• 维纳波是一种常见图像复原方法方法思想是使复原的图像图像的误差最小原则复原图像。

    The principle of the method expects to minimize the mean square error between the recovered image and original image.


  • 神人,请你祷告,求耶和华的恩典使复原

    Then the king said to the man of God, 'Intercede with the Lord your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored.'


  • 无法使情感坚强或让自己知道自己能够复原或知道自己能够承受自己想象那样的自信

    Or make yourself emotionally strong and self-confident as you learn that you are resilient and can handle much more than you might think.


  • 科学家去年报告说,罕见情况幸运组合已经使珊瑚灾难复原

    Last year scientists reported that a "lucky combination" of rare circumstances had allowed the coral to recover from the disaster.


  • 变异果蝇无法闻到二氧化碳不仅使它们活得同时使它们多项测量上保持强壮很强的复原能力。

    The mutant flies that couldn’t smell carbon dioxide not only lived long lives but also remained strong and resilient by several measures.


  • 变异果蝇无法闻到二氧化碳,这不仅使它们得更同时使它们在多项测量上保持强壮很强的复原能力。

    The mutant flies that couldn’t smell carbondioxide not only lived long lives but also remained strong and resilient byseveral measures.


  • DHTML对象模型使能够随意修改网页结构变化在按f 5刷新后全部复原

    The DHTML object model lets you modify on the fly the structure of the page, but all the changes will be lost as soon as you refresh the view by hitting F5 or clicking the browser's refresh button.


  • 正如花圃里割掉花再也不能复原了,我们不要打破一个小孩子稚嫩纯净的心灵使他们原来充满活力感觉变得迟钝,乃至麻木。

    We must remember not to add to the destruction by breaking a child's spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness.


  • 但是还有许多急于银行提取资金,让店铺重新开张,一起使他们的生活状。

    But many others were keen to withdraw funds from the bank, reopen their shops and put their lives back together.


  • 我们能够使破碎人际关系复原吗?怎样才能改善我们与人关系?怎能从我们所生活的猪舍里出来?

    Can we heal the broken relationships we all experience? How can we improve our relationships? How can we get out of the pigpens of our lives?


  • 增加新的层次体量使手工细部雕刻砂岩损坏结构成为一个整体,使墙体能给人一种美丽的感受。

    A new layer is added that recovers the original volumes: sandstone blocks arranged with details carved by hand, that integrate with the eroded fabric, offering a beautiful vibration to the walls.


  • 所以保险也是一种使遭受损失和损害情形合同契约

    So it it also called a contract to restore to their original position a person who suffers loss.


  • 投资者定期调整组合资产比例,使之恢状态

    Investors should adjust the combination periodically and restore the portfolio to the original state.


  • 使大家感到惊讶这位画家重病复原似乎青年人精力还要充沛些。

    To everyone's surprise, the old painter seemed to have more energy after his recovery from his serious illness than even the young.


  • 图像压缩编码目的就是尽量比特表征图像同时保持复原图像的质量使符合特定应用场合要求

    The purpose of image compression coding is to represent images with few bits, maintain the quality of recovering images according to the requirements of certain application situations.


  • 他们矛盾心理使我们机会拖延时间争取复原

    Their ambivalence gave us a chance to play for time and recoup .


  • 他们矛盾心理使我们机会拖延时间争取复原

    Their ambivalence gave us a chance to play for time and recoup.


  • 他们需要花费金钱清楚的干净土壤创造天然肥料使50当前地面

    They need to spend money to clear clean soil or to create composts to rehabilitate the 50 current ground.


  • 修缮,是建筑物构筑物进行修补加固养护改善使之恢使价值延长使期限工程作业

    Repair refers to the engineering operation of repairing, reinforcing, maintaining and improving the building and structures, so as to restore their original use value or extend the service period.


  • 受到撞击时会出现明显痕,而复合材料则会自动形状使所受的损伤难以察觉

    When aluminum is hit, you can see a dent. Composites, though, spring back to the original shape, which could hide internal damage.


  • 神人,请你祷告,求耶和华的恩典使复原

    Then the king said to the man of God, "Intercede with the LORD your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored."


  • 承包商按工程师可能随时发出的指示,移去工程任何部分覆盖物其内贯穿其中开孔,应将该部分使之完好。

    The Contractor shall uncover any part of the Works or make openings in or through the same as the Engineer may from time to time instruct and shall reinstate and make good such part.


  • 进一步研究表明每次传代重复使基质能够使培养细胞来的活力。

    Furthermore, it was found that the cultured cells recovered their ability to grow when the substrate was reused every passage.


  • 按摩:一种治疗方法。 通过熟练地规则身体组织上施行某些手法减轻疼痛肿胀使肌肉弛缓使扭伤、劳损组织迅速复原

    Massage: Systematic, scientific manipulation of Body tissues with the hands to relieve pain and reduce swelling, relax muscles, and speed healing after strains and sprains.


  • 对其复原目的在于补偿图像降质使恢复后的图像尽可能地接近原始图像,为此对恢复图像的质量进行评价。

    The purpose of restoration is to compensate for image degradation, so that the restored image is as close as possible the original image. So the quality of restored image should be evaluated.


  • 使人体疲劳肌肉更加放松减少人体自身重量带来压迫卓越的复原

    So that the body more relaxed muscle fatigue and reduce the body's own weight caused by oppression, there is remarkable resilience.


  • 通过使皮肤自然剥落促进组织产生,从而加速痤疮皮肤复原

    By allowing the skin to peel naturally and stimulate the production of new tissue the medication has the benefit of speeding up the healing process.


  • 通过使皮肤自然剥落促进组织产生,从而加速痤疮皮肤复原

    By allowing the skin to peel naturally and stimulate the production of new tissue the medication has the benefit of speeding up the healing process.


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