• 同时,情景喜剧《老友记》为个案,受众使用满足角度其受欢迎原因

    In way of use and gratification theory, the essay analyzes the reasons why the sitcom achieved so much popularity.


  • 其次,依据传播学使用与满足”理论、“培养”理论以及文化心理学“文化自觉心理”“文化恒常心理”理论来论证中国动画片中融入民族文化的必要性;

    In order to avoid the misunderstandings in my paper, I defined the concept of national culture in this paper. Sumed up the relationship between national culture and Chinese animation;


  • 业务分析师能够创建自己的小部件使用现有的小部件ECM小部件通信满足他们的业务需求

    Business analysts can create their own widgets or use existing widgets to communicate with the ECM widgets to meet their business needs.


  • 学术领域如果平板设备没有满足大学需要或者学生们正在使用其他计算设备兼容,那么苹果可能会求得大学给予支持上遇到困难。

    In the academic arena, Apple could face hurdles wooing universities if the tablet doesn't meet their needs or isn't compatible with other computing devices that students are using.


  • 更为复杂场景中仅仅使用单个维护页面以及将页面转换上下文传递相结合并不能够满足需求。

    In a more complicated scenario, simply maintaining context with a single item and requiring page transitions to be coupled with context transmission may not be sufficient.


  • 由于黄金无法满足日常使用的需要,因此每个国家都会发行货币将货币黄金挂钩,或者采取所谓金本位制。

    As there is not enough metal for everyday use, each nation issues currency and agrees to relate its currency to gold or to go on what is called a gold standard.


  • 这个站点为了满足系统管理员需求而设计的,其中使用引擎Stack Flow用来管理投票编辑标签的引擎一样

    This new site, designed with the needs of system administrators in mind, uses the same engine that Stack Overflow does for voting, editing, and tagging.


  • 第三RationalPublishingEngine使用起来应该更加容易,设计目标通过简单交流的概念现代用户界面UI)相结合,来得到满足

    Third, Rational Publishing Engine should be easy to use, which design goal is reached through a combination of simple, clearly communicated concepts, and a modern user interface (UI).


  • 然后,在结论基础上对原先实验电路进行结构的优化,使用开关技术谐振技术使输出电压电流满足电源系统的基本要求。

    Then we improve the circuit of the experiment based on the conclusion, make the current and voltage better using of the technology of soft switching and series resonance.


  • 发动机性能试验排放试验表明,该液化石油气发动机完全能够满足城市大型公共汽车载货汽车使用要求

    It is shown by the engine performance tests and emission tests that LPG engine is completely able to meet the requirements of city omnibuses and trucks.


  • 结构耐久性结构必须满足基本功能之一,既设计施工材料等因素有关,又使用环境维护维修等条件有关,直接影响结构的使用寿命

    Durability of structure is one of the basic function which structure is essential, it is closely to design, construct, material and employ environment, maintenance, it direct to effect working life.


  • 世界尖端发动机油超高粘度指数基础原料先进配方技术的完美组合满足国内外新型轿车使用要求

    The world's cutting-edge engine oil, high viscosity index formula based on raw materials and advanced technology, perfect combination of new cars to meet the domestic requirements.


  • 另外我公司还可以根据客户具体要求进行配方的设计调整满足相关工艺使用要求。

    Moreover, we can design and adjust formulations according to requires of clients to meeting the need of technic and use.


  • 选用腐蚀强度钛材离心机较好地满足使用要求

    Selection of corrosion-resistant and high strength of Titanium centrifuges, used to better meet the requirements.


  • 钻孔使用配套冲击电钻。钻孔时,孔洞间距孔洞深度满足设计要求

    Supporting the use of impact drilling electric drill. Drilling, hole spacing with hole depth should meet the design requirements.


  • 产品能够最大限度满足工业范围多种流体介质测量要求适用于各种测量控制设备配套使用

    It could be applied in measuring many liquid media in industrial field, which could meet requirement of user farthest, in particular suitable for multiplicate equipments.


  • 选用腐蚀强度钛材离心机较好地满足使用要求。

    Corrosion resistant and highly intensive titanium centrifuges are selected to well meet the requirements.


  • 通信技术使用光纤由于低耗宽带特性,能较好地满足这种要求。

    The optical fiber communication technique is well suited to a large delay time, due to the low attenuation and chromatic dispersion of the fiber, and to its high bandwidth.


  • 纸浆模制品产品包装固定、产品的缓冲防震应用通过各种结构形式满足产品包装保护要求使用要求

    Moulded pulp products used in packaging and fixation, cushion and vibration protection of packaged products can be in varies structural styles to meet the needs of product protection and application.


  • 本文介绍了塔身标准合理结构设计加工方法确保塔身标准节的制造质量满足使用要求

    This paper describes the reasonable structure design and fabrication method of tower crane standard section to ensure its quality and fulfil the working requirements.


  • 通过适当选择满足一些约束自由参数使用单一观测器实现鲁棒故障检测分离设计

    By appropriately choosing the free parameter satisfying some constraints, the robust fault detection and isolation scheme is realized by employing only one observer-based residual generator.


  • 不发尘,配合使用满足高级别的洁净环境要求

    Together use with joint fillings to satisfy the higher level environmental requirements.


  • 满足使用功能交通需要,将跨度空间法庭放在主楼低层部分,使其成为建筑结构完美结合的典范。

    The court space of big span is situated on the lower part of main building, meeting function of use and traffic needs. It is really a perfect combination of building and structure.


  • 建筑外部空间规划设计充分满足使用需求

    The planning of the open spaces should satisfy the user's need well.


  • 采用调节密封装置满足任意聚合物挤出生产不同标准挤出机配合使用

    Come with adjustment seal devices to satisfy the demands for extrusion production of any types of polymers. May work in conjunction with extruders of various specifications.


  • 结果表明太阳能集热器面积体积匹配合适时,使用较小面积太阳能集热器集得热量满足建筑物的热负荷需求。

    The results indicate that the energy collected by smaller solar collectors could be sufficient for the heat load of a building when the collector area and the storage volume are optimally matched.


  • 每个系统设计满足特定需求,它们可以活性炭氧化系统烟气处理系统一起使用

    Each system is designed to meet site specific needs and can be fully integrated with activated carbon and thermal oxidation systems off-gas treatment systems.


  • 每个系统设计满足特定需求,它们可以活性炭氧化系统烟气处理系统一起使用

    Each system is designed to meet site specific needs and can be fully integrated with activated carbon and thermal oxidation systems off-gas treatment systems.


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