• 如果中国旅游体验一种深度多样性文化

    If you come to visit China, you will experience a culture of depth and variety.


  • 如果希望尝试亲手制作泡菜,汉城一些烹饪课程可以满足可以来到这里体验泡菜制作。

    If you would like to try your hand at making kimchi, there are several cooking courses that you can join in Seoul to experience making kimchi.


  • 这些自由使得以享受自主的计算机体验,并且使可能成为互助社区份子.

    These freedoms give you control over your own computing, and make it possible to be part of a community where people help each other.


  • 提高交付体验速度关键因为零售业69个时间改变任何东西

    The increased speed of delivery you experience is key because, in the retail sector you get a 6 to 9 month window to change anything.


  • 任何其他语言英语那样感受到多姿多彩的世界文化过硬英语知识就可以体验奇妙的文化之旅

    No other language lets you experience the cultures of the world like English. With a strong knowledge of the English language, you can have wonderful cultural adventures.


  • 这里5个常见网站设计错误,是为了创建非常好的用户体验拓展底线必须要避免的。

    Here are 5 common web design mistakes you must avoid to create a great user experience and grow your bottom line.


  • 将来回顾段时间观赏大幅画面并知道“存在于今”曾经是多么的幸运,体验这过渡进入更高维度

    One day you will look back at these times and in seeing the big picture realize how privileged you were to be present, to experience the transition to the higher dimensions.


  • 之前已经一些经验车队做过车手,所以来说一支新进车队进行合作全新体验

    You've previously driven for experienced teams, so it must be quite new to you having teamed up with an outfit starting from scratch.


  • 来到这个世界特定的原因和特定体验人生

    You come into your life intending to experience your Self in particular ways, for particular reasons.


  • 许许多多的事物等着体验故事中的角延续下去

    You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do, you part in story will go on.


  • 类似体验吗?公共汽车上可能会一个陌生人,但是不会如果

    Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he.


  • 但是很显然不想年轻家庭成员窘迫体验因为这种体验一辈子他们紧咬不放。

    But clearly, you don't want your young family members to pick up poor money practices that could dog them for the rest of their lives.


  • 体验里,一个对外伤害特定模式伤害周围其他使配偶体验癌症

    In one experience, one is outwardly harmful in a particular pattern and harms others around them and causes their spouse to experience cancer.


  • 工作也许想象中的那么趣,但是依旧可以很棒的体验获得一些之后会为加分的技能比如语言技能,适应能力文化意识。

    Your job may not be as interesting as you'd like, but you can still have a great experience and gain skills you can market later (like language skills, adaptability, and cultural awareness).


  • 入会费之前,要先参加两次体验活动确保在该社团里感到舒适结交到对你有帮助的朋友。

    Before investing in a membership fee, attend one or two events to be sure that you feel comfortable and that you will make valuable connections.


  • 天赋-血腥体验4),如果撕碎技能造成伤害10/20/30%的几率使压制变为可以使用,持续时间5

    New talent - TasteforBlood(Tier 4) -Whenever your Rend ability causes damage, you have a10/20/30%chance of allowingtheuseof your Overpower ability for5 secs.


  • 个人免费的货,好奇了下然后开始体验的东西充满敬佩和期待

    Someone gives you a free sample, you try it out, and you're in awe of what you've just experienced.


  • 如果为什么会爱上上海我会告诉不管这里多么国际化体验真正上海文化

    If you asked me why I fell in love with Shanghai, I would tell you that no matter how cosmopolitan it is there, you still get to experience the real culture of Shanghai.


  • 一旦体验赢得冠军的滋味多么这会让渴望体验更多次,所以周日这场比赛对于我们至关重要

    Once you've tasted how great it is to win something it makes you even hungrier for more, so it's a vital game for us on Sunday.


  • 以后律师体验:要达成公平妥协解决方案时,无论认为提出的解决方案多公平,也无可避免地会为当事双方带来苦楚

    As an attorney, one of the lessons you'll learn in arriving at a fair compromise or settlement is that a fair settlement must cause pain to each participant.


  • 可能某位喜欢的踏上旅程,同时,尽量97,8日左右回家吧–这样的话,充满诗意双鱼满月可爱的体验

    You may be on a trip with someone you love and at the time be returning home by September 7 or 8 - if so, this would be a lovely way to experience this full moon in poetic Pisces.


  • 可能某位喜欢的踏上旅程,同时,尽量97,8日左右回家吧–这样的话,充满诗意双鱼满月可爱的体验

    You may be on a trip with someone you love and at the time be returning home by September 7 or 8 - if so, this would be a lovely way to experience this full moon in poetic Pisces.


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