• 如果老师自己成绩限制94分,其他大多数老师的评分范围都在100分以上,那么老师可能危及学生获得奖学金进入顶尖大学机会

    By capping her grades at 94 while most other teachers grade on a scale that tops out at 100, your teacher could jeopardize a student's chance of getting a scholarship or getting into a top college.


  • 标语链接放在相关网站上可以大大的改善获得关注机会

    Placing your banner or link on relevant sites will vastly improve the chance of you getting noticed.


  • 告诉所爱着的人们握住每一个表达机会

    Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.


  • 测量举动通常足以无意识习惯提升意识层面如此机会仔细检视改变它们

    The very act of measuring is often enough to raise your unconscious habits into your consciousness, where you then have a chance to scrutinize and change them.


  • 工作量作为一种推动自己向前、学习技能展示精神风貌的好机会

    Think of a heavy work load as an exciting opportunity to push yourself, learn new skills and show your mettle.


  • 可以自己放在正确地点合适时间,尽可能的确定一个领域要有必要技能知识以便抓住那突如其来机会

    You can put yourself in the right place at the right time more often by identifying an area in which you have the necessary skills and knowledge to capitalize on sudden opportunities.


  • 如果机会大家知道,靠做什么一种合适生活,那就想尽办法写到评论去吧!

    If you have an opportunity to make it known what you do for a living and it's appropriate, then by all means, put it in the comment!


  • 但假如确定你把面试了,那么觉得任何一进步努力都浪费时间-或只是另一个出丑机会而已。

    If you're sure you bombed your interview, then you may think any follow-up effort is a waste of your time-or just another opportunity to mess up.


  • 如果弄错了,二次机改正。时间看作商品,那么当筹码低的时候就有机会充分利用它了。

    Treat your time as a commodity and you’ll have a better chance of taking advantage of it when the chips are down.


  • 如果回避型的需要练习信赖别人,给别人机会而不是吹毛求疵别人推得远远的。

    If you're an avoider, you need to practise relying on people, giving them a chance instead of finding fault and pulling away.


  • 相反要是决定身为光棍时间当作独处的机会真实的自己努力让自己快乐,那么觉得单身生活也是丰富多彩的

    On the other hand if you decide that your time as a single is a great opportunity to be yourself and make yourself happy you'll find single life much more fulfilling.


  • 不想过度地SEO过程复杂化,可是如果忽略客户搜索和发现的那些重要路径,那么可能错失一些很好的机会

    I don't want to overly-complicate the SEO process, but if you're ignoring important steps in your customers' search path, you could be missing huge opportunities.


  • 如此一来生活变得简单成功机会最大并且如果初始猜想有误可以损失降到最低。

    You keep your life simple this way, maximise your chances of success, and minimize your loss if your initial guess was wrong.


  • 一旦闪闪发光篷车梦幻般的视觉效果迷惑,经销商已经套住了,做成漂亮交易机会落空了

    As soon as you've lost yourself in the dreamy vision of that gleaming convertible, the salesperson has you hooked, and your chances of getting a great deal are over.


  • 战略建立坚实思想之上,成功机会就会变大。

    Base your strategy on solid ideas and your chances of success can only improve. Be seen, be sold.


  • 精心制作简要介绍信封面要书写美观,表明职业化交际能力简历人力资源以便获得面试机会

    Craft a brief, well-written cover letter to illustrate your professionalism and communication skills. Get your resume read by human resources and secure an interview.


  • 不必办法摆脱旅途的困扰,因为迅速地送到目的地

    You do not have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey, for an aeroplane gets you to your destination rapidly.


  • 需要根据紧急通知撤离必须生活用品随身带着,可能没有机会商店的家人寻找物资

    In the event you need to evacuate at a moment's notice and take essentials with you, you probably will not have the opportunity to shop or search for the supplies you and your family will need.


  • 只要就近的五金店去买一些夹子他们房间里导线混合起来,减少绊倒自己机会

    You can get little clamps for this purpose from your local hardware store and they'll help blend your cables in with the room, not to mention cutting back on you tripping yourself up.


  • 如果公司破产了,如此艰苦环境还得到了主意或是一个机会就可以这个情况叫做“diamondinthe rough”。

    Perhaps if your company went bankrupt, but through this difficult situation you gain an idea or other opportunity, you could also call the situation adiamond in the rough.”


  • 关键在脑海里重复的消极想法一个一样往后狠狠的拽应该将自己消极中解脱出来每次挫折里面都有一个机会

    Every negative thought that you replay your mind is like an anchor holding you back. Liberate yourself from the negativity.


  • 因此即使不能立即解决最大问题,它也为提供了机会取得进步。为自己加吧。

    So even though it may not solve your biggest problems right away, take that next opportunity to make a difference. Build yourself some positive momentum.


  • 假如命运暂时没有很多机会,就让厕所,那么就必须面对现实,厕所扫

    If the fate did not give you many chances temporarily except cleaning the toilet, you should face it and do it well.


  • 这会机会别人说话,别人注意力身上转移出去,尤其是那些注意力会让感到不舒服的时候。

    It gives you a chance to listen to others, and shift the attention away from yourself, especially if that makes you uncomfortable.


  • 如果看到任何学校可能允许你把程序自由软件发布机会最好早期提出这个问题

    If you see any chance that your school might refuse to allow your program to be released as free software, it is best to raise the issue at the earliest possible stage.


  • 机会,使自己的所有各方面成为一个整体,包括可能会正常地拒绝隐藏部分

    And this provides a great opportunity for integrating all aspects of yourself, including those parts that you may normally reject or hide.


  • 机会,使自己的所有各方面成为一个整体,包括可能会正常地拒绝隐藏部分

    And this provides a great opportunity for integrating all aspects of yourself, including those parts that you may normally reject or hide.


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