• 晚上做梦时,你有一个身体那儿其他人身体行动相互作用,也坏。

    While you're in the nightdream you have a body there are other bodies, there's action, interaction, there's good and there's bad.


  • 如果再次丢失了,如果一个了什么挑战性的话然后过了一会儿重新记起-继续回到内在身体

    If you lose it again, if the other person says something challenging, then after a little while you remember - and you go back into the inner body.


  • 如果在身体一个严重缺陷就是的胃需要20分钟的时间告诉的脑子已经饱了

    If your body has one major flaw, this is it: it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it's had enough.


  • 无论身体健康还是欠佳滑雪去,这提示(不管时间什么怀疑的)——活着,而且活着是极其的。

    TO SKI, however well or poorly, is a reminder-whatever one may for a long time have suspected-that one is alive, and that living is tremendous fun.


  • 如果还是位和父母一起宿舍年轻人,那与一个孩子身体状况较差的老人相比这个答案可能大相径庭

    If you are a young person who still lives at home or in the dorms, the answer is likely to be much different than a person who has children or an older person in poor health.


  • 如果脊柱侧弯一个简单体式-山式-可以恢复身体对称

    If you have scoliosis, practicing a pose as simple as Tadasana (Mountain pose) can help you find a more symmetrical alignment.


  • 每当步入健身房之寻找将自己推向极限的动机可能不可思议的任务,因为,事实我们必须要面对:总一天会觉得只是一点也不想锻炼,更别说身体推向极限了。

    It is a well known fact that often words mean very little when it comes to being able to find your motivation and so with this tip, you are stimulating your body and mind through visual presentation.


  • 练习的过程中,记得目标不是一天身体到笔直而是找到个身体舒服地姿态。

    In each pose you do, remember that the goal is not to reach a mythical day when your spine will be absolutely straight, but to find a place where there is ease in your body.


  • 应当祈求健康身体一个健康的心灵

    You should pray to have a sound mind in a sound body.


  • 过山车跳楼都是这个本身一个速度然后带着身体往前冲整个属于后仰状态。

    Roller coaster and jumping machine is the car itself has a speed, and then take your body forward, the whole person is back.


  • 理解一点必须知道我们身体一个自然清洗系统冒号

    To understand this you need to know that our body has a natural cleansing system that is done by the colon.


  • 一个笑话,Homer检查身体告知,“胆固醇水平得致命不过关心肉汤水平。”

    There is an old episode of "The Simpsons" in which Homer goes for a checkup and is told, "Your cholesterol level is lethally high, but I'm more concerned about your gravy level."


  • 最后必须保持一个良好健康身体良好的感觉

    At last you must keep a good health and have a good feeling.


  • 除了年龄体重以外,美国任何其他限制,美国是一个免责协议的,也就是说,只要觉得身体和心理可以就可以跳伞

    In addition to age and weight, there is no other restriction in the United States, the United States is a disclaimer, that is, as long as you feel your body and mind you can jump.


  • 如果实现期望必须技能知识效地利用时间资源重要的是一个健康身体

    If you want to realize your expectations, you must be armed with skills and knowledge, use time and resources efficiently and the most importantly, have a healthy body.


  • 不管聪明需要一个强壮的身体

    No matter how smart you are, you need a strong body.


  • 强壮身体才能解决工作问题做运动压力得健康也会自己骄傲

    With strong body you can overcome all problems at work, exercise will help reduce stress and healthy food will make feel good about yourself.


  • 如果瑜伽坐姿姿感到膝盖腰部负担身体传达给一个讯息-延展大肌了。

    In your yoga practice, if you feel strain in your knees or lower back in seated and standing poses, your body may be telling you that you need to lengthen your psoas.


  • 提到皮肤一个非常重要事实必须紧记。 那就是皮肤是身体覆盖面积最大器官

    When it comes to your skin, there is an extremely important fact that you must keep in mind: Your skin is the largest organ of your body.


  • 告诉是因为知道身体别人竞争重要条件

    Bob: No, I talk to you because I know that having a strong constitution is a important condition that you can compete with others in you work.


  • 一个交易丢失中,蛇形物在相关身体部位分子送给你有业力救活的别人。

    In a bartered loss, one will have serpents in the associated part of the form that send molecules to another that one has karma to save.


  • 一个强壮身体可以你有很好的平衡感以及水下整体表现。

    A strong core leads to both improved balance and overall function inside the water.


  • 一个强壮身体可以你有很好的平衡感以及水下整体表现。

    A strong core leads to both improved balance and overall function inside the water.


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