• 带着这份理解感激所有进入生命中的甚至是那些曾经伤害

    With this understanding you then become grateful for all who touch your life, even those who do so in a harmful way.


  • 不论职业是什么,也不论居住在哪的主观态度决定际关系好坏- - - - - -更不用生命中的其它了。

    No matter what you do or where you live, the quality of your attitude determines the quality of your relationships-not to mention just about everything else in your life.


  • 感谢一个爱着的时候,就相当于在说他们生命特殊重要一部分 。

    When you appreciate a loved one you are saying that they are a special and significant part of your life.


  • 至今...那些生命至关重要还有留下深刻印象知道的感受?”

    “But won’t the new people you want to impress and all of the important people in your life know how you feel… now?


  • 就像那条链子,提取了生命中如磐石般不朽精华,雨水变成石头,将生命变成,折磨笔下的画像

    And so — like the chainletit takes that stone-like distillation of life, turning rain to stone, turning life to the representation by your tormentor.


  • 正是要说有时候看起来貌似生命中的不幸却真正的成就了如果只是一味的自怨自艾永远无法完善自己的生。

    So what am I saying? Sometimes what looks like a disaster in your life is part of a much bigger plan. But you will never fulfill your destiny if you are having a pity party.


  • 可能听说过成为一名杰出的多么的荣耀,也明白找到自己生命伟大”的那个部分又是多么的重要

    You have probably heard how wonderful it is to be great and how important it is to find your "greatness" in life.


  • 这正是要说的,有时候看起来貌似生命中的不幸真正成就了如果只是一味的自怨自艾永远无法完善自己的

    Sometimes what looks like a disaster in your life is part of a much bigger plan. But you will never fulfill your destiny if you are having a pity party.


  • 生命一些能轻易的对他们

    There are some people in your life to whom it's fairly easy to say a clear No.


  • 最后想念生命珍视他们长相可能喜欢他们并没有多大关系。

    Ultimately, when you think of the people in your life that you care about the most, what they look like probably has very little to do with how much you like them.


  • 极少情况事情不同,比如老板意见但是这取决于担忧的生命重要还是不重要的

    There are a few cases where opinions will make a differencefor instance, your boss’s opinion of youbut are you worrying about the people who matter in your life, or the ones who really don’t?


  • 极少情况事情不同,比如老板意见但是这取决于担忧的生命重要还是重要的

    There are a few cases where opinions will make a difference - for instance, your boss's opinion of you - but are you worrying about the people who matter in your life, or the ones who really don't?


  • 愤怒于是变成负面的、具有破坏力的行为,可能其他生命具有重要地位的造成伤害

    Anger then becomes negative, destructive and can harm you or other important people and things in your life.


  • 结果发现,如果临终或者,“生命有什么让很后悔的?”

    And it turns out that if you actually ask dying people, or really old people basically, "What do you regret from your life?"


  • 感激生命中能让感到温暖感到充实感到有目标的、物,感激能力可以自由回报这些情感一种很棒的感觉!

    Be grateful in your ability to reciprocate such feelings and do so freely. It’s a great feeling.


  • 一种生命中获益

    A life that you think, "I'm benefiting from having this life."


  • 生命需要感恩事情一个清单,感谢搭档或者亲近的的是什么

    Make a list of what you appreciate in your life, what you appreciate about your partner or the closest person to you.


  • 感激之情显示帮助你生命中的祝福心存感激。

    Your gratefulness shows that you appreciate the people who help you and the blessings in your life.


  • 生命中,周期性地被一些影响力影响并且将会得到获得更高层次成功影响力的机会

    Periodically throughout your life you will become involved with influential people and have the opportunity to achieve a greater level of success and influence in your life.


  • 所以如果生命那个特别坦言自己贪恋巧克力,那么有了特别场合下取悦她们万全之法。

    So if the special person in your life is a self-confessed chocoholic, you know one surefire way to please them on special occasions.


  • 生命中难以忘怀为什么呢?

    Who is the most unforgettable person in your life? Why?


  • 后来那个春暧花开的季节出现生命中,认定就是今生,我的一生,只为而来。

    Later, in the bloomy spring season, you appear in my life, I recognized that you are to wait for my life, my whole life, just for you.


  • 亲爱的永远都因为生命重要

    Darling, I love you forever, because you are the most important person in my life.


  • 亲爱的永远都因为生命重要

    Darling, I love you forever, because you are the most important person in my life.


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