• 如果遇到火狐一切

    If you meet firefox, it 's all you can think about.


  • 一切之前就已经给予因为感恩磁性物质因此为敞开了宇宙中的每一门!

    Everything you want will be given to you before you even ask, because gratitude is the magnetic substance that opens every single door in the Universe.


  • 不必再说了如果不能的做,承担一切后果

    I needn't add that if you fail to do as I ask, you will suffer the consequences.


  • 你要一切吩咐的,亚伦儿子行承接圣职的礼

    Do for Aaron and his sons everything I have commanded you, taking seven days to ordain them.


  • 逃避死敌一切症状,犹如逃避条蝰蛇一般

    Flee from every symptom of this deadly foe as you would flee from a viper.


  • 如果创作一部每周讲述令人难以置信的事情的电视剧,一个扮演信徒演员知道的,就是一个相信一切

    If you're going to create a TV show that deals week after week with things that are unbelievable, you need an actor who can play a believer, you know, a person who tends to believe everything.


  • 诚实。那就是在诚实日所做的一切

    Be honest. That's all you have to do on Honesty Day.


  • 然后一切1950发生了变化不妨为“午餐”,这在很大程度归功于纳什维尔的一家制造商阿拉丁工业公司一个天才之举。

    Then everything changed in the year of 1950. You might as well call it the Year of the Lunch Box, thanks in large part to a genius move by a Nashville based manufacturer, Aladdin Industries.


  • 倾听自己的心声告诉知道一切

    Listen to your heart and it will tell you all you need to know.


  • 我们一头可以供养,这样一来获取牛奶方便而且牛奶中的乳清可以拿来煮菜,一切都会很方便的。

    It can be very convenient for you to have milk for yourself. And the cow will also give you some whey that you can use for cooking; everything will be convenient.


  • 如果,“啊,只想你要尘世中做的事情。”我向保证,神祝福面对的一切因为希望所能利用实现目标

    If you say, 'God, I just want to do what you put me on earth to do,' I guarantee you, God will bless everything you touch because God is looking for people he can use to fulfill his purposes.


  • 一切仇敌。右手搜出那些的人。

    Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee.


  • 不是承担一切过失或者承担责任然后远离他人而是意识到我们不是受害者,而是生活参与者

    This isn't to say you're taking all the blame, or taking responsibility away from the other person, but to realize that we are not victims but participants in life.


  • 坚信自己正在灌输的再说一次奥斯卡吧,血液澎湃相信自己如果付出女里一切可以实现。

    Again, go for the Oscar, get your blood pumping, and know there is nothing you can't do when you believe you have what it takes to get it done.


  • 然而你要记住一旦失去水瓶男人信任他们就会绝情斩断和一切联系再也不会回头了。

    However, remember that if you break the trust of your Aquarius man, he will coolly cut the ties and never look back.


  • 因为耶和华一切土产上手里所办赐福非常地欢乐

    For the LORD your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete.


  • 整个训练过程中确保受训者任意提问他们只是不是”——能鼓励他们充分考虑一切

    Throughout the coaching process, be sure to keep your questions open, so that they demand more than a "yes" or "no" answer - this encourages the individual to think everything through fully.


  • 提醒自己目的不是抛弃珍重的一切只是简化生活而已。

    Remind yourself that you're goal is not to get rid of everything you hold dear, but to simplify your life.


  • 激励性参与这个世界就是关注周围一切了解什么发生作用、什么又是行不通的。

    Inspired Participation in the world is about plugging into what's around you and being aware of what's working and what isn't working.


  • 保留石膏柔韧多一点时间一切理顺吗?

    Want to keep your plaster pliable a bit longer to get it all smoothed out?


  • 注意可能自行排查故障才能一切正常运转开发系统中。

    Be aware that you may have to do some troubleshooting of your own before you get everything working smoothly on your development system.


  • 知道房间里你要应付的事情还很多因为来到一个摄影棚或者某个场景时,一切都会不同

    But you know, there is always so much you can do in a room, because when you get out to a sound stage and a set, everything is always different.


  • 一切他所治理的各处,都称颂耶和华哪,你要称颂耶和华。

    Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, o my soul.


  • 虚拟关系中,组织话题或是阐述观点想法回应对方一切关乎聪明才智

    In cyber relationships you are engaged in conversation and expressions of thoughts, ideas, and responses, all of which use a range of intellectual capacities.


  • 常常发掘对方好的想法自大掌管一切

    Always explore each other's ideas and don't let your ego take over.


  • 常常发掘对方好的想法自大掌管一切

    Always explore each other's ideas and don't let your ego take over.


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