• 认为最好暂时别食物

    I think you'd better lay off fatty foods for a while.


  • 想要了解先生当晚所有行踪。

    I want a full account of your movements the night Mr. Gower was killed.


  • 喊道:“救命啊!”个子男孩:“伤了之后沙子上,现在它刻在石头上。”

    He cried, "Help!" The taller boy asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote it in the sand, but now you carved it on a stone."


  • 神圣本质尝试提醒记起的本来面目。

    It is your higher or true self, your divinity trying to remind you of who you are.


  • 可以设定非常目标上帝儿子想出认为伟大的事情可以生活中这些事情并且可以打败他们”他是有能力的父亲。

    I can set some high goals. God says, "My son, you think up the greatest thing you think I could do in your life and I can beat that.


  • 见到BBC电影扮演杰夫·布伦吗?

    Did you see Jeff Goldblum play me in the BBC film?


  • 一部分一直灵性层面获得灵感能知道感觉到身上发生的一切意义

    A part of you is always cosmically inspired and from the level of your higher self or soul, you know and feel the meaning of all that happens to you.


  • 概念上来思考找出,面对这块黑板挂毯,或任何东西旋律织体的哪个位置中间还是迈克尔说。

    If you think about it conceptually, try to figure out, well, I got this board up here, this tapestry, or whatever, where's my melody going to be in the texture: high, middle or low? Michael?


  • 拒绝了他们反复要求,并要求他们给理由和解释,其中位警官终于告诉,“而且皮肤偏黑看起来很像外国人。”

    I refused their repeated requests while demanding an explanation until one of the officers finally told me, “You are tall and dark-colored and look like a foreigner.


  • 知道除非真正敬重丈夫,认为一等便不会觉得幸福也不会觉得得意。

    I know that you could be neither happy nor respectable, unless you truly esteemed your husband; unless you looked up to him as a superior.


  • 布丽姬解释道:“登就是那个杀人凶手,可是实在办法相信!”

    Bridget explained: 'it was when you were telling me that Gordon was the killer. I couldn't believe it.


  • 如果前面第1至第4个问题回答满意,那么这个问题要求就不会其他问题那么

    The threshold for this question isn’t as high as the others if I’m satisfied by the answers to questions 1-4.


  • 老师作为工作路上的共同节日来临之即,步步

    Teachers, I will you, as I work on the aircraft lights. In our common holiday is approaching, I wish you a backgammon!


  • 为了更好理解这个故事知道朋友罗布克个子不,长得很壮实。

    For the purposes of this story, you'll need to know that my friend Rob is tall and thin, and my friend Alec is short and well built.


  • 现在可能在琢磨为什么认为业务模式不足取,可能认为这种情况不是早就有吗?

    Now, maybe you think that what I'll call the Goldman Sachs model of banking is no big thing. Maybe you think it's been around forever.


  • 也意味着破产机构股东清理干净,债券持有人斩仓割肉,取消无良们的股票期权(这些就知道一些“拿钱,赔钱”的伎俩)。

    That means cleaning out the shareholders in failed institutions, making bondholders take a haircut, and canceling the stock options of executives who got rich playing heads I win, tails you lose.


  • 没法随随便便地告诉每天有多少上脸书每天通过手机访问这个网站人数出奇

    Off the top of my head, I can't tell you many people hit up Facebook daily, but a freakishly high number of people visit the site on their phones everyday.


  • 有一件事告诉,”恼怒地,“毁掉澳大利亚。”

    'I'm going to tell you one thing,' Gog said angrily. 'I'm going to destroy Austrlia.


  • 接受进入一个内在高我崭新层次内在注视着自己地球上的新的和谐欢乐

    Embrace as a new level of your inner being, your Divine Self, the one that beholds new Harmony, Joy, Peace and Love for your own life and for the Earth.


  • 汉先生昨天电话中商谈沙咀港大厦应该是公司最好选择之一

    Mr.Cohen, after the telephone conversation with you yesterday, I believe the Gateway Tower in Tsim Sha Tsui will be one of the best choices for your company to rent.


  • 先生昨天电话中商谈沙咀港大厦应该是公司最好选择之一

    C: Mr. Cohen, after the telephone conversation with you yesterday, I believe the Gateway Tower in Tsim Sha Tsui will be one of the best choices for your company to rent.


  • 说这到底想像还是现在企业管跟20年前很多

    Q. Is it just my imagination, or are many of the people at the very top of huge corporations really dumber than they were 20 years ago?


  • 如果蹄量大约5英尺(1.5)

    I can get to be about 5 feet (about 1.5 meters) tall if you measure from my hooves to my shoulders.


  • 说:“以为个个子大、非常粗壮,他的声音一定会非常低沉。但是那邻居,虽然他头大马,体重120公斤,然而他的声音却又又细,就像一个体格比一半的人发出来的声音。”

    You expect a big, beefy man to have a deep, deep voice. But my beefy neighbor who must weigh 120 kilos has a high-pitched squeaky voice like a man half his size.


  • 说:“以为个个子大、非常粗壮,他的声音一定会非常低沉。但是那邻居,虽然他头大马,体重120公斤,然而他的声音却又又细,就像一个体格比一半的人发出来的声音。”

    You expect a big, beefy man to have a deep, deep voice. But my beefy neighbor who must weigh 120 kilos has a high-pitched squeaky voice like a man half his size.


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