• 法语使人了解的意思。

    I made myself understood in French.


  • 只有死能够使了解自己指示骄傲看他也不过是个普通使厌恶过去的快乐

    Death alone can make man know himself, show the proud and insolent that he is but object, and can make him hate his forepassed happiness;


  • 希望笔者以上这些粗糙想法说明能够有助于国内狄骥研究使了解狄骥思想精华所在。

    I hope that rough ideas and instructions can help domestic research about Duguit, making people understand the essence of the Duguit's idea.


  • 他们两这次会晤亲切友好使双方增进了解

    Both men termed the meeting friendly and informative.


  • 继续了解怎样使同辈得到暗中健康保护

    Read on to see (pun intended) how you can get Stealth Healthy protection for your peepers.


  • 努力显著增加获得艾滋病毒治疗预防莱索托启动全世界项计划使该国一个了解自己的艾滋病毒状况

    In an effort to dramatically increase access to HIV treatment and prevention, Lesotho will launch the world's first plan to have every person in the country know their HIV status.


  • 掩盖了其它方面的致命性儿童期疾病浪费宝贵的药物加快不可避免耐药寄生虫出现使无法了解疟疾真实负担

    It masks other deadly childhood illnesses, wastes precious medicines, hastens the inevitable emergence of drug-resistant parasites, and makes it impossible to know the true burden of malaria.


  • ServiceRegistry提供图形化影响分析使充分了解给定XML模式发生改变时会影响哪些内容。

    The Service Registry provides graphical impact analysis to enable you to fully understand who and what will be affected if the given XML schema changes.


  • 一些认为,广告指导货物消费我们提供有关产品信息使消费者更好了解货物商家

    Meanwhile,advertisements also offer us some new information about the product. And they help consumers to know the goods and the businessmen better.


  • 早期行医时碰到一位植物使他深刻了解意识不仅仅哲学问题

    An early encounter with a patient in a vegetative state convinced Dr. Tononi that understanding consciousness was not just a matter of philosophy.


  • 格瑞特,这项研究美妙之处在于使我们了解到了当地气候观察故事,而恰这些故事帮助我们了解气候变化世界各地不同作用方式

    The beauty, she says, is how local peoples' stories can help us understand the diverse ways that climate change affects different parts of the earth.


  • 还未等到债市义勇军7月意大利西班牙债券市场情况进行跟踪了解,就已经让欧洲领导认识使他们主要的应急方案更加有效的必要性。

    Not until the bond vigilantes homed in on Italy and Spain in July did European leaders see a need to make their main firefighting vehicle more effective.


  • 一个认识自己是个什么样自己有哪些特殊素质使自己不同其他父母可能并不了解这些。

    One can recognize what kind of person he is and which special qualities make him different from everyone else, but his parents might not.


  • 旅游使增进世界了解

    Travel increased one's knowledge of the world.


  • 一些认为广告拓宽货物选择使消费者更好地了解货物商家

    Some people think advertisements can help people to have a wide choice of goods and they help consumers know the goods and businessmen better.


  • 星期一,切尔西创始曾孙女到访使我们了解切尔西的过去,切尔西的

    Chelsea was reminded of our roots on Monday when Sue Mears, the great granddaughter of the club's founder paid us a visit.


  • 继续了解怎样使同辈得到暗中健康保护

    Read on to see how you can get Stealth Healthy protection for your peepers .


  • 认为法国世界上最好国度,但对岸法语的目不认识罗浮索邦大学了解有限,常使人厌烦

    Thinks France is the best country in the world and bores everyboby with your limited French knowledge and tales of the Louvre and Sourbonne.


  • 这些因素使我们不可避免地得出一结论:要成为当今高效领导,就必须了解如何目标经理那样来工作!

    These factors lead us to an inescapable conclusion: to be effective leaders today, we must understand how to function as managers of meaning.


  • 暖烘烘下午使兴致勃勃。老朋友我们彼此不用开口互相了解了。

    After talking together delightedly, we rent a boat, followed down the river, the warm afternoon made us in spirits, we could understand each other without saying anything, just like old friends.


  • 文化中介使两个有着不同语言文化群体之间交际了解行动得以顺利进行的

    A cultural mediator is a person who facilitates communication, understanding, and action between persons or groups who differ with respect to language and culture.


  • 这些取证程序使当事了解任何有关讼案所涉事由情况,只要这些情况不是受保护的信息。

    These discovery procedures allow a party to learn about anything relevant to the subject matter involved in the pending action, as long as it is not privileged.


  • 作为对科洛桑事务很有影响的知名物,帕帕诺·伊达男爵在全银河系都可靠性不同线使了解克隆战争情报

    An influential personage in Coruscant affairs, Baron Papanoida has contacts throughout the galaxy of varying credibility providing him with intelligence in the Clone Wars.


  • 第一段第一句话指出,如果想要通过幽默使发笑,就必须要了解如何发现共同经历和共同的问题。

    A Personal charm of the humor user. B Understanding the audience's situation. C Sympathy for the audience.


  • 广告现在越来越多的广告出现在报纸、广播、杂志甚至街头,对此不同的看法。一些认为广告拓宽商品选择使消费者更好了解商品商家

    Some people think advertisements can help people to have a wide choice of goods and they help consumers know the goods and businessmen better.


  • 广告现在越来越多的广告出现在报纸、广播、杂志甚至街头,对此不同的看法。一些认为广告拓宽商品选择使消费者更好了解商品商家

    Some people think advertisements can help people to have a wide choice of goods and they help consumers know the goods and businessmen better.


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