• 建议本英汉词典,我认为学习很大帮助

    I recommended buying an English-Chinese dictionary, which I thought would be of great help to your study.


  • 既然必须帮助那些不同学习障碍,那么要会驾驶汽车,拥流畅的英语书写流利口语交流能力

    You will have the ability to drive a car and to communicate in fluent written and spoken English since you'll have to help those people with different learning disabilities.


  • 如果人类如何学习作为一个群体一点兴趣那么阅读聪明的蜂群》非常值得时间的。

    If you have the least bit of interest in how human beings learn and act as groups, reading all of The Smart Swarm is well worth your time.


  • 你有不懂的地方,可以研究,学习,和别人交谈,直到弄明白为止。

    If you don't understand something, you may research, study, and talk to other people until you figure it out.


  • 当发生这种事情的时候告诉自己 知道做梦 不要左右.知道做梦以后能更好的控制梦的发生.可以通过日记学习澄清梦境可以学习一些关于做梦的技巧.(这里一些lucid-dreaming的读者实用的评论).

    Teach yourself to lucid dream by keeping a dream journal and learning reality checks and dream extending techniques. (Some great comments here by lucid-dreaming readers, too.)


  • 如果老师指导学习以及引导在线讨论那么他们是否做好这份工作必要知识就是很重要的事情。

    If teachers will be grading your work or leading you in online discussions, it is important that they have the knowledge necessary to do the job.


  • 如果读了很多关于求职面试可能会注意很多书都列举出一大堆问题需要学习答案

    If you read many books on job interviews, you'll notice that some feed you lists of interview questions that you should learn answers to.


  • 大学学习是否新的打算

    What have you learned in college that might change your mind?


  • 就是手指触摸手机屏幕下载一些应用程序它们学习过程就变得愈加轻松高效

    All you have to do is swipe your fingers on your phone screen and download some apps, which can make your study more fun and efficient.


  • 每天听课学习小时跟与同样特殊爱好碰面,时间令人愉快的乡村旅店大学校园放松身心

    You get some hours of teaching every day, meet other people who share your special interest, and have time to relax as well in a pleasant country hotel or college campus.


  • 两个方面可以学习如何别人相处自然价值);也可以想想想与别人的相处中得到什么。

    There are two approaches to this: You can learn more about how you relate to others (certainly valuable to know). And you can learn more about what you want from a particular relationship.


  • 但是如果课堂学习同时办公室学习兴趣,以下这些学校可供考虑。

    But if you're interested in learning in both an office and a classroom, one of these schools may be for you. U. S.


  • 如果四处移动几个不同的地点学习同样东西,可能能够对于同一材料形成多重关联的印象。

    "If you move around and study the same material in several places," he says, "you may be forming.".. multiple associations for the same material, the same words and so on.


  • 如果令人羡慕技能一直在努力学习而且足够耐心,那么教学辅导好的道路

    If you have an skill that others admire and sometimes attempt to learn and you have a good deal of patience, teaching or tutoring can be a great way to explore it.


  • 规律地练习吧。练习,然后学习。练习静坐,那么静坐会成为画布,在上面可以描绘自己生活杰作

    Practice, regularly. Practice, and learn. Practice stillness, and the stillness becomes a canvas upon which you can paint the masterpiece of your life.


  • 如果每天规律地学习英文字汇逐渐增加

    If you study regularly each day, little by little your vocabulary of English words will increase.


  • 如果别人一起学习害怕问题:那既可以助于理解,又可以帮助那些同样困惑不敢问的人!

    If you learn with other people, do not be afraid to ask questions: in addition to increasing your understanding, you will help all those who posed the same question, but dared not ask!


  • 诚然,总很多不知道技术可以从中学习以保持不落后。 如果一种灵巧方式来获取需要技术,那每天都应该坚持学习

    True, there is a lot of technology out there and keeping up with it is a fulltime job, but if you have a smart way of receiving your news, you'll learn about new technology every single day.


  • 可能觉得难以置信事实上麻烦好处的。因为一种学习方法

    You may be surprised but the truth is problems are actually good for you because it is a way for you to learn a lesson.


  • 上司指出件事成功或者做的不好的时候,接受这个建议并且从中学习

    When your boss points out one or two actions that you performed successfully or even ones you didn't do well, you can take that feedback and learn.


  • 最后一点,要学习武术即便是时间也能学会自卫,也能学会判断危险化险为夷。而且,习武可以让你有努力的自信

    Finally, martial arts training - even for a short time - is a great way to learn not only how to defend yourself, but how to spot and avoid danger.


  • 一个相同兴趣亲戚朋友,并且愿意倾听谈论学习的,他们知道学习中的进程。

    Find a friend or relative who has similar interests or who would enjoy hearing about your studies and let them know what's going on in your classes.


  • 千万别担心,最重要学习需要的唯一衡量努力程度

    The only thing that matters is that you learned. The only metric you should use is that you tried.


  • 如果中午90分钟的休息时间,花30分钟吃饭(如果可以的话打包午餐),后面的60分钟用来阅读或者练习——任何适合学习的方式。

    If you can take 90 minutes for lunch, use the first 30 for eating (pack a lunch if possible) and the other 60 for reading, practice - whatever applies to your learning.


  • 自己更好意味着必须保持前进学习提高自己因为仍然提高空间(更不用说追赶)。

    Thinking you're better means you have to keep pushing, learning and improving because there is still room for improvement (not to mention there is a huge bear running behind you).


  • 自己更好意味着必须保持前进学习提高自己因为仍然提高空间(更不用说追赶)。

    Thinking you're better means you have to keep pushing, learning and improving because there is still room for improvement (not to mention there is a huge bear running behind you).


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