• 一个流程使用资源执行任务时,便产生相应资源成本例如员工工资材料成本。

    As a process USES resources and performs tasks, there are associated costs for the resources such as their salaries and material costs.


  • 一种就是使用轻型材料例如

    One is to use light-weight materials, such as aluminum and magnesium.


  • 近期内,使用较少材料、却储存更多电能较佳电极可能有所帮助例如松下企业所推出硅质电极(参见“特斯拉汽车采用松下企业的高能量电池”一文)。

    In the near term, better electrodes that store more energy using less material could help, such as the silicon ones Panasonic is rolling out (Tesla to Use High-Energy Batteries from Panasonic).


  • 需要使用最喜爱音频编辑程序(例如audacity)把可用的已录制语音材料连接成单语音(single -voice)音频文件

    From the available recorded voice materials, you'll need to use your favorite audio editing program (such as Audacity) to splice together a single-voice audio file.


  • 芯片可以使用温差热电材料- - -这种材料因环境中两种不同温度产生电流- - -例如身体温度(通常是)我们周围的更空气

    The chip could also use thermoelectric materials, which produce an electric current when exposed to two different temperatures-such as body heat and the (usually) cooler air around us.


  • 然而电子计算机工程副教授丹尼斯·普拉瑟,这种芯片还是存在一些问题例如使用有机材料产生自然颠簸不规则运动

    Problems still remain, including the natural bumps and irregularities that come from using an organic base, said Dr.Dennis Prather, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering.


  • 能源材料例如木片北美非洲进口本土的生物质能,树桩和玉米茎杆也会使用

    Material such as wood chip pellets will be imported from North America and Africa, while UK-sourced biomass like tree stumps and corn stubble will also be used.


  • 一些聪明汽车,例如奥迪a8美洲豹XJ已经大幅度使用材料了。

    Some of the smartest models, like the Audi A8 and the Jaguar XJ, are now built largely from aluminium.


  • 一直以来,技术文档写作一般认为就是创建技术文档有关工作,例如撰写用户手册使用说明还有培训材料

    Technicalwriting has traditionally been associated with the creation of technicaldocumentation such as users' guides, instruction manuals and trainingmaterials.


  • 使用收费表示根据客户部门系统资源、系统管理员时间或者原始材料(例如打印纸)的使用情况进行收费。

    Usage charging means billing a client or department based on system resource, system administrator time, or raw material (for example, printer paper) usage.


  • 社会帮助,这些材料不同用途所感兴趣人类学家可能会例如为什么人们选择使用粘土而不是这两个项目可用

    The different USES to which societies put these materials are of interest to anthropologists who may ask, for example, why people choose to use clay and not copper when both items are available.


  • 例如使用一些好的耐火材料就能大大地减少底部热能吸收

    For example using a good insulation material can vastly reduce the wasted energy absorbed by a kiln car base.


  • ISO 8124部分要求适用所有玩具例如任何产品设计材料或清楚标明14以下儿童玩耍使用的物体。

    The requirements in this part of ISO 8124 apply to all toys, i. e. any product or material designed or clearly intended for use in play by children under 14 years of age.


  • 1材料服务包括活动产品服务例如运输包装最终使用/处理价值链/生命周期】。

    NOTE 1 Goods and services includes the [value chain/lifecycle] of the activity, product or service, which includes, for example, transport, packaging and end-use/disposal.


  • 大多数用于堵塞填充材料能吸收的,如果后期使用例如在面层以下使用可能会导致下沉光泽颜色变化

    Most materials used for stopping and filling are absorbent and if applied late in the system e. g. immediately beneath finishing coats may cause sinkage and variations in gloss sheen or colour.


  • 板材处于较环境使用例如:办的表面处于较大的温差及湿差情况下,使板材使用效果更好,一面处理,另一面也涂上相同的材料

    When in poor environment, for instance, when the temperature difference between two surfaces is large, both sides should be coated with processing layer for the cause of effectiveness.


  • 另外我们使用优质材料例如泡桐白杨松树,椴木,树,这些材料可以保证我们产品具有高质量

    Moreover, we use high quality raw materials, such as paulownia wood, poplar and pine, satin wood, chinaberry and plywood, which further guarantee superior quality of our products .


  • 热处理一个控制过程用来改变材料(金属合金)微观结构传递它们特性例如可延长组件使用寿命

    Heat treatment is a controlled process used to alter the microstructure of materials such as metals and alloys to impart properties which benefit the working life of a component, for example.


  • 通常许多材料可供使用例如合金,氧化锌丁香酚三氧化二聚集体(MTA)。

    Many materials, such as amalgam, zinc oxide eugenol and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), are generally used.


  • 最近十年来研究者探索了避免飞机表层结冰各种可能性例如使用防水材料或者斥水材料

    For the last decade researchers have been exploring the possibility of building planes with hydrophobic, or water-repellent, materials that would not require de-icing.


  • 被称为使用耐热性矿物材料例如石棉形式脊髓资产负债表支持粉末覆盖情况下弧焊

    It is also known to use a heat-resistant mineral material, for example, asbestos in the form of cord or sheet to support the weld pool and the powder covering in the case of a submerged arc.


  • 集尘(1)主体(2)以及第一二级旋风器(3,4)内衬使用耐磨材料例如混凝土

    For the lining of the main body (2) of the dust chamber (1) and first and second stage cyclones (3, 4) are used the non-porous and wear proof material, for example concrete.


  • 集尘(1)主体(2)以及第一二级旋风器(3,4)内衬使用耐磨材料例如混凝土

    For the lining of the main body (2) of the dust chamber (1) and first and second stage cyclones (3, 4) are used the non-porous and wear proof material, for example concrete.


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