• 现在处理期限问题成了经理责任

    It is now your manager's responsibility to deal with the deadline issue.


  • 恰好绘声绘色”的讲了出来,那么经理知道是个长舌妇了

    And if you play any part in its proliferation, chances are your manager will know that, too.


  • 如果得不到任何救济,如果时间期限不能满足的话就是经理问题不是的。

    If you don't get any relief, it's your manager's problem, not yours if deadlines can't be met.


  • 如果不能经理那儿得到关于前途丁点儿提示一个糟糕迹象

    If you can't get a hint from your manager about your future, that's a bad sign.


  • 此外如果觉得坦率地高层讨论经理行为可能会改变局势,那么在辞职进行这样的讨论,不管是还是对的老板,都会有用多。

    Besides, if you think a frank discussion of your manager's behavior with the higher-ups might make a difference, it would be far more helpful to you and your bosses to have it before you quit.


  • 见到经理本人了吗?

    Did you see the manager himself?


  • 应该写信区域经理

    You should have written to the area manager again.


  • “拿货样看看。”经理

    'I'd like to see a sample of your work,' said the manager.


  • 经理很快有空了—可以在这里

    The manager will be free soonyou can wait for her here.


  • 银行经理放贷决定可能有关。

    This may have influenced your bank manager's decision not to give you a loan.


  • 一下,这家的经理吗?

    Could l ask if you're the manager of the home?


  • 经理面前表现得好一点儿

    You should hold yourself well before the new manager.


  • 经理会议什么?

    What did the manager ask you after the meeting?


  • 是因为我们这么很棒的销售经理

    That's because we have a wonderful sales manageryou.


  • 加入我们成为名志愿者经理社区带来好处同时发展自己的技能

    Join us as a volunteer manager to develop your own skills while bringing benefits to the communities.


  • 多阶段生活中可以20岁4060岁成为本科生;在30岁50岁或70岁成为一名经理;还可以在任何年龄成为一位独立制片人

    In a multi-stage life, you could be an undergraduate at 20, 40, or 60; a manager at 30, 50, or 70; and become an independent producer at any age.


  • 应该警察的。”经理

    "You should have called the police," the manager said to Jane.


  • 只要得到经理许可可以使用我们电脑系统

    You are allowed to get access to our computer system only if you get the manager's permission.


  • 执行纲要像是一位经理匆忙时,为了了解报告大意东西

    The executive summary is just like what a manager would read to get a general idea of your report if he was in a hurry.


  • 回避了一个问题:经理之间是什么关系

    It also begs a question of what type of relationship you had with your manager.


  • 应该了解一下事物准备怎么样了,然后告诉厨房经理明天过来谈一下工作内容,安排工作时间

    I guess I should look into the food-prep, then, I'll tell the kitchen manager that you will stop by tomorrow to talk about the job and schedule your hours.


  • 这样做了清楚地记得经理,“卡翁达先生,他是市咨询局负责成员他当普通仆人一样对待。”

    This he did, and I well remember him saying to the manager, "Here is Mr. Kaunda who is a responsible member of the Urban Advisory Council, and you treat him like a common servant."


  • 销售经理屈才了本应该演员

    You're wasted as a sales manager—you should have been an actor.


  • 养老基金受托人决定哪一位基金经理投资部分所有未来收入

    The trustees of your pension fund decide which fund manager will invest some or all of your future income.


  • 如果今天下午可以名字告诉销售经理他们帮助

    If you are able to come this afternoon, you can give your name to the sales manager and they will be able to assist you.


  • 假设餐馆错了菜,可以礼貌坚定提出经理要求

    Suppose you got the wrong order at a restaurant, make a polite but firm request to see the manager.


  • 如果不能通过礼貌交谈得到想要的,那就要求和经理主管交谈

    If you don't get what you want with polite conversation, ask to speak to a manager or supervisor.


  • 26岁丽莎·何在门罗公司担任项目经理,她表示:“需要'谢谢告诉',而不是'今晚上得10小时的班'。”

    "My job is to say, 'Thank you for letting me know,' not 'I need you to work an extra 10 hours tonight,'" says Lisa Ho, 26, a Menlo project manager.


  • 永远不知道哪种形象出现,是一团和气经理还是暴怒瘾君子

    You never know which person is going to show up—the nice, benevolent manager or the insane, angry hophead.


  • 举荐经理吗?

    Can you recommend him to the manager?


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