• 这些动词意思圆圈内转动使转动

    These verbs all mean to move or cause to move in a circle.


  • 使旋转转动使一个中心移动;使转动旋转

    To cause to move around an axis or a center; cause to rotate or revolve.


  • 使先进传动密封结构使转动部分洁净卫生

    The use of advanced transmission and seal structure, so that moving parts and clean the pot, health.


  • 离合器借助相互之间打滑使转动发动机静止传动平稳接合。

    The clutch smoothly engage a spinning engine to a non-spinning transmission by controlling the slippage between them.


  • 滚动,使转动使…以旋转不断滚动的方式沿水平面向前运动。

    To cause to move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.


  • 怎样使这些轮子转动起来

    How do you make the wheels go around?


  • 连接蒸汽机上的旋转式发动机使轴承转动机器得以驱动从而使利用蒸汽动力纺线织布的工厂出现。

    A rotary engine attached to the steam engine enabled shafts to be turned and machines to be driven, resulting in mills using steam power to spin and weave cotton.


  • 钟摆运动使这个装置晃动,如此一来这个装置能抓住擒纵齿随后又将其释放,因而使精确转动一段距离。

    The motion of a pendulum rocks this device so that it catches and then releases each tooth of the escape wheel, in turn allowing it to turn a precise amount.


  • 所产生的力无法使卫星飞离。

    The force created by the turning keeps the satellite from flying away.


  • 为了使传动轴转动,所有肌肉必须协调一致,组接一组有节奏地收缩

    To make the shaft turn, the muscles work in concert, rhythmically contracting, one pair after another.


  • 这样目的为了在地球自转同时使卫星能够地球同转动

    The idea is that the craft circles ourplanet at the same speed as Earth’s rotation about its axis.


  • 绳子使里的勺子转动

    And he USES this rope to rotate scoops which are in water.


  • 同样方向转动不会这样使力,朝z的方向,这样,朝- Z的,方向。

    I'm going to rotate it in exactly the same direction, but now I'm not going to torque like this, in the Z direction, or like this, in the minus-Z direction.


  • 工程原理没什么不一样-加拿大芬迪这样沿海水域找到稳定洋流使一台水下涡轮机转子转动

    The engineering principle is no differentthe steady currents found in coastal of water like Canada's Bay of Fundy turn the rotors of an underwater turbine.


  • 通常情况下医生病人进行激光眼科校正手术使视频摄像机跟踪眼球转动以便使激光手术刀正确地方

    Normally when patients undergo corrective laser eye surgery, surgeons use video cameras to track the position of the eye so that the surgical laser targets the right place on the cornea.


  • 主要情节:大地之母的核心不是什么原因停止转动时,一队科学家们必然要中心并且要引爆使再一次转动

    The plot: When Mother Earth's molten core stops spinning for unknown reasons, a team of scientists must go to the centre and detonate a hydrogen bomb to get it to spin again.


  • 一个公司提出这样想法人行道路面上金属液压活塞作用使飞轮转动

    One company has presented an idea in which metal strips inserted in pavements and roads operate fly wheels by means of a piston action using hydraulic fluid.


  • 萨彻博士利用显示器高灵敏度的相机缩小放大使显示器左右摇摆,转动脑袋环视房间

    Using the hypersensitive camera on the monitor, Dr. Shatzel zoomed in and out and swung the display left and right, much as if he were turning his head to look around the room.


  • 只要这样使旋转角动量就是要,水平转动

    And as long as I torque it like this, that spin angular momentum wants to go around in the horizontal plane.


  • 转动上半身使朝向

    Turn your upper body so that your left shoulder is pointing towards your subject.


  • 电场使旋转器产生了扭矩这个系统就更易顺时针转动

    An electrical field was then used to apply torque to the rotor, making it harder for the system to spin anticlockwise than clockwise.


  • 合理确定齿轮泵工作转速使齿轮转动避开啮合共振频率可以防止噪声加剧

    Rationally define the work gear pump speed, gear and the axis of rotation to avoid engaging resonance frequency, can prevent noise intensified.


  • 块石子在一根细绳上,然后使绕着头部转动

    Tie a stone to a piece of string and whirl it around your head.


  • 有人:“使世界转动”。同意吗?为什么同意?为什么同意?

    Some people say that "money makes the world go around." Do you agree? Why or why not.


  • 帆船顶风停转动正在航行的船只使船头迎风,船除了漂泊一动也不动地水中,以便迎接暴风

    To turn a sailing ship so that its bow heads into the wind and the ship lies motionless except for drifting, in order to meet a storm.


  • 然后转动杯子使红酒旋转。

    Next, turn the glass so that the wine moves around inside.


  • 灯箱组合灯箱基础上配置电机使匀速不停转动静止的画面生动起来。

    Light box is a combination of light box on the basis of the configuration of the motor, so that it can be uniform and constant rotation, so that the picture is vivid and vivid.


  • 灯箱组合灯箱基础上配置电机使匀速不停转动静止的画面生动起来。

    Light box is a combination of light box on the basis of the configuration of the motor, so that it can be uniform and constant rotation, so that the picture is vivid and vivid.


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