as healthy diets, such as low fat, vegetarien and vegan diets can be improperly balanced.


  • 缺钱饮食放弃首要东西往往健康食品例如水果蔬菜低脂肪蛋白质来源因为这些食品几乎总是

    When money is tight, the first things that drop out of the diet are usually the healthy foods, like fruits, vegetables, and lean sources of protein, which are nearly always more expensive.


  • 大约20年后38饮食不受限制猴子中,14只猴子死于老化有关的疾病例如心脏病癌症

    After almost 20 years, 14 of 38 monkeys in the control group had died of what were considered age-related causes, such as heart disease and cancer.


  • 人们从基因上适应持续文化变化例如新的饮食

    People adapt genetically to sustained cultural changes, like new diets.


  • 饮食替代法中一般需要用低能量、营养充足奶昔或是营养替代顿餐食例如早餐中餐

    With meal replacement diets, you typically replace one or two meals a day, such as breakfast and lunch, with a low-calorie, nutritionally complete shake or meal bar.


  • 例如,总部位于美国费城粮食信托基金会(the Food Trust),地图致力于减轻美国某些城市饮食疾病营养不良问题

    For example, the Food Trust, a campaign group based in Philadelphia, used maps as part of its fight to reduce diet-related disease and malnutrition in urban parts of America.


  • 例如减肥计划分成决心去体育馆改善饮食习惯

    For instance, commit to losing weight by resolving to join a gym and improve your eating habits.


  • 例如Mayo临床疗法就是一种习惯减肥法,强调健康饮食日常锻炼

    The Mayo Clinic Diet, for example, is a habit-based approach to weight loss that emphasizes a lifelong way of healthy eating and regular exercise.


  • “与其说生物学问题,不如说这是行为学上的问题,”Popkin博士:“有些‘非营养性甜味剂作为拐杖”(译者注:‘拐杖’引申为一种假性帮助,而且让人产生依赖,例如巴达维主张马来人应该要丢下‘拐杖’,继续前进),而其他人利用它们帮助建立一个健康的饮食习惯。”

    It’s more a behavioral issue than a biological one, ” Dr. Popkin said. “Some people use non-nutritive sweeteners as a crutch; other use them to help create a healthy diet.”


  • 参加者机会尝试全素饮食,全饮食避免使用动物鲜肉,严格的素食主义者要避免使用动物制品例如奶制品鸡蛋

    Participants will also have the chance to taste vegetarian and vegan dishes. Vegetarian dishes avoid using animal flesh. Vegan dishes also exclude animal products such as dairy or eggs.


  • 最好饮食获取需要的营养成分,有时还需专门补充一些维他命例如肌肉

    It's best to get the most nutrients from your diet, but you may supplement your diet with specific vitamins, such as creatine and chromium.


  • 例如因为食品包装造成BPA水平较高男性可能bpa水平的男性饮食一样

    For example, men who had higher BPA levels because of food packaging might eat a very different diet to people with low levels of BPA.


  • 基金会希望能改变民众平时饮食习惯,例如减少批萨花菜奶酪等等食物中的肉类

    The organisation also wants the composition of ready meals changed to, for example, reduce the amount of red meat in a cottage pie or dairy in a cauliflower cheese.


  • 例如她们甘油三酯含量健康饮食144%,肥胖女人高40%。

    For instance, their triglycerides were 144 percent higher than those of women who ate a healthier diet, compared to 40 percent higher for women who weren't overweight.


  • 丰富饮食可能丰富的生活方式相关例如很少根本没有运动

    Rich diets may be associated with a richer lifestyle that includes little or no exercise, for instance.


  • 丰富饮食可能丰富的生活方式相关例如很少根本没有运动

    Rich diets may be associated with a richer lifestyle that includes little or no exercise, for instance.


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