• 为了使两人关系更加和谐互相适应企图改变对方,两者之间有很大不同

    Some consider that it is quite different to adapt to each for a more harmonious relationship from to attempt to change each other.


  • 首先过去年中有意使组织所有三个层面融为一体和谐开展工作

    First and foremost, I wanted during this first year to get all three levels of the Organization working together in seamless harmony.


  • 那些凭借很深道德观使成功事业达到和谐的人总是能给予灵感就是为什么达伦能成为很好的使能得到启发的

    People who manage to balance a successful business with deep moral values are always an inspiration for me that is why Darren is a wonderful and inspiring person in my opinion.


  • 如果父母投入精力时间去经营家庭使家庭团结和谐的话,那么以上的这些选择有效的。

    All options will work if both parents are willing to put in the time and effort to create family unity and unanimity.


  • 答案通常情况下会变得无足轻重,找到使人类力量自然和谐应用方式,不是与自然相抗衡并且自然固有的形式循环物质

    More often the answer will be fiddling-finding ways to apply human muscle with the grain of nature, rather than against it, and help it in its inbuilt tendency to recycle things.


  • 使感觉幸福和谐的是幸福婚姻健康身体、孩子们身上获得的积极力量从事人感到兴奋的工作一个我来说很好的职位

    Factors pulling me towards happiness and balance are: happy marriage, good health, positive energy that I get from my kids, working on exciting projects, living in a perfect location for me.


  • 意思是一天企图使所做一切都和谐吗?

    I mean, are you trying to balance everything over the course of a single day?


  • 老鹰鸽子》一书通过引用很多有趣故事使文章更加和谐易懂,它生动地描写冷战背景之下两种截然相反性情

    Packed with good stories and tasty quotes, “The Hawk and the Dove” is a balanced and highly readable portrait of two contrary temperaments set against the background of the cold war.


  • 希拉里在南卡罗来纳州因为种族原因惨败巴马所提倡种族和谐主题形成了强烈对比并且使肯尼迪一边倒的支持了奥巴马。

    Mr Clinton's race-tinged dismissal of the South Carolina result contrasted strongly with Mr Obama's theme of racial reconciliation, and is thought to have tipped Mr Kennedy into endorsing Mr Obama.


  • 欧洲版图重划能够使生活变得更加井然有序,友好和谐

    Rejigging the map of Europe would make life more logical and friendlier.


  • 早晨纯洁之光使渴慕真理,惟有这种仰望真理之心,使我纯洁早晨,使周围自然交响乐和谐合拍起来

    The clear, pure light of the morning made me long for the truth in my heart, which alone could make me pure and clear as the morning, tune me up to the concert-pitch of the nature around me.


  • 这部虚构的恐怖电影使一切看上去都寡淡无味戈德布卢姆戴维斯还是银幕上展现了他们之间早期的那种真诚和谐的关系。

    Onscreen Chemistry? The horrific make-up FX prevent things from becoming too scintillating, but Goldblum and Davis still exude a genuine, charming rapport in early scenes.


  • 进化不偏袒无意识双手使植物动物和谐地共存

    Evolution has made sure, by its impartial, unconscious hand, that the flora and fauna live in harmony with each other and internally.


  • 心情陪伴进入成功殿堂的温室,使一生愉炔、和谐

    A good mood will accompany you on your way to the palace of success, to the chamber of love and to pleasure and barmony in life.


  • 如今尤其是年轻女性的眼中,这位女艺人真正做到使自己生活和谐一致。

    It now seems, particularly to young women, that this actress truly reconciled her life.


  • 火热祈愿之心透过我们和谐使天堂大地成为一体。

    May the burning wish of your heart unify heaven and earth through our harmony.


  • 家都声称允许他们使个一新肩并肩电厂运行得更为和谐,他们因此有时间研发可行技术

    Both argue that this will allow them to operate and phase out two side-by-sideplantsone old, one newer—in harmony, and it will buy them time to developalternative technologies.


  • 寻求工作家庭生活之间和谐最大限度的使家庭得益

    Seek for the harmony between professional occupation and family life in order to maximize family benefits.


  • 如果主导意图使处于真正振动和谐,你永远不会提供任何引起任何人开心不快乐的行动

    If it is your dominant intent to hold yourself in vibrational harmony with who you really are, you could never offer any action that would cause anybody else to be unhappy.


  • 之所以这样是因为节子银幕一种现实中真人无法做到的方式,使自己生活和谐一致。

    This was because on the screen she reconciled her life as real people cannot.


  • 管弦乐团上花的心血使收到来自“和谐音乐家协会”的邀请,这个来自美国协会旨在通过音乐促进和平

    Her work with the orchestra led to an invitation to join Musicians for Harmony, an American organization that promotes peace through music.


  • 认识这种智慧就是熟悉这种精神本质,进而熟悉宇宙实质使自己一切属性都保持和谐关系

    To recognize this Intelligence is to acquaint yourself with the knowing quality of Mind and through it to move upon the Universal Substance, and bring it into harmonious relations in your affairs.


  • 人们日常生活各个领域项目管理社会幸福和谐做出了贡献,使更加喜欢项目管理。

    In various areas in People's Daily life, the project management has contributed to the happiness and harmony of the society, which makes me fond of the project management more.


  • 同样我们需要找到合适压力促进优化性能使我们能够创造和谐音乐

    Similarly, we all need to find the proper level of stress that promotes optimal performance, and enables us to make harmonious music.


  • 孩子知道自己行为了一只小鸟并且使能够重新自然和谐相处之后,都为此而感到骄傲

    They took great pride in knowing that their actions saved the bird and allowed it to live in harmony with nature once again.


  • 孩子知道自己行为了一只小鸟并且使能够重新自然和谐相处之后,都为此而感到骄傲

    They took great pride in knowing that their actions saved the bird and allowed it to live in harmony with nature once again.


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