• 所以祭坛礼物的时候,想起弟兄你怀

    Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you


  • 所以如果祖父母辈有人双胞胎那么怀双胞胎的几率就很大。

    So if your grandparents had twins, there is a good chance that you will be able to conceive twins as well.


  • B来看肚子两个胚芽儿,就是说怀是双胞胎!

    Come up to see from the super b, your is two small acrospire sons in belly, be say, what you keep in mind is twins!


  • 他们的大儿子布鲁克林猜出来这孩子哪儿怀上的吗?)那时已经个月大了,是婚礼上戒指男孩。

    The couple's son Brooklyn (can you guess where he was conceived?), then four months old, was the ring bearer.


  • 对于的所有,对于做出选择怀感念;失误中汲取教训

    Be grateful for what you have, the choices you about to make and learn from your mistakes when you can.


  • 不仅仅对于个人宽恕而是宽恕自己所以不必浪费生命某人的气,或者一直某人耿耿于怀

    It is not just for the other person that you forgive, but for yourself, so you don't waste your life angry with someone or continue to hold a grudge.


  • 一旦了解潜意识力量可以改变环境,可以使心中怀祈望成真,就可以克服不正常恐惧

    You can overcome abnormal fear when you know the power of your subconscious mind can change conditions and bring to pass the cherished desires of your heart.


  • 现在,请告诉我,如果现在,告诉:如果穆礼怀关闭在美国天然气美国有没有明显的可能会支持对纳利建设

    Now, you tell me: If Mulva is shutting in U. S. Wells, are there any appreciable odds favoring the construction of Denali to the United States?


  • 现在,请告诉我,如果现在,告诉:如果穆礼怀关闭在美国天然气美国有没有明显的可能会支持对纳利建设

    Now, you tell me: If Mulva is shutting in U.S. wells, are there any appreciable odds favoring the construction of Denali to the United States?


  • 当然是希望孩子认识到慈善意义不是别人分享自己零花钱感到耿耿于怀

    Ideally, you want your kids to appreciate the importance of charity, rather than feel resentful over having to part with the proceeds of their piggy Banks.


  • 佩雷尔曼定理远远超过证明这些“不存在”的断言正如怀尔斯证明的定理所告诉东西要多于一类方程不存在整数这个结论。

    Perelman's theorem goes far beyond proving this "non-existence" claim, just as Wiles' theorem tells you much more than non-existence of integer solutions of certain equations.


  • 如果怀那种使命义乌唯一可以地方

    Yiwu is just the place to come if you are on that kind of mission.


  • 如果打算怀双胞胎或者三胞胎增加更多重量

    If you're carrying twins or triplets, you might need to gain more weight.


  • 含义该好好享受当下生活,并活在当下怀感恩之心。

    It means that you savor your life right now and you are grateful for being alive today.


  • 某人罗列感谢理由.分钟列出这样一个清单大概1050条,表达感受为什么喜欢他,或者做了这么多事情对此深怀感激。

    Give someone a list of all they've done that you're grateful for. Take 5 minutes and make a list of 10 or 50 things you love about someone, or things they've done for you that you appreciate.


  • 怀斯曼教授,“与大多数男士观点相左并不需要花费把金钱追求女性,女人真正在乎的是关心。”

    "Contrary to what many men believe, you do not have to spend large sums of money to woo a woman - it really is the thought that counts," Prof Wiseman said.


  • 是种鼓励慈悲怀心态面对生活苦难的方式。

    It encourages a disposition that adjusts to the hard facts of life in an explosion of grace.


  • 那些没有的东西耿耿于怀感恩那些拥有如此的未来充满祝福

    Stop whining about what you don't have instead be thankful about what you have and every thing that will come in your life will be blessings.


  • 是否曾经做过失败自己耿耿于怀

    Do you condemn yourself for things which you didor failed to do — in the past?


  • 如果过去耿耿于怀看不清当前机会从而失去未来美好前景。

    If you are brooding over the past, you'll be blinded to present possibilities, and lose the advantage for future prospects.


  • 当下力量使不在对天开始某人轻视耿耿于怀担心会儿发生什么事。

    It's hard to be stuck in a perceived slight by someone else earlier in the day, or worry about what might happen later in the day, when you are walking barefoot.


  • 因此如果还在怨恨而耿耿于怀时候放手了。

    So, if you’re holding onto old grudges for the sake of it, it might just be time to let go.


  • 培养怀感激习惯

    It allows you to develop the habit of being thankful.


  • 高声喊妇女怀也是有福的。

    And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.


  • 怀小姐先进去吧。可以我们周围一个棚屋这样不用挨冻了。

    Now, Miss Dwyer, if you will step inside this spot, I think I can build up the bushes around us so as to make a sort of booth which may save us from freezing.


  • 怀小姐先进去吧。可以我们周围一个棚屋这样不用挨冻了。

    Now, Miss Dwyer, if you will step inside this spot, I think I can build up the bushes around us so as to make a sort of booth which may save us from freezing.


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