• 女儿来了一些今天下午自己

    Your daughter brought you some flowers that she picked herself this afternoon.


  • 自己架子搭来了吗?

    Do you put your own shelves up?


  • 机会一切取决于自己自己做出最好决定

    Opportunities come and go; it is up to you, the individual, to make the best decision for yourself.


  • 但是如果挺过能真正地证明自己基因地良性品质

    But if you survive, you really have proved the quality of your genes.


  • 如果别人生活产生积极影响自己的生活带来了积极的影响。

    When you make a positive impact in someone else's life you also make a positive impact in your own life.


  • 现在开始,转移注意力,尽量让自己过得开心点,不久发现体重自然降下来了

    Concentrate on being happy right now and you will notice that your pounds will start melting on their own.


  • 好的,好的,我们知道加入改变世界的行列来了事实是,很难找到空闲时间实践自己的想法。

    We know, we know: you really want to get more involved in changing the world, but you just can’t ever seem to find the time.


  • 举个例子一直更懒惰在一起发现自己变得懒惰起来了

    If you spend your days with, for example, lazy people, you may notice that you are becoming lazy.


  • 这份请单位“成就数据库”,它是简历工作面试的有效帮手,同时提醒你自己工作来了哪些不同

    "She calls this a" success database ", a valuable tool for writing a new resume, preparing for job interviews, and "reminding yourself that your career is making a difference.


  • 亲爱的海丽明天一大早发现了踪,一定大为惊奇;等明白了我上什么地方去,一定又会发笑。我想到这里,自己禁不住笑出来了

    My DEAR HARRIET, — you will laugh when you know where I am gone, and I cannot help laughing myself at your surprise tomorrow morning, as soon as I am missed.


  • 爆竹呀群星侮蔑,又跟着自己回到地上

    Rockets, your insult to the stars follows yourself back to the earth.


  • 其次自己贬值到处简历,招聘人员已经无法把拥有同样技能大量求职者中间区分来了

    Second, you commoditize yourself: By posting your resume everywhere, you become indistinguishable from a plethora of job seekers with similar skills.


  • 告诉朋友家人或者同事的学习计划这样就为自己的学习施加了一定的压力,也富有成效的动力。

    Bring some productive social pressure to bear on your learning by telling friends, family members, or colleagues what you plan to do.


  • 这个方法来了理由相信这个方法丑话讲在前面,本书思想的,对没啥大用,本书所讲仅为垂钓技巧,离钓鱼裹腹还有段距离,所以要整有用的,自己构建自己的去 !

    I have discovered my method, and there is every reason to believe that, it can also help you. But to warn you, the thoughts of this book are mine, so they can’t help much.


  • 但是如果出于某种原因员工自己工作不满意,或者不能全心投入无法自己最大的努力那么问题来了

    But, if for some reason your employees aren’t as excited about their jobs as they could or should be or if they are not fully engaged and giving their best efforts, then you’ve got a problem.


  • 关于增强实境,各种天花乱坠宣传终于开始慢慢沉寂来了依然必要了解一下如何创建一款自己增强实应用程序

    The hype surrounding augmented reality has started to die down, but that's no reason you shouldn't learn how to build your own AR applications.


  • 需要确认自己观点已经被全面的、有序的表达出来了这样读者能够的思路走向结论。

    You also need to be sure that you present all of your ideas in an orderly fashion that readers can follow. See our handouts on argument and organization for some tips that will improve your arguments.


  • 消遣娱乐时候警钟很快就响起来了知道放纵自己

    When you spend time having fun, you know you're being self-indulgent. Alarms start to go off fairly quickly.


  • 也许:“无法控制自己思想如果思想我也办法。”

    You may be thinking, “I can’t control my thoughts, if a thought comes, it comes.”


  • 一旦已经桌面设置的自己的个性之后,现在时候Windows7了。

    Once you've got your desktop looking awesome, it's time to get to know Windows 7.


  • 自己当时告诉那个人马上办公室加了一句“跟过来了”。

    Mr. Rolon said he told the caller to come right by his office -- but added, 'Please don't bring the revolver.'


  • 在博客的前篇文章刚刚贴出来了自己每天早上的计划表,是否很好奇我是如何早上四点半就起床?

    I just posted about my morning routine, and thought you might like to know how I get up at 4:30 a.m.


  • 这份请单位“成就数据库”,它是简历工作面试的有效帮手,同时提醒你自己工作来了哪些不同

    She calls this a "success database", a valuable tool for writing a new resume, preparing for job interviews, and "reminding yourself that your career is making a difference."


  • 现在随着事业的启航带建立自己习惯实验机会

    Now, with starting your own business comes the opportunity to create your own rules and experiments. So, to address this problem, here's what I did.


  • JohannaRothman补充说,如果发现了阻力应当想一下是否体现来了自己身上阻力。

    Johanna Rothman adds that when you see resistance you should consider if its a reflection of your resistance.


  • Edelman说:“权利,而有的滥好人为了怕伤害其他人感情放弃自己成功,也给公司来了伤害。”

    "You have a right to win," Edelmansays. "so many overly nice guys will compromise their success and their companies' to avoid hurting someone else's feelings."


  • 展示了充满奇迹世界引导走上了一条丰富有意义生活我带来了自己难以想像幸福

    You for showing me a world full of love and miracles, you led me to embark on a rich and meaningful way of life, you brought me are hard to imagine your own happiness.


  • 展示了充满奇迹世界引导走上了一条丰富有意义生活我带来了自己难以想像幸福

    You for showing me a world full of love and miracles, you led me to embark on a rich and meaningful way of life, you brought me are hard to imagine your own happiness.


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